Nicosia District, Cyprus Sep 23, 2022 ( - Orthodontic Influencer Dr. Evangelos Viazis, FASTBRACES® Senior Master Provider Dr Andreas Aspros, talk: Can the orthodontic treatment be counted in days?
Q: Dr Viazis you have the honour to be the brother of FASTBRACES® inventor, Dr Anthony Viazis, who established a system that could potentially eliminate lots of people's main concern about orthodontics; the treatment time. As the most experienced FASTBRACES® provider globally do you think that the inventor managed this?
E.V: Definitely he did. At first, he designed a unique triangular bracket and this is established as a patent for FASTBRACES® Technology. This triangular bracket moves at the same time both the root and the crown of the tooth whereas the traditional orthodontic bracket moves at first the crown and at a subsequent time the root of the tooth. The other benefit related to the time that the triangular brackets have is that they leave more space between each tooth so the wire between the teeth is longer in length and therefore more flexible and the movement of the teeth is faster and more effective.
Q: Dr Aspros, Dr Viazis was your mentor, I mean the guy that convinced you to introduce FASTBRACES® Technology in Cyprus back in 2017. Was treatment time one of the FASTBRACES® properties that impressed you and made your decision easier?
A.A: Well, Dr Viazis is still my mentor. To be honest I had absolutely no experience in my practice of orthodontics. I remembered we had a very brief conversation about FASTBRACES® in the AEGEAN lounge at Heathrow Airport on our way back to Athens; I was returning from a seminar in Northamptonshire and Dr Viazis from a FASTBRACES® meeting in Dallas. I was impressed I remembered the short treatment time that Dr Viazis mentioned even in 100 days. In 2017 when we spoke again Dr. Viazis extensively explained to me that I had to deal with very simple technology, very easy to be understood by a general dentist, even one that had never been involved in orthodontics. Going through my first cases I remember how fast teeth were moving between the appointments which were something that impressed the patients and boost their confidence in FASTBRACES®Technology.
Q: Dr. Viazis I have a FASTBRACES® brochure in front of me which says about 120 days of treatment time. Is this applicable to all the cases?
E.V: I am treating patients with FASTBRACES® Technology for over 22 years and I can say that I have treated innumerable cases between 120-150 days. A lot of these patients were told that their case would need a treatment time between 18-24months by traditional orthodontics. Of course consider that there are cases with occlusal problems, severe hypoplasia, open bite, and stubborn rotations that might need more time. But even in these difficult cases, the total treatment time is significantly smaller than with traditional orthodontics. Think of the huge benefits for the patients, kids, and adults, and concern how much money and time they can save and the overall impact that fewer visits have on their quality of life.
Q: Dr Aspros what is your point of view about the 120 days of orthodontic treatment with FASTBRACES®? Is it an illusion or reality?
A.A: Definitely I haven't treated the number of cases that Dr Viazis did. But I in these five years that I am practicing, the average time of the treatments I did was 150 days. And even in cases that took longer to accomplish the main reason wasn't the technology but other reasons like poor oral hygiene, not fully compliance to the appointments, and the last two years' Covid issues, something that I mention to my patients. So coming back to your question my answer is simple; reality.
Q: Dr. Viazis did FASTBRACES® Technology evolve further so as can manage even fewer treatment times?
A.A: FASTBRACES® Technology keeps improving all the time. As you know the technology is used now in over 50 countries so there is an incredible amount of clinical data and experience that helps the inventor to improve the protocols for clinical application for the benefit of course of the patient concerning their safety, their comfort, and the treatment time. Here I would like to mention that FASTBRACES® has developed its new, let's call it, super bracket, the TURBO Xtra bracket with significantly longer elbows than its original version. This bracket is indicated in hyperplasia cases where we want to shrink the bone close the gaps between the teeth and align them. This new bracket shortens the treatment time because it can move or derotate the teeth in a smooth, precise, and faster way and that saves a lot of time in the dental chair.
Q: Well that's amazing. Dr Aspros what is the feeling of your patients that you treat with FASTBRACES®? Does the shorter treatment time make sense to them?
A.A: They are enthusiastic. The first thing as I mentioned before, that impresses them is the fact that they see the teeth moving from the first minute, I can say, after the brackets application. This is something that helps them to build their confidence and enjoy their treatment with FASTBRACES®. Of course as they see that in a matter of days their treatment comes to the end and that they get through the orthodontic treatment with very few appointments this is something that blows their mind and sees their dentist from a different perspective.
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Aspros Smiledesign
Source :Aspros Smilesdesign
This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.