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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of April, 2010

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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Rio de Janeiro – March 19, 2010 – Petrobras announces today its consolidated results expressed in millions of Brazilian Reais, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices in Brazil (BR GAAP) and the norms issued by the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission). 

R$ million 
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 
      2009       2008    2009 X 2008 
7,303    8,129    6,189    11    Consolidated Net Income    28,982    32,988    (12)
13,993    15,016    9,223      EBITDA    59,944    57,170   
336,772    347,085    223,991      Market Value (Parent Company)   347,085    223,991    55 
2,534    2,561    2,428      Total Oil and Natural Gas Production    2,526    2,400   

Consolidated net income in the 4Q-2009 totaled R$ 8,129 million, 11% up on the previous quarter, fueled by the increase in the average Brent crude price in 4Q-2009 and its impact on exports, the 2.3% upturn in domestic sales and the reduction in operating expenses. The decline in operating expenses in the 4Q-2009 was chiefly due to the non-recurring expense from the special participation tax (government take) from the Marlim field in 3Q-2009.

• Annual consolidated net income totaled R$ 28,982 million, 12% down on 2008, reflecting the reduction in oil and oil product sale prices (34% decline in the average Brent price and 11% slide in the average realization price – ARP), exchange losses during the period when the Company maintained net dollar exposure, and the non-recurring expense from the special participation tax. Note that, despite the lower oil and oil product prices, operating cash flow (EBITDA) increased by 5% to R$ 59,944 million, chiefly due to the reduction in average unit costs and the decline in expenses from imports and the government take, which are pegged to international commodity prices. Excluding the non-recurring expense from the special take in the Marlim field, EBITDA amounted to R$ 62,009 million, 8% up on 2008.

Total oil and natural gas production in 2009 averaged 2,526 thousand barrels/day, a 5% improvement over 2008, thanks to increased output from the P-52 and P-54 platforms in the Roncador field and the P-53 platform in Marlim Leste, as well as the operational start-up of P-51 (Marlim Sul), FPSO - Cidade de Niterói (Marlim Leste), FPSO – Cidade de São Vicente (TLD Tupi) and FPSO-Cidade de São Mateus (Camarupim), all of which more than offset the natural decline in production from the mature fields.

• Petrobras’ 2009 trade balance, based on oil and oil product exports and imports, recorded a surplus of 156 thousand barrels/day, thanks to the increase in domestic oil production and the 23% decline in the volume of imported oil products. It is worth mentioning that the reduction in diesel imports was due to lower demand and higher output from the Brazilian refineries.

Annual investments totaled R$ 70,757 million, most of which went to increasing future oil and gas production capacity and to the refineries, in order to expand capacity and improve fuel quality, as well as to the Brazilian gas pipeline network, thereby improving distribution and market access.

• Total reserves closed the year at 14.865 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), according to SPE/ANP criteria and 12,143 billion barrels according to SEC criteria. The Reserve Replacement Index (RRI) stood at 75% according to the SPE and 209% according to the SEC (reserve-production ratios of 17 and 14 years, respectively). Proven reserves exclude the pre-salt discoveries in the Santos Basin, still under evaluation, but include 182 million boe from the pre-salt layer in the Espírito Santo Basin.

Dividends totaled R$ 8,335 million, R$ 7,195 million of which having been provisioned to shareholders in 2009 as interest on own capital, generating a tax benefit of R$ 2,446 million. On December 31, 2009, the Company’s market capitalization amounted to R$ 347,085 million, 55% up on the previous year.
Investor Relations Department I E-mail: /
Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22nd floor - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947

This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forward-looking statements. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.


Statement by the CEO,
José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo

Dear shareholders and investors,

Our financial results for the fourth quarter and full year of 2009 reflect the Company’s accomplishments during the year, despite the global financial crisis. By maintaining a well-defined strategic focus, we recorded outstanding operating and financial performances.

With improvements in the rational use of resources, efficient cost controls and record capital investment, we continued on our path to becoming one of the world’s largest energy companies. In doing so we created new opportunities in Brazil and abroad, while increasing value to our shareholders.

As a new regulatory framework for the unlicensed Pre-salt areas is being debated in Congress, Petrobras is preparing for a new and even greater era in the country’s economic development. We are currently reviewing our 2010-2014 Business Plan, with a focus on maintaining our growth well into the future.

In 2009, capital spending totaled a record R$ 71 billion, 33% more than in 2008. As a result of this spending, oil and gas output increased by 5.3%, with the start-up of new production units in Brazil, as well as the beginning of production in Akpo, in Nigeria.

The Company’s cash flow continued to increase, up 5% from the previous year, despite a 37% decline in Brent crude prices. Annual net income totaled R$ 29 billion, only 12% lower than 2008. This has allowed us to continue expanding our capital spending. Capital discipline has enabled us to improve our performance and it worth emphasizing that capital discipline remains an important pillar in our expansion plans.

On December 31, 2009, the Company’s market capitalization stood at R$ 347,085 million, 55% above last year’s close. At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on April 22, 2010, we will be proposing dividend payments based on 2009 results, of R$ 8 billion, R$ 7 billion of which was already paid in 2009.

Proven reserves in Brazil at the end of 2009 totaled 14.865 billion BOE of oil, condensates and natural gas according to SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) criteria. Of this total, only 182 million BOE are from pre-salt reservoirs. As we incorporate reserves from the Pre-salt we should be able to comfortably continue to replace more than 100% of our production each year, as we have done for the last 17 consecutive years. We will begin booking reserves from the Santos pre-salt cluster following the declaration of commerciality, which is expected by December of 2010 for Tupi, by 2011for Carioca, by 2012 for Parati and Guará and by 2013 for Iara.

As a result of the increase in production, Petrobras became a substantial net exporter of crude oil and refined products in 2009, recording a volume surplus of 156,000 barrels/day, and a monetary trade surplus of US$ 2.9 billion.

We should also mention the consolidation of the domestic petrochemical sector, through an agreement with Odebrecht S.A.. The agreement resulted in the merger of Quattor and Braskem. Petrobras now has an important minority position in a world class petrochemical company, with the scale to grow in Brazil and to expand internationally.

In a year of credit aversion and worldwide financial volatility, we managed to contract more than US$ 35 billion of debt at attractive rates and extended tenors. This debt will complement our internally generated cash flow to fund our investment plan.

In 2009 the continued development of the Pre-salt was an extremely productive year: we produced the first oil in the Santos cluster, with the Tupi Extended Well Test; we initiated several new projects and continued other ongoing ones; we announced recoverable oil volume from Guará; and we confirmed the excellent productivity of the pre-salt reservoir in Tupi and Guará.

To conclude, 2009 was an exceptionally challenging year, given the turbulence in the international markets. Although we are beginning 2010 in a much calmer environment, we will continue to approach our challenges in the same uncompromising manner. We remain more determined than ever to use our enterprising spirit to achieve growth, improve results, overcome barriers and build an energy company that respects all its stakeholders while contributing to the development of Brazil, its society, and each country where we operate.


Net Income and Consolidated Economic Indicators

Petrobras posted consolidated net income of R$ 28,982 million in 2009, 12% down on 2008.

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 
       2009    2008    2009 X 
60,264    60,773    65,193      Gross Operating Revenues    230,504    266,494    (14)
47,877    47,633    52,136    (1)   Net Operating Revenues    182,710    215,118    (15)
18,862    18,005    14,555    (5)   Gross Profit    73,673    73,495         - 
10,641    10,657    4,857         -    Operating Profit (1)   46,128    45,950         - 
707    (235)   2,405    (133)   Financial Result    (2,838)   3,129    (191)
7,303    8,129    6,189    11    Net Income    28,982    32,988    (12)
0.83    0.93    0.71    12    Net Income per Share    3.30    3.76    (12)
39    38    28    (1)   Gross Margin (%)   40    34   
22    22           -    Operating Margin (%)   25    21   
15    17    12      Net Margin (%)   16    15   
13,993    15,016    9,223      EBITDA – R$ million(2)   59,944    57,170   
                Financial and Economic Indicators             
68    75    55    10    Brent (US$/bbl)   62    97    (36)
1.87    1.74    2.28    (7)   US Dollar Average Price - Sale (R$)   2.00    1.84   
1.78    1.74    2.34    (2)   US Dollar Last Price - Sale (R$)   1.74    2.34    (26)
                Price Indicators             
152.65    154.82    176.48      Average Oil Products Realization Prices (R$/bbl)   157.77    176.41    (11)
                Average sale price - Brazil             
64.00    70.24    47.95    10       Oil (US$/bbl)   54.22    81.55    (34)
19.66    15.51    34.76    (21)      Natural Gas(US$/bbl)   22.53    40.15    (44)
                Average sale price - International             
57.16    64.39    47.37    13       Oil (US$/bbl)   53.58    63.16    (15)
12.30    14.36    17.81    17       Natural Gas(US$/bbl)   12.65    17.06    (26)

(1) Operating income before financial result, equity balance and taxes.
(2) Operating income before financial result, equity balance and depreciation/amortization.
(*) Unaudited.

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 
      2009     2008    2009 X 
11,658    10,026    6,156    (14)   Operating Income as per Brazilian Corporate Law    43,206    48,205    (10)
(707)   235    (2,405)   133    (-) Financial Result    2,838    (3,129)        191 
(310)   396    1,106    228    (-) Equity Income Result    84    874    (90)
(394)   (386)   (154)     Provision for Employees Profit Sharing    (1,495)   (1,345)   (11)
10,247    10,271    4,703      Operating Profit    44,633    44,605           - 
3,746    4,201    3,587    12    Depreciation / Amortization    14,767    11,632    27 
  544    933        (-) Impairment    544    933    (42)
13,993    15,016    9,223      EBITDA    59,944    57,170   
29    32    18      EBITDA Margin (%)   33    27   

EBITDA is a measure not recognized by the accounting practices adopted in Brazil and other companies may define it in different ways. It should not be considered as an alternative indicator for measuring operating income, or as the best form of measuring liquidity or cash flow from operating activities. EBITDA is an additional measure of the Company’s capacity to amortize debt, maintain investments and cover working capital needs.


The behavior of the various components of consolidated net income (2009 vs. 2008) is shown below:

A R$ 178 million increase in gross profit:

    R$ million 
2009 X 2008
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items    Net 
  Cost of 
Goods Sold
• Domestic Market:        - volumes sold    (6,539)   2,395    (4,144)
                                         - domestic prices    (11,686)       (11,686)
• International Market: - export volumes    3,063    239    3,302 
                                         - export price    (12,635)       (12,635)
• Increase (decrease) in expenses:(*)     21,745    21,745 
• Increase (decrease) in profitability of distribution segment  2,632    (2,116)   516 
• Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations  (5,944)   7,721    1,777 
• Increase (decrease) in international sales  (4,280)   4,801    521 
• FX effect on controlled companies abroad  3,507    (2,815)   692 
• Other    (526)   616    90 
    (32,408)   32,586    178 

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
- import of crude oil and oil products and gas    16,789 
- domestic Government Take    5,122 
- generation and purchase of energy for commercialization    1,170 
- non-oil products, including alcohol, biodiesel and other    512 
- transportation: maritime and pipelines (1)   271 
- third-party services    53 
- salaries, benefits and charges    (291)
- materials, services, rents and depreciation    (1,881)

Operating expenses remained stable. The main variations are shown below:

Reduction in provisions for impairment losses (R$ 389 million), due to higher provisions for exploration and production assets in 2008, thanks to the decline in oil prices forecast;

Reduction in research and development costs (R$ 342 million), due to the decline in provisions for the contracting of projects with institutions accredited by the ANP (R$ 533 million), in turn due to lower oil prices which affects the calculation base for establishing minimum R&D investments;

Reduction in taxes (R$ 205 million), due to lower withholding tax on the 2009 distribution of dividends from foreign subsidiaries (R$ 80 million), the reduction in PIS and COFINS taxes on non-core activities and lower IOF tax on financial operations (R$ 52 million);


Increase in other operating expenses (R$ 876 million), due to non-recurring expenses from the special participation take from the Marlim field in September 2009, pursuant to the agreement between Petrobras and the ANP (R$ 2,065 million). This was partially offset by the reduction in losses from the depreciation of inventories (R$ 731 million), non-recurring expenses from provisions for contingencies related to the payment of additional royalties on the Guando field in Colombia, in 2008 (R$ 227 million), lower expenses from institutional relations and cultural projects (R$ 158 million) and the exchange variation on these expenses (R$ 159 million), in addition to the launch of new operations in Chile and Japan.

Financial loss (R$ 5,967 million), due to losses from the exchange variation on foreign assets (R$ 12,055 million), combined with losses from hedge operations (R$ 1,075 million), which more than offset exchange gains on the net debt (R$ 2,771 million) and the monetary variation on funding operations (R$ 2,727 million).

Increase in equity income (R$ 790 million), reflecting the better 2009 results from the petrochemical sector (R$ 682 million) which in 2008 were affected by FX losses on financings and by international segment (R$ 127 million), which in 2008 accrued higher losses from Pasadena refinery related to impairment, despite the 2009 losses associated with the acquisition price of the 50% remaining stake arbitrated by judicial decision.

Minority interest (R$ 4,842 million), due to exchange gains on debt from structured projects.

Income Tax and Social Contribution (R$ 5.985 Millions) reduced due to: a) lower net income in 2009 b) increased results in units abroad with lower income tax regimes and c) losses in 2008 with some subsidiaries which realization of fiscal benefits were remote.


The behavior of the various components of consolidated net income (4Q-2009 vs. 3Q-2009) is shown below:

A R$ 857 million reduction in gross profit:

    R$ million 
    4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009 
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items    Net 
  Cost of 
Goods Sold 
• Domestic Market:        - volumes sold    330    668    998 
                                         - domestic prices    (40)       (40)
• International Market: - export volumes    (1,403)   770    (633)
                                         - export price    66        66 
• (Increase) decrease in expenses:(*)     (1,263)   (1,263)
• Increase (decrease) in profitability of distribution segment  1,106    (1,099)  
• Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations  343    (369)   (26)
• Increase (decrease) in international sales  (145)   281    136 
• FX effect on controlled companies abroad  (580)   489    (91)
• Other    79    (90)   (11)
    (244)   (613)   (857)

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
- generation and purchase of energy for commercialization    (518)
- domestic Government Take    (346)
- import of oil, oil products and gas    (225)
- materials, services, rents and depreciation    (105)
- salaries, benefits and charges    (100)
- third-party services    (85)
- transportation: maritime and pipelines (1)   116 

(1) Expenses with transportation, terminals and pipelines.

Due to the average inventory period of 60 days, international oil and oil product prices, as well as the impact of the exchange rate on imports and government take are not fully reflected in the cost of goods sold in the actual period, but in the subsequent period.

The chart below shows the estimated impact on COGS:

    3Q-09    4Q-09    D (*)
Effect of the weighted average cost (Real MM)            621             195         (426)
( ) quarter Sales Cost increase             

(*)The impact of selling inventories formed at a lower unit cost in previous periods was smaller in the 4Q-2009 than in the 3Q-2009, reflecting the behavior of international oil and oil products prices and FX rate.


Reduction of R$ 873 million in operating expenses, notably the decline in other operating expenses (R$ 1,369 million), due to the special participation take from the Marlim field in the previous quarter, pursuant to the agreement between Petrobras and the ANP (R$ 2,048 million), partially offset by the increase in expenses from institutional relations and cultural projects (R$ 147 million) and losses from the impairment of domestic exploration and production assets (R$ 544 million).

Reduction in the financial result (R$ 942 million), due to monetary gains on funding transactions (R$ 1,167 million), offset by the reduction in exchange losses on funds invested abroad (R$ 138 million).

Reduction in equity income (R$ 706 million), reflecting the weaker result of the petrochemical sector and the provisions for losses on investments in the Pasadena refinery.

Minority interest (R$ 1,322 million), due to the revision of future flows from financial leasing operations and the reduction in exchange gains on debt from structured projects.



Petrobras operates in an integrated manner, with the greater part of oil and gas production in the Exploration and Production area being transferred to other Company areas.

When reporting results per business area, transactions with third parties and transfers between business areas are valued in accordance with the internal transfer prices established between the various areas and assessment methodologies based on market parameters.


3Q-2009    4Q-2009    4Q09 X
  2009    2008    2009 X 
5,198    6,467    24    19,601    37,617    (48)

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): Net income moved up due to the 8% increase in the volume of oil transferred/sold and the 3Q-2009 recognition of non-recurring expenses from the special take from the Marlim field (R$ 2,048 million), pursuant to the agreement between Petrobras and ANP. 

These factors were partially offset by estimated impairment losses (R$ 551 million). 

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price widened from US$ 4.27/bbl in the 3Q-2009 to US$ 4.32/bbl in the 4Q-2009. 


(2009 x 2008): The reduction in net income reflected the change in average oil prices on the international market and non-recurring expenses from the special take from the Marlim field, pursuant to the agreement between Petrobras and the ANP, partially offset by the 6% increase in average daily oil and NGL production and the lower government take (24%). 

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price fell from US$ 15.44/bbl in 2008 to US$ 7.29/bbl in 2009, reflecting the market appreciation of "heavy” versus “light” crudes. 

Domestic Production (Th. barrels/day) (*)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 
      2009    2008    2009 X 
1,974    1,993    1,865      Oil and NGL    1,971    1,855   
319    320    330        Natural Gas (1)   317    321    (1)
2,293    2,313    2,195    1    Total    2,288    2,176    5 

(*) Unaudited
(1) Does not include liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The production upturn, chiefly due to the operational start-up of new wells linked to FPSO Espírito Santo (Parque das Conchas), Cidade de São Vicente (Tupi) and P-53 (Marlim Leste), more than offset the natural decline in the mature fields. 
(2009 x 2008): Increased output from the P-52 (Roncador), P-54 (Roncador) and P-53 (Marlim Leste) platforms, coupled with the start-up of P-51 (Marlim Sul), FPSO-Cidade de Niterói (Marlim Leste), Cidade de São Vicente (Tupi), Espírito Santo (Parque das Conchas), Frade and Cidade de São Mateus (Camarupim), more than offset the natural decline in the mature fields. 


Lifting Cost – Domestic(*)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 
      2009    2008    2009 X 
9.02    9.51    8.24      • • without government participation    8.78    9.26    (5)
22.86    24.74    18.11      • • with government participation    20.51    26.08    (21)
16.84    16.51    19.09    (2)   • • without government participation    17.20    17.08   
41.62    43.04    41.48      • • with government participation    39.49    47.61    (17)

(*) Unaudited

Lifting Cost Excluding Government Take

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the unit lifting cost increased by 1%, chiefly due to higher expenses from well interventions and maintenance in the Campos Basin. 
(2009 x 2008): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, the unit lifting cost remained flat over the previous year, since the upturn in personnel expenses was offset by the higher number of well interventions and scheduled stoppages in production units in 2008. 

Lifting Cost Including Government Take

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The increase in the government take resulted from higher international oil prices. 
(2009 x 2008): The decline in this indicator was due to lower international prices, partially offset by increased output from the new production systems. 


3Q-2009    4Q-2009    4Q09 X 
  2009    2008    2009 X 
2,052    1,196    (42)   13,331    (3,611)   469 

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The reduction in net income was due to higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs, lower oil and oil product export volume, and the reduced result from investments in the petrochemical sector (R$ 567 million) despite the positive period performance. 

These factors were partially offset by higher average sales prices, reflecting the behavior of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices, and higher domestic oil product sales volume. 

(2009 x 2008): The improved result was due to lower oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs, reflecting the behavior of international oil prices.

These effects were partially offset by the reduction in average oil product prices due to lower export prices, and, in Brazil, to the reduced price of those oil products pegged to international prices. 


Imports and exports (Th. barrels/day)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 
      2009    2008    2009 X 
429    373    276    (13)   Crude oil imports    397    373   
209    139    123    (33)   Oil products imports    152    197    (23)
638    512    399    (20)   Import of crude oil and oil products    549    570    (4)
485    463    559    (5)   Crude oil exports(1) (2)   478    439   
239    215    231    (10)   Oil products exports(1)   227    234    (3)
724    678    790    (6)   Export of crude oil and oil products(1)   705    673   
86    166    391    93    Net exports (imports) crude oil and oil products    156    103    51 
23        (83)   Other imports    10      100 
      100    Other exports(1)       (33)

(1) Unaudited
(2) Export volumes from Exploration & Production and RTM segments.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The reduction in the exports volumes is a consequence of the increase in inventories given the expected maintenance stoppages scheduled for the first quarter of 2010. The imports decreased mainly because of the pro- diesel refining program. 
(2009 x 2008): the increase in oil production was responsible for the increase in the exports. The imports decreased mainly because of the lower diesel imports due to the emergency operation of diesel-powered thermal plants in 2008, the period reduction in GDP growth, the increase in the biodiesel percentage and the pro-diesel refining program. 


Oil Products (Th. barrels/day) (*)

    4th Quarter            Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
1,867    1,867    1,708        Output Oil products    1,823    1,787   
1,942    1,942    1,942        Primary Processed Installed Capacity(1)   1,942    1,942     
94    94    87        Use of Installed Capacity (%)   92    91   
79    78    78    (1)   Domestic crude as % of total feedstock processed    79    78   

(*) Unaudited.
(1) As per ownership recognized by the ANP.

Processed Feedstock – Domestic (Th. barrels/day) (*)

    4th Quarter            Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
1,826    1,833    1,683          1,791    1,765   

(*) Unaudited.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): No changes.    (2009 x 2008): Increase of 1%, due to the lower number of scheduled stoppages in the distillation units.

Refining Cost – Domestic

4th Quarter       Fiscal Year
3Q-2009   2009   2008   4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
3.37    3.76    2.33    12    Refining Cost (US$/barrel)      3.21    3.24    (1)
6.27    6.54    5.65      Refining Cost (R$/barrel)      6.26    5.93   

(*) Unaudited.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): Increase of 4%, excluding the exchange variation, due to higher expenses from scheduled stoppages and third-party services, chiefly related to maintenance and repairs.
(2009 x 2008): Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, the domestic refining cost moved up by 7%, due to higher expenses with personnel and materials, in turn chiefly due to the higher price of catalysts and other chemical products. 



3Q-2009    4Q-2009    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
415    196    (53)          914       (315)   390 

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The reduction in net income was due to the addendum to the agreement for the supply of natural gas imported from Bolivia, which generated a cost increase of R$ 175 million in 4Q- 2009. 
(2009 x 2008): The annual improvement was due to the following factors:

• Increased fixed revenue from energy auctions (Regulated Contracting Environment), as well as energy exports;

• The greater availability of energy for trading, due to the recovery of the peg;

• Higher hydroelectric reservoir levels, reducing the average energy acquisition cost and increasing sales margins, partially offset by reduced thermal power output; 

• The reduction in natural gas import/transfer costs, in line with the behavior of international prices.

Other contributory factors included the conclusion of infrastructure projects, which facilitated gas production outflow, thereby avoiding the failure-to- supply penalties incurred in 2008.

Gas Imports (Th. barrels/day) (*)

    4th Quarter            Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
141    134    181    (5)       140    191    (27)

(*) Unaudited.



                    Fiscal Year     
3Q-2009    4Q-2009    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
411    305    (26)        1,254             1,234   

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The decline in net income resulted from lower sales margins (2%), as well as personnel expenses related to the collective bargaining agreement (R$ 45 million), higher expenses from institutional relations and sales promotions (R$ 31 million) and the recognition of losses from uncollectable trade notes (R$ 27 million). 

These factors were partially offset by the 2% increase in sales volume.

The segment recorded a 38.6% share of the fuel distribution market in the 4Q-2009, versus 38.8% in the previous quarter. 
(2009 x 2008): The annual upturn in net income was due to the 13% increase in sales volume, primarily caused by the inclusion of sales from Alvo Distribuidora, despite the consequent increase in SG&A expenses (R$ 313 million).

Sales margins narrowed by 2%, thanks to lower average sales prices, partially offsetting the improvement in the result.

The Company’s share of the fuel distribution market climbed from 34.9% in 2008 to 38.6% in 2009.



3Q-2009    4Q-2009    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
254    (179)      (170)          (220)   (1,860)   88 

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The revenue reduction was due to the write-off of dry or economically unviable wells in Libya, Bolivia, Argentina and Angola (R$ 377 million), combined with the increase in exploration costs (R$ 62 million). 
(2009 x 2008): The main events impacting the 2009 result were: 

• Increased gross profit (R$ 961 million), due to improved refining margins in the United States and Japan and higher oil sales volume, partially offset by the decline in international prices;

• Reduced losses from the devaluation of inventories (R$ 261 million);

• The recognition, in 2008, of provisions for impairment losses (R$ 330 million) and losses from the devolution of Block 31, in Ecuador (R$ 182 million).

International Production (Th. barrels/day) (*)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
                Consolidated - International Production             
137    143    121             Oil and NGL    132    111    19 
94    96    98             Natural Gas (1)   96    99    (3)
231    239    219      Total    228    210   
10    9    14    (10)   Non Consolidated - Internacional Production (2)   10    14    (29)
241    248    233      Total International Production    238    224   

(*) Unaudited.
(1) Does not include liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas.
(2) Non consolidated companies in Venezuela.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): Consolidated international oil and NGL production increased due to the start-up of new wells in the Akpo field in 4Q-2009.

Consolidated gas production moved up by 2% due to the 20-day strike in Argentina in 3Q-2009, offset by reduced imports of Bolivian gas to Brazil in 4Q-2009. 
(2009 x 2008): Consolidated international oil and NGL production increased due to the start-up of production in Agbami (July 2008) and Akpo (March 2009), both in Nigeria, partially offset by the reduction in Ecuador due to the sale of part of the interest in Block 18 (December 2008).

Consolidated gas production fell by 3% due to the reduction in Brazil’s imports of Bolivian gas and lower consumption by thermal plants as a result of increased production by the hydro plants, offset by the higher interest in Sierra Chata, in Argentina, in 4Q-2008.


International Lifting Cost

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009   2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
5.72(1)   6.49    5.36    13        5.42    4.73    15 

(*) Unaudited.
(1) Revisions on the lifting cost from Nigeria and Angola.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The increase was due to higher costs in the Akpo field in Nigeria, due to the intensification of operations, combined with the upturn in Argentina due to the greater number of well interventions and higher third-party service and material prices. 
  (2009 x 2008): The upturn was caused by higher third-party service prices in Argentina. 

Processed feedstock – International

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
204    205    188          197    172    15 

(*) Unaudited.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): In line with the previous quarter.   
(2009 x 2008): Growth of 15% due to the inclusion of the Japanese refinery as of April 2008, as well as the improved operational performance of the refinery in the United States, thanks to the lower number of scheduled and unscheduled stoppages in 2009. 

Oil Products – International (*) (Th. barrels/day)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
207    220    209      Output Oil products    211    183    15 
281    281    281      Primary Processed Installed Capacity(1)   281    281     
67    68    64      Use of Installed Capacity (%)   66    61   

(*) Unaudited.

Refining Cost – International

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
3.50 (1)   3.07    3.70    (12)       4.23    5.34    (21)

(*) Unaudited.
(1) Recalculation of Japanese Refinery cost.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): The reduction in refining costs was due to lower costs from maintenance and repairs, combined with the improved operational performance of the Pasadena refinery (USA). 
(2009 x 2008): The reduction was due to lower expenses from scheduled stoppages and repairs, combined with an increase in the volume of processed crude at the Pasadena refinery (USA). 


Sales Volumes – (Th. Barrels/day) (*)

4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
769    782    753      Diesel    740    760    (3)
327    366    364    12    Gasoline    338    344    (2)
104    103    111    (1)   Fuel Oil    102    110    (7)
175    161    143    (8)   Nafta    164    151   
222    212    211    (5)   GLP    210    213    (1)
82    84    79      QAV    79    75   
131    141    106      Other    121    84    44 
1,810    1,849    1,767      Total Oil Products    1,754    1,737   
118    126    44      Alcohol, Nitrogens, Biodiesel and other    112    88    27 
244    247    311      Natural Gas    240    321    (25)
2,172    2,222    2,122      Total domestic market    2,106    2,146    (2)
726    682    791    (6)   Exports    707    676   
531    478    440    (10)   International Sales    537    552    (3)
1,257    1,160    1,231    (8)   Total international market    1,244    1,228   
3,429    3,382    3,353    (1)   Total    3,350    3,374    (1)

(*) Unaudited.

Annual domestic sales volume fell by 2% over 2008, reflecting sales of the following products:

• Diesel (reduction of 3%) – due to the emergency operation of diesel-powered thermal plants in 2008, the period reduction in GDP growth, the increase in the biodiesel percentage to 4%, the decline in the 2009 grain harvest and the increased share of third-party diesel (importers and the Riograndense Refinery).

• Gasoline (decline of 2%) – due to the reduction of the purely-gasoline-powered fleet and the increased share of other players in 2009, especially in regard to gasoline blends, due to imported refinery streams.

• Fuel oil (reduction of 7%) – reflecting the decline in output from the manufacturing industry due to the global crisis, the reduction in thermal plant consumption and zero consumption by the pelletizing industry.

• Naphtha (increase of 9%) – due to scheduled stoppages in petrochemical units and their lower orders in 2008, triggered by the crisis that hit the entire petrochemical chains.

• Natural gas (reduction of 25%) – due to the economic slowdown, the replacement of gas with fuel oil for industrial use, and reduced demand from thermal plants due to higher water-reservoir levels in the Southeast hydropower-plants , compared to the beginning of 2008.

Exports moved up by 5% thanks to increased output.

International sales fell by 3% due to lower offshore volume caused by the termination of tender agreements in 2009.


4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
745    799    589           2,589    2,792    (7)

(*) Unaudited.

(4Q-2009 x 3Q-2009): Excluding the exchange effects, corporate overhead remained flat over the previous quarter, thanks to lower personnel expenses, partially offset by the increase in expenses from sponsorships and social programs. 
(2009 x 2008):  Excluding the impact of the depreciation of the Real, corporate overhead decreased 1%, due to reduced expenses from sponsorships and advertising, reflecting the Company’s more efficient cost controls, partially offset by the upturn in data-processing and personnel


Consolidated Investments

In compliance with the goals outlined in its strategic plan, Petrobras continues to prioritize investments in the expansion of its oil and natural gas production capacity by investing its own funds and by structuring ventures with strategic partners. In 2009, total investments amounted to R$ 70,757 million, 33% more than in 2008.

R$ million
    Fiscal Year 
    2009    %    2008    %    D % 
• Own Investments    63,663    90    46,526    87    37 
Exploration & Production    30,819    44    24,662    46    25 
Supply    16,508    23    10,111    19    63 
Gas and Energy    6,562      3,821      72 
International(1)   6,833    10    6,133    12    11 
Distribution    635      558      14 
Corporate    2,306      1,241      86 
• Special Purpose Companies (SPCs)(2)   5,564    8    5,645    11    (1)
• Projects under Negotiation    1,530    2    1,178    2    30 
Total Investments    70,757    100    53,349    100    33 
(1) International    6,833    100    6,133    100    11 
Exploration & Production    4,170    61    5,252    86    (21)
Supply    1,259    18    448      181 
Gas and Energy    218      250      (13)
Distribution    1,142    17    41      2,685 
Other    44      142      (69)
(2) Projects Developed by SPCs    5,564    100    5,645    100    (1)
Exploration & Production    815    15    1,531    27    (47)
Supply    842    15    723    13    16 
Gas and Energy    3,907    70    3,391    60    15 

In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras acts in consortiums with other companies as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and production rights. Currently the Company is a member of 105 consortiums, of which it operates 71.


Consolidated Debt

    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    12.31.2008    D %  
Short-term Debt (1)   15,277    13,859    10 
Long-term Debt (1)   85,052    50,854    67 
Total    100,329    64,713    55 
Cash and cash equivalents    28,796    15,889    81 
Net Debt (2)   71,533    48,824    47 
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Shareholder's Equity) (1)   31%    26%   
Total Net Liabilities (3)   316,811    276,275    15 
Capital Structure             
(third parties net / total liabilities net)   50%    50%   

(1) Includes contractual commitments involving the transfer of benefits, risk and the control of goods (R$ 739 million on December 31, 2009 and R$ 1,390 on December 31, 2008).
(2) Total debt less cash and cash equivalents.
(3) Total liabilities net of cash/financial investments.

    US$ million 
    12.31.2009    12.31.2008    D % 
Short-term Debt (1)   8,774    5,930    48 
Long-term Debt (1)   48,847    21,760    124 
Total    57,621    27,691    108 

The net debt of the Petrobras System increased by 47% over December 31, 2008, due to financing operations, mainly maturing in the long-term, pursuant to the Company’s 2009/2013 business plan and the payment of interest on own capital during 2009.

The level of indebtedness, measured by the net debt/EBITDA ratio, increased from 0.85 on December 31, 2008, to 1.19 on December 31, 2009. The portion of the capital structure represented by third parties was 50%.


Income Statement – Consolidated

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008        2009    2008 
60,264    60,773    65,193    Gross Operating Revenues    230,504    266,494 
(12,387)   (13,140)   (13,057)   Sales Deductions    (47,794)   (51,376)
47,877    47,633    52,136    Net Operating Revenues    182,710    215,118 
(29,015)   (29,628)   (37,581)      Cost of Goods Sold    (109,037)   (141,623)
18,862    18,005    14,555    Gross profit    73,673    73,495 
            Operating Expenses         
(1,757)   (1,785)   (2,151)      Sales    (7,152)   (7,162)
(1,966)   (1,858)   (2,164)      General and Administratives    (7,410)   (7,247)
(785)   (871)   (1,380)      Exploratory Cost    (3,458)   (3,494)
  (544)   (933)      Losses on recovery of assets    (544)   (933)
(416)   (243)   (437)      Research & Development    (1,364)   (1,706)
(109)   (223)   (431)      Taxes    (658)   (863)
(335)   (340)   (359)      Pension and Health Plan    (1,370)   (1,427)
(2,853)   (1,484)   (1,843)      Other    (5,589)   (4,713)
(8,221)   (7,348)   (9,698)       (27,545)   (27,545)
               Net Financial Expenses         
912    909    1,572                 Income    3,505    3,494 
(1,429)   (1,596)   (1,386)                Expenses    (5,854)   (4,193)
1,684    538    (39)                Net Monetary Variation    2,112    (353)
(460)   (86)   2,258                 Net Exchange Variation    (2,601)   4,181 
707    (235)   2,405        (2,838)   3,129 
(7,514)   (7,583)   (7,293)       (30,383)   (24,416)
310    (396)   (1,106)   Participation in Equity Income    (84)   (874)
11,658    10,026    6,156    Operating Profit    43,206    48,205 
(3,033)   (1,905)   (1,761)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (9,977)   (15,962)
(928)   394    1,948    Minority Interest    (2,752)   2,090 
(394)   (386)   (154)   Employees Profit Sharing    (1,495)   (1,345)
7,303    8,129    6,189    Net Income    28,982    32,988 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Balance Sheet – Consolidated

ASSETS    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
Current Assets    76,674    75,719    63,575 
         Cash and Cash Equivalents    28,796    30,088    15,889 
         Accounts Receivable    13,984    13,643    14,904 
         Inventories    21,425    20,635    19,977 
         Marketable Securities    124    178    289 
         Taxes Recoverable    9,651    8,118    9,641 
         Other    2,694    3,057    2,875 
Non Current Assets    268,933    258,071    228,589 
         Long-term Assets    26,380    25,204    21,255 
         Petroleum & Alcohol Account    817    817    810 
         Marketable Securities    4,639    4,635    4,066 
         Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    12,932    11,760    10,238 
         Prepaid Expenses    1,294    1,045    1,400 
         Accounts Receivable    3,285    3,698    1,327 
         Deposits - Legal Matters    1,989    1,809    1,853 
         Other    1,424    1,440    1,561 
         Investments    3,148    5,589    5,107 
         Fixed Assets    230,231    217,877    190,754 
         Intangible    6,808    6,879    8,003 
         Deferred    2,366    2,522    3,470 
Total Assets    345,607    333,790    292,164 
LIABILITIES    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
Current Liabilities    58,029    52,317    62,557 
         Short-term Debt    14,887    10,224    13,274 
         Suppliers    16,981    14,814    17,028 
         Taxes and Social Contribution    12,748    10,119    12,741 
         Project Finance    212    215    189 
         Pension and Health Plan    1,208    1,173    1,152 
         Dividends    2,333    4,171    9,915 
         Salaries, Benefits and Charges    2,294    2,539    2,016 
         Other    7,366    9,062    6,242 
Non Current Liabilities    126,503    121,453    88,589 
         Long-term Debt    84,703    79,237    50,049 
         Pension Plan    3,561    3,594    3,476 
         Health Plan    11,185    11,015    10,297 
         Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    17,239    16,616    13,100 
         Provision for well abandonment    4,896    6,686    6,582 
         Deferred Income    1,232    1,212    1,293 
         Other    3,687    3,093    3,792 
Minority interest    1,610    4,628    2,653 
Shareholders’ Equity    159,465    155,392    138,365 
         Capital Stock    78,967    78,967    78,967 
         Reserves/Net Income    80,498    76,425    59,398 
Total Liabilities    345,607    333,790    292,164 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Statement of Cash Flow – Consolidated

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008        2009    2008 
7,303    8,129    6,189    Net Income    28,982    32,988 
9,378    5,529    9,427    (+) Adjustments    22,856    16,964 
3,746    4,201    3,587       Depreciation & Amortization    14,767    11,632 
(719)   471    1,288       Charges on Financing and Connected Companies    117    4,033 
928    (394)   (1,948)      Minority interest    2,752    (2,089)
(310)   396    1,106       Result of Equity Income    84    874 
679    1,329    3,797       Income Tax and deffered contributions    805    4,770 
(1,782)   (897)   5,815       Inventory Variation    (3,000)   (1,413)
388    20    4,438       Accounts Receivable Variation    (360)   (193)
1,105    1,564    (2,589)      Supplier Variation    1,210    603 
384    194    505       Pension and Health Plan Variation    1,052    1,546 
1,721    (2,305)   (6,840)      Tax Variation    623    (3,642)
305    1,202    590       Write-off of dry wells    2,264    1,524 
412    594    2,406       Impairment    1,144    2,658 
2,521    (846)   (2,728)      Other Adjustments    1,398    (3,339)
16,681    13,658    15,616    (=) Cash Generated by Operating Activities    51,838    49,952 
(18,446)   (19,658)   (18,891)   (-) Cash used in Investment Activities    (70,280)   (53,425)
(9,333)   (8,100)   (8,897)      Investment in E&P    (32,096)   (26,008)
(5,077)   (6,267)   (5,210)      Investment in Refining and Transportation    (19,413)   (13,350)
(2,533)   (3,377)   (1,658)      Investment in Gas and Energy    (10,478)   (6,141)
(141)   (222)   (235)      Investiments in Distribution    (581)   (1,179)
(1,208)   (1,158)   (1,753)      Investment in International Segment    (6,391)   (5,440)
43    13    (910)      Marketable Securities    387    (274)
12    22    146       Dividends    68    232 
(209)   (569)   (374)      Other investments    (1,776)   (1,265)
(1,765)   (6,000)   (3,275)   (=) Free cash flow    (18,442)   (3,473)
22,015    4,475    8,230    (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    31,627    5,624 
25,441    10,080    8,256       Financing    47,067    11,837 
(3,426)   (5,605)   (26)      Dividends    (15,440)   (6,213)
(234)   233    158    (+) FX effect in cash and cash equivalents    (278)   667 
20,016    (1,292)   5,113    (=) Cash generated in the period    12,907    2,818 
10,072    30,088    10,776    Cash at the Beginning of Period    15,889    13,071 
30,088    28,796    15,889    Cash at the End of Period    28,796    15,889 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Statement of Added Value – Consolidated

    R$ million 
    Fiscal Year 
    2009    2008 
Sale of products and services*    234,759    268,769 
Assets construction    56,556    47,164 
    291,315    315,933 
Materials acquisitions from third parties         
Raw Materials Used    (34,994)   (47,891)
Products for Resale    (25,108)   (40,756)
Energy, Services & Other    (63,737)   (52,591)
Tax    (17,508)   (22,836)
Impairment    (1,144)   (2,658)
    (142,491)   (166,732)
Gross Added Value    148,824    149,201 
Depreciation & Amortization    (14,767)   (11,632)
Net Added Value produced by company    134,057    137,569 
Added Value Received         
Equity Income Result    (84)   (116)
Financial Revenue - including monetary and exchange variation    3,505    3,494 
Goodwill & discount amortization      (758)
Rent and Royalties and other    1,213    1,294 
    4,634    3,914 
Added Value to Distribute    138,691    141,483 
Distribution of Added Value         
Personnel and administratives         
Salaries/Sharing Profit         
Salaries    10,216    9,104 
Employees Sharing Profit    1,495    1,345 
Advantages    683    835 
Health, Retirement and Pension Plan    2,590    2,642 
FGTS    673    601 
    15,657    14,527 
Federal Government    48,514    57,457 
States    24,668    22,339 
Municipal    156    148 
Foreign states    4,795    5,169 
    78,133    85,113 
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Variation    7,153    1,891 
Rent and freight expenses    6,014    9,054 
    13,167    10,945 
Interest on Own Capital    7,195    7,019 
Dividends    1,141    2,895 
Minority Interest    2,752    (2,089)
Retained Earnings    20,646    23,073 
    31,734    30,898 
Distributed Added Value    138,691    141,483 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.
* Net of Provisions for Doubtful Debts.


Consolidated Statement by Business Area (1) - 2009

         R$ MILLION 
    E&P    SUPPLY

Net Operating Revenues    76,183    146,768    11,627    58,277    21,168    -    (131,313)   182,710 
  Intersegments    75,252    49,405    1,842    1,347    3,467      (131,313)  
  Third Parties    931    97,363    9,785    56,930    17,701        182,710 
Cost of Goods Sold    (39,139)   (120,861)   (8,293)   (53,124)   (17,157)     129,537    (109,037)
Gross Profit    37,044    25,907    3,334    5,153    4,011    -    (1,776)   73,673 
Operating Expenses    (7,072)   (5,425)   (1,793)   (3,118)   (3,198)   (7,199)   260    (27,545)
 Sales, General & Administrative    (660)   (4,672)   (973)   (3,126)   (1,694)   (3,627)   190    (14,562)
 Taxes    (94)   (93)   (30)   (26)   (164)   (250)   (1)   (658)
 Exploratory Costs    (2,521)         (937)       (3,458)
 Loss on recovery assets    (551)               (544)
 Research & Development    (516)   (337)   (64)   (10)   (4)   (433)     (1,364)
 Health and Pension Plans              (1,370)     (1,370)
 Other    (2,730)   (323)   (726)   44    (406)   (1,519)   71    (5,589)
Operating Profit (Loss)   29,972    20,482    1,541    2,035    813    (7,199)   (1,516)   46,128 
 Net of Interest Income (Expenses)             (2,838)     (2,838)
 Equity Income      170    55    (22)   (287)       (84)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority    29,972    20,652    1,596    2,013    526    (10,037)   (1,516)   43,206 
 Income Tax & Social Contribution    (10,024)   (6,874)   (504)   (658)   (540)   8,107    516    (9,977)
 Minority Interests    141    (180)   (122)     (159)   (2,432)     (2,752)
 Employees Profit Sharing    (488)   (267)   (56)   (101)   (47)   (536)     (1,495)
Net Income (Loss)   19,601    13,331    914    1,254    (220)   (4,898)   (1,000)   28,982 

Consolidated Statement by Business Area - 2008

     E&P    SUPPLY   GAS 

Net Operating Revenues    106,226    173,176    15,988    55,763    22,464    -    (158,499)   215,118 
   Intersegments    104,454    48,550    2,237    1,358    1,900      (158,499)  
 Third Parties    1,772    124,626    13,751    54,405    20,564        215,118 
Cost of Goods Sold    (43,633)   (172,115)   (14,178)   (51,130)   (19,414)     158,847    (141,623)
Gross Profit    62,593    1,061    1,810    4,633    3,050    -    348    73,495 
Operating Expenses    (5,361)   (5,659)   (2,339)   (2,800)   (4,344)   (7,315)   273    (27,545)
 Sales, General & Administrative    (729)   (4,977)   (970)   (2,813)   (1,699)   (3,487)   266    (14,409)
 Taxes    (110)   (114)   (68)   (22)   (273)   (276)     (863)
 Exploratory Costs    (2,550)         (944)       (3,494)
 Impairment    (603)         (330)       (933)
 Research & Development    (899)   (277)   (73)   (14)   (5)   (438)     (1,706)
 Health and Pension Plan              (1,427)     (1,427)
 Other    (470)   (291)   (1,228)   49    (1,093)   (1,687)     (4,713)
Operating Profit (Loss)   57,232    (4,598)   (529)   1,833    (1,294)   (7,315)   621    45,950 
   Net of Interest Income (Expenses)             3,129      3,129 
   Equity Income      (555)   18    77    (414)       (874)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority                                 
Interests    57,232    (5,153)   (511)   1,910    (1,708)   (4,186)   621    48,205 
   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (19,307)   1,658    194    (597)   (355)   2,656    (211)   (15,962)
   Minority Interest    137    164    43      301    1,445      2,090 
   Employees Profit Sharing    (445)   (281)   (41)   (79)   (97)   (402)     (1,345)
Net Income (Loss)   37,617    (3,612)   (315)   1,234    (1,859)   (487)   410    32,988 

(1) Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


EBITDA(1)(2) Consolidated Statement by Business Area - 2009

       R$ MILLION 
    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS 

Operating Profit (3)   29,484    20,215    1,485    1,934    766    (7,735)   (1,516)   44,633 
Depreciation / Amortization    8,162    2,860    906    330    1,995    514    -    14,767 
Impairment    551    -    -    -    (7)   -    -    544 
EBITDA    37,646    23,075    2,391    2,264    2,761    (7,221)   (1,516)   59,944 

Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses)(2) - 2009

    E&P    SUPPLY   GAS 

Losses and Contingencies related to Lawsuit    (2,119)   (143)   (63)   (41)   (38)   (95)     (2,499)
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (67)   (38)   (10)   (108)     (847)     (1,070)
Non programmed stoppages in installations and production equipment    (571)   (158)       (19)       (748)
Operational expenses with thermoelectric        (610)           (610)
Inventory adjustment      (184)       (397)   (28)     (609)
Labor Agreement    (206)   (101)   (9)     (9)   (162)     (487)
HSE Expenses    (97)   (60)   (4)       (194)     (355)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services            (53)       (53)
Fines and Contractual Charges      (2)   (46)     (28)       (76)
Incentive, Donations and Governamental Subvention    150    499              649 
Other    180    (136)   16    193    138    (193)   71    269 
    (2,730)   (323)   (726)   44    (406)   (1,519)   71    (5,589)

Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - 2008

    E&P    SUPPLY .   GAS 

Losses and Contingencies related to Lawsuit    (37)   (90)   (23)   (21)   (166)   (166)     (503)
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (79)   (57)   (11)   (77)     (1,004)     (1,228)
Non programmed stoppages in installations and production equipment    (121)   (85)             (206)
Operational expenses with thermoelectric        (593)           (593)
Inventory adjustment      (560)   (122)     (658)       (1,340)
Labor Agreement    (257)   (82)   (19)     (18)   (167)     (543)
HSE Expenses    (68)   (61)   (4)       (250)     (383)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services            (101)       (101)
Fines and Contractual Charges        (434)           (434)
Incentive, Donations and Governamental Subvention    94    552              646 
Other    (2)   92    (22)   147    (150)   (100)     (28)
    (470)   (291)   (1,228)   49    (1,093)   (1,687)   7    (4,713)

(1) Operating income before the financial result and equity income, excluding depreciation/amortization.
(2) Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.
(3) Adjusted for the inclusion of provisions for the employees’ profit sharing program.
Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


    E&P    SUPPLY .   GAS 

Net Income (Loss) by Business Segment    29,972    20,482    1,541    2,035    813    (7,199)   (1,516)   46,128 
Extraordinary Itens:    -               
Lawsuit Agreement with ANP(National Petroleum                                 
Agency) without Special Participation    2,065                2,065 
Losses on recovery of assets      184        397    28      609 
Amendment to Gas Purchase & Sale Agreement        175            175 
Impairment    551          (7)       544 
Extraordinary Items Subtotal    2,616    184    175    -    390    28    -    3,393 
Operating Income (Loss) by business Segment                                 
before Extraordinary Items    32,588    20,666    1,716    2,035    1,203    (7,171)   (1,516)   49,521 
Net Income (Loss)   19,601    13,331    914    1,254    (220)   (4,898)   (1,000)   28,982 
Extraordinary Itens:    2,616    184    175      390    28      3,393 
Taxes Effects    (702)     (60)           (762)
Net Income without Extraordinary Items effects    21,515    13,515    1,029    1,254    170    (4,870)   (1,000)   31,613 

Demonstração Consolidada dos ¥tens Extraordinários por Área de Negócio - 2008

    E&P    SUPPLY   GAS 

Operating Income (Loss) by Business Segment    57,232    (4,598)   (529)   1,833    (1,294)   (7,315)   621    45,950 
Extraordinary Itens:                  - 
Contractual fines        434            434 
Provision with Royalties Litigation            161        161 
Impairment    603          330        933 
Losses on recovery of assets      560    122      658        1,340 
Extraordinary Items Subtotal    603    560    556    -    1,149    -    -    2,868 
Operating Income (Loss) without Extraordinary                                 
Itens Effects    57,835    (4,038)   27    1,833    (145)   (7,315)   621    48,818 
Net Income (Loss) by Business Segment    37,617    (3,611)   (315)   1,234    (1,860)   (487)   410    32,988 
Extraordinary Itens:    603    560    556      1,149        2,868 
Taxes Effects        (147)     -        (147)
Net Income without Extraordinary Items effects    38,220    (3,051)   94    1,234    (711)   (487)   410    35,709 


Consolidated Assets by Business Area(1) - 12.31.2009

    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS  

ASSETS    129,981    87,121    44,411    10,951    27,755    55,897    (10,509)   345,607 
 CURRENT ASSETS    6,515    27,587    5,057    5,668    5,086    36,176    (9,415)   76,674 
         CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              28,796      28,796 
         OTHER    6,515    27,587    5,057    5,668    5,086    7,380    (9,415)   47,878 
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS    123,466    59,534    39,354    5,283    22,669    19,721    (1,094)   268,933 
         LONG-TERM ASSETS    4,410    2,403    2,397    1,060    2,430    14,806    (1,126)   26,380 
         PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    117,872    53,637    35,620    3,504    15,701    3,897      230,231 
         OTHER    1,184    3,494    1,337    719    4,538    1,018    32    12,322 

Consolidated Assets by Business Area(1) - 09.30.2009

    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS 
ASSETS    128,863    78,964    41,689    10,490    28,225    54,876    (9,317)   333,790 
     CURRENT ASSETS    7,089    25,446    4,655    5,582    5,049    36,868    (8,970)   75,719 
             CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              30,088      30,088 
             OTHERS    7,089    25,446    4,655    5,582    5,049    6,780    (8,970)   45,631 
     NON-CURRENT ASSETS    121,774    53,518    37,034    4,908    23,176    18,008    (347)   258,071 
           LONG-TERM ASSETS    4,092    2,203    2,173    875    2,494    13,747    (380)   25,204 
           PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    114,446    47,590    33,510    3,312    15,878    3,141      217,877 
           OTHER    3,236    3,725    1,351    721    4,804    1,120    33    14,990 

Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 12.31.2008

    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS 

ASSETS    116,175    64,783    36,180    10,321    33,243    40,582    (9,120)   292,164 
     CURRENT ASSETS    5,881    23,620    5,344    5,681    5,848    25,008    (7,807)   63,575 
             CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              15,889      15,889 
             OTHERS    5,881    23,620    5,344    5,681    5,848    9,119    (7,807)   47,686 
     NON-CURRENT ASSETS    110,294    41,163    30,836    4,640    27,395    15,574    (1,313)   228,589 
           LONG-TERM ASSETS    4,188    1,891    2,323    735    1,335    11,997    (1,214)   21,255 
           PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    102,290    35,845    27,025    3,193    20,084    2,361    (44)   190,754 
           OTHER    3,816    3,427    1,488    712    5,976    1,216    (55)   16,580 

(1) Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Consolidated Results by International Business Area - 2009

ASSETS (12.31.2009)   19,865    5,566    2,435    1,163    3,910    (5,184)   27,755 
Income Statement                             
Net Operating Revenues    5,766    11,971    1,785    5,416    29    (3,799)   21,168 
   Intersegments    4,025    2,822    325    89      (3,803)   3,467 
   Third Parties    1,741    9,149    1,460    5,327    20      17,701 
Operating Profit (Loss)   1,149    (106)   253    45    (582)   54    813 
Net Income (Loss)   766    (185)   219    44    (1,118)   54    (220)

Consolidated Results by International Business Area

ASSETS (09.30.2009)   20,030    6,037    2,332    1,220    3,447    (4,841)   28,225 
Income Statement - Jan-Mar/2008                             
Net Operating Revenues    5,204    14,838    1,880    4,925    4    (4,387)   22,464 
   Intersegments    2,696    3,113    386    134      (4,429)   1,900 
   Third Parties    2,508    11,725    1,494    4,791      42    20,564 
Operating Profit (Loss)   523    (1,253)   310    (15)   (853)   (6)      (1,294)
Net Income (Loss)   (128)   (1,406)   179    (11)   (488)   (6)      (1,860)
ASSETS (12.31.2008)   24,207    6,387    3,245    859    4,104    (5,559)   33,243 


Income Statement – Parent Company

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008        2009    2008 
46,069    45,924    52,040    Gross Operating Revenues    175,571    207,990 
(10,803)   (11,317)   (11,635)   Sales Deductions    (41,537)   (46,280)
35,266    34,607    40,405    Net Operating Revenues    134,034    161,710 
(20,303)   (20,552)   (26,674)          Cost of Products Sold    (76,096)   (97,344)
14,963    14,055    13,731    Gross Profit    57,938    64,366 
            Operating Expenses         
(1,552)   (1,402)   (1,822)          Sales    (6,245)   (6,326)
(1,405)   (1,238)   (1,451)          General & Administrative    (5,029)   (5,017)
(665)   (311)   (849)          Exploratory Cost    (2,521)   (2,551)
  (552)   (603)          Impairment    (552)   (603)
(414)   (240)   (432)          Research & Development    (1,352)   (1,690)
(98)   (64)   (196)          Taxes    (321)   (426)
(313)   (323)   (336)          Health and Pension Plans    (1,295)   (1,344)
(2,876)   (1,464)   (660)          Other    (5,663)   (3,366)
(7,323)   (5,594)   (6,349)       (22,978)   (21,323)
                   Net Financial         
1,596    1,152    1,511                   Income    6,312    5,992 
(2,197)   (822)   (2,120)                  Expenses    (6,959)   (7,051)
928    273    215                   Net Monetary Variation    1,585    17 
(2,009)   (496)   5,371                   Net Exchange Variation    (7,604)   8,239 
(1,682)   107    4,977        (6,666)   7,197 
(9,005)   (5,487)   (1,372)       (29,644)   (14,126)
2,608    1,262    (479)   Paticipation in Equity Income    7,898    2,252 
8,566    9,830    11,880    Operating Income    36,192    52,492 
(1,334)   (1,149)   (2,154)   Income Tax / Social Contribution    (5,609)   (14,884)
(331)   (305)   (111)   Employees Profit Sharing    (1,270)   (1,138)
6,901    8,376    9,615    Net Income    29,313    36,470 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Balance Sheet – Parent Company

Assets    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
 Current Assets    58,101    63,447    51,257 
       Cash and Cash Equivalents    16,798    20,939    11,268 
       Marketable Securities    1,718    4,357   
       Accounts Receivable    12,844    14,106    17,370 
       Inventories    16,187    16,318    13,848 
       Dividends Receivable    2,509    70    988 
       Taxes Recoverable    6,345    5,249    6,273 
       Other    1,700    2,408    1,510 
 Non-current Assets    257,223    261,050    259,754 
       Long-term Assets    69,096    80,491    107,619 
       Oil & Alcohol Account    817    817    810 
       Subsidiaries and affiliated companies    49,184    60,677    91,089 
       Structured Projects    2,330    3,299    2,039 
       Marketable Securities    4,180    4,161    3,598 
       Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    8,935    8,142    6,615 
       Judicial Deposits    1,691    1,514    1,542 
       Anticipated Expenses    689    485    445 
       Other    1,270    1,396    1,481 
       Investments    35,318    34,947    28,307 
       Property, plant and equipment    148,449    141,180    119,207 
       Intangible    3,747    3,741    3,782 
       Deferred    613    691    839 
 Total Assets    315,324    324,497    311,011 
Liabilities    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
 Current Liabilities   81,139    98,096    111,698 
       Short-term Debt    3,123    1,800    2,506 
       Risk and assets control    3,557    5,007    5,053 
       Suppliers    41,519    48,804    72,032 
       Taxes & Social Contribution Payable    10,333    7,499    10,538 
       Dividends / Interest on Own Capital    2,333    4,171    9,915 
       Structured Projects    351    354    401 
       Health and Pension Plan    1,123    1,110    1,072 
       Clients Anticipation    134    315    298 
       Receivable Cash Flow    14,318    21,983    5,765 
       Other    4,348    7,053    4,118 
 Long-term Liabilities   70,306    66,791    55,262 
       Long-term Debt    26,004    22,077    11,457 
       Risk and assets control    10,904    10,142    12,702 
       Subsidiaries and affiliated companies    905    740    1,101 
       Pension plan    3,051    3,064    2,966 
       Health Care Benefits    10,344    10,184    9,510 
       Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution    14,037    13,913    10,822 
       Provision for abandonment    4,525    6,179    5,976 
       Other    536    492    728 
 Shareholders' Equity    163,879    159,610    144,051 
       Capital    78,967    78,967    78,967 
       Capital Reserves    84,912    80,643    65,084 
 Total Liabilities   315,324    324,497    311,011 


1. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras to the country, measured through the generation of current taxes, duties and social contributions, totaled R$ 59,057 million.

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009   2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
                Economic Contribution - Country             
6,131    6,542    6,222      Value Added Tax on Sales and Service    24,705    23,110   
1,680    1,828    1,556      CIDE (1)   5,746    5,409   
3,045    3,315    5,447      PASEP/COFINS    12,497    12,739    (2)
2,767    1,971    1,496    (29)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    9,144    15,484    (41)
609    513    (263)   (16)   Other    2,622    1,428    84 
14,232    14,169    14,458         -    Subtotal Country    54,714    58,170    (6)
1,199    960    1,248    (20)   Economic Contribution - Foreign    4,343    4,438    (2)
15,431    15,129    15,706    (2)   Total    59,057    62,608    (6)

(1) CIDE – Economic Domain Contribution Charge.
Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current accounting practices set forth in Laws 11638/07 and 11941/09, thereby facilitating comparisons.

2. Government Take

R$ million
4th Quarter        Fiscal Year 
3Q-2009    2009    2008    4Q09 X 3Q09 (%)       2009    2008    2009 X 2008 (%)
2,187    2,335    1,934      Royalties    8,122    10,179    (20)
2,418    2,672    2,073    11    Special Participation    8,308    11,478    (28)
32    31    32    (3)   Surface Rental Fees    129    117    10 
2,048    17      (99)   ANP Agreement    2,065     
6,685    5,055    4,039    (24)   Subtotal Country    18,624    21,774    (14)
124    124    229         -    Foreign    452    731    (38)
6,809    5,179    4,268    (24)   Total    19,076    22,505    (15)

The government take in the country in 2009 fell by 14% over 2008, due to the decline in the reference price for local oil, which came to R$ 105.78 in 2009, versus R$ 141 in 2008, reflecting international oil prices behavior. The changes in tax rates due to the increased output from the new production systems were insufficient to offset the impact of the international economic scenario.

Excluding the effect of the ANP agreement, the government take in the country in 4Q-2009 increased by 9% over 3Q-2009, due to the upturn in the reference price for local oil, which totaled R$ 118.64 in 4Q-2009, versus R$ 115.71 in the 3Q-2009, reflecting the recovery of the main international oil prices.


3. Foreign Exchange Exposure

Assets    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
Current Assets    5,581    6,829    7,573 
     Cash and Cash Equivalents    4,035    2,273    4,643 
     Other Current Assets    1,546    4,556    2,930 
Non-current Assets    17,876    22,791    30,766 
     Amounts invested abroad by             
         partner companies, in the international segment,             
         in E&P equipments to be used in Brazil and in             
         commercial activities.    16,759    20,838    30,052 
     Long-term Assets    304    390    525 
     Property, plant and equipment    813    1,563    189 
Total Assets    23,457    29,620    38,339 
Liabilities    R$ million 
    12.31.2009    09.30.2009    12.31.2008 
Current Liabilities    (11,977)   (15,601)   (9,063)
     Short-term Financing    (10,303)   (9,542)   (3,345)
     Suppliers    (1,088)   (4,410)   (4,387)
     Others Current Liabilities    (586)   (1,649)   (1,331)
Long-term Liabilities    (15,203)   (12,452)   (12,470)
     Long-term Financing    (15,125)   (12,302)   (11,292)
     Others Long-term Liabilities    (78)   (150)   (1,178)
Total Liabilities    (27,180)   (28,053)   (21,533)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    (3,723)   1,567    16,806 
( + ) Investment Funds - Exchange       
( - ) FINAME Loans - dollar indexed reais    (179)   (284)   (344)
( - ) BNDES Loans - dollar indexed reais    (25,368)   (24,876)  
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    (29,270)   (23,588)   16,464 

* The results of investments in Exchange Funds are booked under Financial Revenue.

For further information: PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S. A. – PETROBRAS
Investor Relations I E-mail: /
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 2202 - B - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Ph.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947 I 0800-282-1540

This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers should not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: April 13, 2010

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results.  These forward-looking statements are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results o f operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 
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