(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|X|   Preliminary Proxy Statement

|_|   Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only
      (As Permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

|_|   Definitive Proxy Statement

|_|   Definitive Additional Materials

|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)   Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
            pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)   Total fee paid:

|_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)   Amount Previously Paid:

      (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3)   Filing Party:

      (4)   Date Filed:


                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                       1138 BUDAPEST, VACI UT 141. HUNGARY
                              (TEL) +36-1 889 7101
                              (FAX) +36-1 889 7128


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") of
EuroWeb   International   Corp.,  a  Delaware   corporation  (the  "Company"  or
"Euroweb"),  will be held at * (local time),  on *, 2006 at * Budapest,  Hungary
for the following purposes:

      1.    Consider  and vote upon a  proposal  to sell  100% of the  Company's
            interest in the Company's two Internet and telecom related operating
            subsidiaries,  Euroweb Internet  Szolgaltato Rt ("Euroweb Hungary ")
            and Euroweb  Romania S.A ("Euroweb  Romania")  together  referred to
            asthe  "Subsidiaries" as contemplated in that certain Share Purchase
            Agreement  (the   "Agreement")   entered  by  and  between   Invitel
            Tavkozlesi   Szolgaltato   Rt.,  a  Hungarian  joint  stock  company
            ("Invitel") and the Company on December 19, 2005,  which is attached
            hereto as Exhibit A; and

      2.    To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
            Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.

Only stockholders who own shares of our common stock at the close of business on
*, 2006 are  entitled to notice of and to vote at the special  meeting.  You may
vote your shares by:

      o     marking,  signing and dating the enclosed  proxy card as promptly as
            possible and returning it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope;

      o     dialing the toll free number on the enclosed  proxy card and casting
            your vote in accordance  with the  instructions  given to you on the
            telephone; or

      o     casting  your  vote via the  Internet  at the  website  shown on the
            enclosed proxy card.

You may also vote in person at the special  meeting,  even if you use one of the
three options listed above.

We have enclosed with this Notice of Special  Meeting,  a proxy  statement and a
form of proxy.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

Stewart Reich,  Chairman of the Board of Directors

Budapest, Hungary
*, 2006


                           EXHIBIT A TO THE NOTICE OF
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS


Be it resolved as a special resolution that:

      1.    The entering into of the  Agreement  between the Company and Invitel
            relating to the sale by the  Company to Invitel of the  Subsidiaries
            and  all  transactions,  proceedings  and  actions  to be  completed
            thereunder are hereby approved, ratified and adopted; and

      2.    Any  director  or  officer  of the  Company  be and  s/he is  hereby
            authorized  and  directed  to execute on behalf of the  Company  any
            document required to be delivered pursuant to the Agreement.


                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                       1138 BUDAPEST, VACI UT 141. HUNGARY
                              (TEL) +36-1 889 7101
                              (FAX) +36-1 889 7128


The board of directors is  soliciting  proxies to be used at our *, 2006 special
meeting of  stockholders.  Please read and  carefully  consider the  information
presented in this proxy statement and vote either by:

      (i)   completing,  dating, signing and returning the enclosed proxy in the
            enclosed postage-paid envelope;

      (ii)  by  dialing  the toll free  number on the  enclosed  proxy  card and
            casting your vote; or

      (iii) visiting the website  shown on the  enclosed  proxy card and casting
            your vote.

This proxy statement and the form of proxy will be mailed to all stockholders on
or about *, 2006.



*, 2006, * P.M. Budapest, Hungary time.


The meeting will be held at *, Budapest, Hungary.


You will be voting on the following matters:

1. APPROVAL OF THE SALE OF THE SUBSIDIARIES.  To vote on the sale of 100% of the
Company's  interest in the Subsidiaries as contemplated in the Agreement entered
into by and between Invitel and the Company; and

2. OTHER  BUSINESS.  To transact such other business as may properly come before
the special meeting or any adjournment of the special meeting.


Only  holders of record of our common  stock at the close of business on *, 2006
will  be  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote at the  special  meeting  and any
adjournments of the special meeting. You are entitled to one vote for each share
of common stock held on that date. On *, 2006, there were * shares of our common
stock outstanding and entitled to vote.





You may vote your shares by:

      o     VOTING BY MAIL. You may vote by mail by marking,  signing and dating
            the enclosed  proxy card as promptly as possible and returning it in
            the enclosed  postage-paid  envelope.  Proxies should not be sent by
            the  stockholder to the Company,  but to American Stock Transfer and
            Trust Company,  the Company's  Registrar and Transfer  Agent,  at 59
            Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038. A pre-addressed, postage-paid
            envelope is provided for this purpose.

      o     VOTING BY  TELEPHONE.  You may vote by telephone by dialing the toll
            free  number on the  enclosed  proxy card and  casting  your vote in
            accordance  with the  instructions  given  to you on the  telephone.
            Telephone  voting  is  available  24  hours  a day.  If you  vote by
            telephone you should not return your proxy card.

      o     VOTING VIA THE  INTERNET.  You may vote via the Internet by visiting
            the website  shown on the enclosed  proxy card.  Internet  voting is
            also  available  24 hours a day.  If you vote via the  Internet  you
            should not return your proxy card.

If you return your signed proxy card or vote by phone or the Internet before the
special meeting,  we will vote your shares as you direct. For each other item of
business, you may vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" or you may "ABSTAIN" from voting.

If you return  your  signed  proxy card but do not  specify how you want to vote
your  shares,  we will vote them "FOR" the  approval  of the sale of 100% of the
Company's  interest in the Subsidiaries as contemplated in the Agreement entered
into by and between Invitel and the Company.

If any matters other than those set forth above are properly  brought before the
special meeting,  the individuals  named in your proxy card may vote your shares
in accordance with their best judgment.


You can  change  or  revoke  your  proxy at any time  before  it is voted at the
special meeting by:

      1.    Submitting another proxy by mail,  telephone or internet with a more
            recent date than that of the proxy first given;

      2.    Sending  written notice of revocation to American Stock Transfer and
            Trust Company,  the Company's  Registrar and Transfer  Agent,  at 59
            Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038; or

      3.    Attending the special  meeting and voting in person.  If your shares
            are held in the name of a bank,  broker or other  holder of  record,
            you must obtain a proxy,  executed in your favor, from the holder of
            record to be able to vote at the meeting.


One-third of the outstanding shares of the Company common stock entitled to vote
at the special meeting, present or represented by proxy, constitutes a quorum. A
quorum is  necessary  to conduct  business at the special  meeting.  You will be
considered  part of the quorum if you have voted by proxy.  Abstentions,  broker
non-votes and votes withheld from director nominees count as "shares present" at
the special meeting for purposes of determining a quorum.  However,  abstentions
and broker  non-votes  do not count in the  voting  results.  A broker  non-vote
occurs when a broker or other nominee who holds shares for another does not vote
on a particular  item because the broker or nominee does not have  discretionary
authority for that item and has not received  instructions from the owner of the


The approval of the sale of 100% of the Company's  interest in the  Subsidiaries
as  contemplated  in the Agreement  entered into by and between  Invitel and the
Company  will require an  affirmative  vote of the majority of the votes cast in
person or by proxy, provided that a quorum is present at the special meeting.


The Company will pay the cost of  preparing,  printing  and mailing  material in
connection with this solicitation of proxies.  We will, upon request,  reimburse
brokerage firms, banks and others for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in
forwarding  proxy  material  to  beneficial  owners  of  stock or  otherwise  in
connection with this solicitation of proxies.



If you have more  questions  about the proposed  sale of the  Subsidiaries,  you
should contact the below party at the Company's principal executive offices:

1138 Budapest, Vaci ut 141. Hungary
(Tel) +36-1 889 7101
(Fax) +36-1 889 7128 Attention: Kriszta Hollo


                      SUMMARY TERM SHEET FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1

      In  Proposal  No.  1,  you are  being  asked  to  approve  the sale of the
Subsidiaries  to  Invitel.  The terms of the  Agreement  mandate  that the total
purchase  price to be paid is US  $30,000,000 of which US $29,400,000 is payable
at  closing  and the  remaining  US  $600,000  is  payable  upon  delivery  of a
certificate  prepared by an independent auditor identifying the net indebtedness
of the  Subsidiaries,  which are required to be debt free. The purchase price is
to be reduced by the amount of any debt held in the Subsidiaries. The closing of
the sale of the  Subsidiaries,  of which we cannot  provide  any  guarantee,  is
expected  to occur  within  seven  business  days of receipt of  approval of the
proposed  transaction by the Hungarian  Economic  Competition Office in Hungary,
the delivery of an audit report prepared by an independent  auditor with respect
to the Subsidiaries and the approval of the Agreement by the shareholders of the
Company  provided  that such date is no later than June 30, 2006. If the Company
fails to have the Agreement approved at a shareholders meeting by June 30, 2006,
the Company will be obligated to reimburse  Invitel for its expenses  associated
with the acquisition of the Subsidiaries not to exceed EUR 400,000.

Reason for the Transaction

      The Board of Directors  believes the sale of the  Subsidiaries,  which are
engaged in the business of providing Internet Service in Hungary and Romania, is
the  culmination  of  the  Company's  strategy  of  identifying  and  developing
companies within emerging  industries for the purpose of consolidation and sale.
The Company commenced this strategy with the sale of its Internet Service assets
located in the Czech  Republic and Slovakia.  Further,  the  disposition  of the
Subsidiaries  for a purchase price of US  $30,000,000  will allow the Company to
redeploy capital to acquire additional assets in IT space and other unidentified
industries  that the Company deems  profitable as well as focus its expertise in
the area of IT outsourcing in Central and Eastern Europe.

      For a more  detailed  discussion  please see "Proposal No. 1 - Approval of
the Sale of the Subsidiaries to Invitel" located on page 8.

Conditions to Closing of the Sale of the Subsidiaries

The completion of the proposed sale of the Subsidiaries depends upon the meeting
of a number of conditions including the following:

      o     The issuance by the  Hungarian  Economic  Competition  Office of its
            unconditional approval of the sale of the Subsidiaries to Invitel;

      o     Approval of the Agreement by a majority of the  stockholders  of the
            Company at a special  meeting of  stockholders in which a quorum was

      o     Delivery of an audit report prepared by an independent  auditor with
            respect  to  the  Subsidiaries  and  the  absence  of any  event  or
            circumstance revealed in the audit that could reasonably be expected
            to have a material adverse effect on the financial  condition of the
            Subsidaries, of which Invitel was not aware; and

      o     There  shall be no  material  adverse  change  to the  assets of the


      The sale of the  Subsidiaries  will reduce the lines of business  which we
conduct. This decrease in diversification of our business could serve to magnify
any downturns in the remaining business lines. In particular:

      o     Our  ability  to adjust to changes in  consumer  demand or  economic
            shifts could be materially impacted.

      o     After  classifying the Subsidiaries as discontinued  operations (see
            "Accounting Treatment"), our revenue for the year ended December 31,
            2004 will decrease to $-0-_from $28,111,786..


      o     After classifying the Subsidiaries as discontinued  operations,  our
            net loss from continuing  operations for the year ended December 31,
            2004 will increase to $1,261,909_from $1,099,176.

      o     Although we solicited a number of offers for the Subsidiaries, there
            can be no  assurance  that the  value may not be higher in a sale to
            other purchasers.

      o     The loss of expected  synergies  and a common  customer base between
            Navigator  Informatika  Rt.  and  Euroweb  Hungary,  which may limit
            Navigator Informatika Rt.'s ability to generate revenue and may also
            have a goodwill impairment effect.

      o     As a result of the sale of the Subsidiaries, The Nasdaq Stock Market
            may  request  that we reapply  for  listing  and satisfy all initial
            listing  standards  despite  the fact  that the  Company  will  have
            continuing operations in Central and Eastern Europe.

      For a more  detailed  discussion  please see "Proposal No. 1 - Approval of
the Sale of the Subsidiaries to Invitel" located on page 9.

Absence of Dissenters' Rights of Appraisals

      Under the applicable provisions of General Corporation Law of the State of
Delaware ("GCL"),  Euroweb's stockholders will have no rights in connection with
the proposed sale of the  Subsidiaries  to seek  appraisal for the fair value of
their shares of common stock.

      For a more  detailed  discussion  please see "Proposal No. 1 - Approval of
the Sale of the Subsidiaries to Invitel" located on page 10.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1



      On December 19, 2005, the Company entered into the Agreement with Invitel.
Pursuant  to the  Agreement,  the  Company  has agreed to sell and,  Invitel has
agreed to purchase,  100% of the  Company's  interest in the  Subsidiaries.  The
purchase  price to be paid to the Company is US  $30,000,000 in cash of which US
$29,400,000  is payable at closing and the remaining US $600,000 is payable upon
delivery of a certificate prepared by an independent auditor identifying the net
indebtedness  of the  Subsidiaries,  which are  required  to be debt  free.  The
purchase  price  is to be  reduced  by  the  amount  of  any  debt  held  in the
Subsidiaries.  The closing of the sale of the  Subsidiaries,  of which we cannot
provide any  guarantee,  is  expected to occur  within  seven  business  days of
receipt of  approval  of the  proposed  transaction  by the  Hungarian  Economic
Competition  Office in Hungary,  the delivery of an audit report  prepared by an
independent  auditor  with respect to the  Subsidiaries  and the approval of the
Agreement by the shareholders of the Company provided that such date is no later
than June 30, 2006.  If the Company  fails to have the  Agreement  approved at a
shareholders  meeting  by June  30,  2006,  the  Company  will be  obligated  to
reimburse  Invitel  for its  expenses  associated  with the  acquisition  of the
Subsidiaries not to exceed EUR 400,000.


      We own and  operate  Internet  Service  Providers  in Hungary  and Romania
through the  Subsidiaries,  Euroweb  Hungary and  Euroweb  Romania.  We are also
engaged in the IT consulting  business  though our other  subsidiary,  Navigator
Informatika  Rt.,  which we  acquired  on  October 7, 2005.  We  previously  had
operations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia through our  subsidiaries  Euroweb
Czech and Euroweb  Slovakia.  Those  subsidiaries were sold on December 16, 2004
and April 15, 2005, respectively.

      Our revenues  generated by the  Subsidiaries  come from the following four

      o     Internet  Service  Provider   (Internet  access,   content  and  web
            services, other services);

      o     International/domestic   leased  line  and  Internet  Protocol  data

      o     Voice over  Internet  Protocol  services;  and

      o     Facilities  (sale,  rental and maintenance of dark fiber between the
            Hungarian border and the Romanian City of Timisoara).

      Our other  subsidiary,  Navigator  Informatika  Rt.,  operates through its
wholly owned  subsidiaries,  Navigator Info Kft. and Navigator  Engineering Kft.
and  is  is  engaged  in  information   technology   outsourcing,   applications
development  and information  technology  consulting  services  primarily in the
Hungarian market. Navigator's client base includes primarily large organizations
both in the corporate and institutional (public) sector.


      Founded in 1994, Invitel offers telephony,  Internet, and data services to
residential and business customers in Hungary. Invitel is the incumbent operator
in 9 out of 54 primary  service  areas.  In the rest of  Hungary,  Invitel is an
alternative  telecom operator with a national fibre backbone,  metropolitan area
networks and point-to-multi-point microwave access system.

      Invitel's   corporate   headquarters  is  located  at  Invitel  Tavkozlesi
Szolgaltato Rt. Puskas Tivadar u. 8-10 H-2040 Budaros,  Hungary (Tel: 0036 1 801


      The Board of Directors  believes the sale of the  Subsidiaries,  which are
engaged in the business of providing Internet Service in Hungary and Romania, is
the  culmination  of  the  Company's  strategy  of  identifying  and  developing
companies within emerging  industries for the purpose of consolidation and sale.
The Company commenced this strategy with the sale of its Internet Service assets
located in the Czech  Republic and Slovakia.  Further,  the  disposition  of the


Subsidiaries  for a purchase  price of  $30,000,000  will  allow the  Company to
redeploy capital to acquire additional assets in IT space and other unidentified
industries  that the Company deems  profitable as well as focus its expertise in
the area of IT outsourcing in Central and Eastern Europe.

      Management  considered the possibility of putting the  Subsidiaries on the
public auction block.  Management  decided  against this for a number of reasons
related to the specialized  nature of the business and management's  belief that
only companies  already in the relevant  business area (i.e.  the  Subsidiaries'
competitors)  would be interested in purchasing the Subsidiaries.  Specifically,
management decided against a public auction for the following reasons:

      o     The Internet Service industry is extremely competitive;  accordingly
            protecting the primary  assets  consisting  largely of  intellectual
            properties is inherently a  risk-filled  proposition.  The Company's
            management  was  extremely  concerned  that a  "public"  sale of the
            Subsidiaries  would simply lead to  competitors  engaging in the due
            diligence  process for no purpose  other than to glean  confidential

      o     The  Company  was also of the view  that  public  disclosure  of the
            proposed  sale would lead to key  employees  becoming  unnecessarily
            concerned and possibly  leaving the Company's  subsidiaries  to find
            increased security elsewhere and in particular,  with competitors of
            the Subsidiaries.

      o     Based  on the  Company's  private  negotiations  for the sale of the
            Subsidiaries  with several  parties,  the Company  believes that the
            price  being paid by Invitel  is the best  price the  Company  could
            reasonably secure.

Prior to entering into the  Agreement,  during the past two years there has been
no other negotiations,  transactions or contacts between the Company and Invitel
concerning any merger, consolidation, acquisition, tender offer, election of the
Company's  directors or the sale of a material  amount of assets of the Company.
There  are  no   present  or   proposed   material   agreements,   arrangements,
understandings  or  relationships  between the  Company or any of its  executive
officers,  directors,  controlling persons or subsidiaries and Invitel or any of
its executive officers, directors, controlling persons or subsidiaries.


The sale of the Subsidiaries will reduce the lines of business which we conduct.
This  decrease in  diversification  of our  business  could serve to magnify any
downturns in the remaining business lines. In particular:

      o     Our  ability  to adjust to changes in  consumer  demand or  economic
            shifts could be materially impacted.

      o     After  classifying the Subsidiaries as discontinued  operations (see
            "Accounting Treatment"), our revenue for the year ended December 31,
            2004 will decrease to $-0-_from $28,111,786..

      o     After classifying the Subsidiaries as discontinued  operations,  our
            net loss from continuing  operations for the year ended December 31,
            2004 will increase to $1,261,909_from $1,099,176.

      o     Although we solicited a number of offers for the Subsidiaries, there
            can be no  assurance  that the  value may not be higher in a sale to
            other purchasers.

      o     The loss of expected  synergies  and a common  customer base between
            Navigator  Informatika  Rt.  and  Euroweb  Hungary,  which may limit
            Navigator Informatika Rt.'s ability to generate revenue and may also
            have a goodwill impairment effect.

      o     As a result of the sale of the Subsidiaries, The Nasdaq Stock Market
            may  request  that we reapply  for  listing  and satisfy all initial
            listing  standards  despite  the fact  that the  Company  will  have
            continuing operations in Central and Eastern Europe.



      Under the applicable  provisions of GCL, Euroweb's  stockholders will have
no rights in  connection  with the  proposed  sale of the  Subsidiaries  to seek
appraisal for the fair value of their shares of common stock.


      The  approval  of the  sale  of  100%  of the  Company's  interest  in the
Subsidiaries  as  contemplated  in the  Agreement  entered  into by and  between
Invitel and the Company will require an affirmative  vote of the majority of the
votes  cast in person  or by proxy,  provided  that a quorum is  present  at the
special meeting.


      During the initial stages of due diligence and negotiation,  a third party
expressed   interest  to  the  Company  to  purchase  the  Subsidiaries  for  US
$26,000,000.  In order to provide management of the Company with the appropriate
motivation  to achieve  the  highest  possible  purchase  price,  the  Company's
Compensation  Committee was granted the discretionary  ability to pay a bonus to
members of management that were associated with the Company receiving a purchase
price in excess of $28,000,000 for the Subsidiaries.  The bonus, which is at the
discretion  of the  Compensation  Committee,  will be up to 20% of the  purchase
price received in excess of US $28,000,000. Upon the Company closing on the sale
of the  Subsidiaries  for  $30,000,000  to  Invitel,  then a  bonus  of up to US
$400,000 (or 20% of US $2,000,000) may be paid by the Compensation  Committee to
select  members  of  management.  To the best of our  knowledge,  except for the
Bonus, none of the Company's  officers or directors have a financial interest in
the proposed sale of the Subsidiaries to Invitel.


      Under  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United States of
America,  upon  stockholder  approval of the proposed sale, we expect to reflect
the results of operations of the  Subsidiaries as discontinued  operations.  The
expected gain on the sale of the Subsidiaries, net of any applicable taxes, will
be reflected in discontinued operations in the quarter during which the proposed
sale closes.


      The proposed  sale of the  Subsidiaries  should have no direct  income tax
consequences to the Company stockholders.  The proposed sale of the Subsidiaries
will be  reported  by the  Company  as a sale of assets for  federal  income tax
purposes in the fiscal year ending  December 31, 2006.  The proposed sale of the
Subsidiaries will be a taxable  transaction for United States federal income tax
purposes. Accordingly, the Company will recognize a gain or loss with respect to
the  proposed  sale of the  Subsidiaries  in an amount  equal to the  difference
between  the  amount  of the  consideration  received  for each  asset  over the
adjusted tax basis in the asset sold.


      No United States Federal or state regulatory requirements must be complied
with  or  approvals  obtained  as a  condition  of  the  proposed  sale  of  the
Subsidiaries  other  than  federal  securities  laws.  However,  the sale of the
Subsidiaries  is  contingent  upon  the  issuance  by  the  Hungarian   Economic
Competition Office of its unconditional approval of the sale of the Subsidiaries
to Invitel.  According to the deadlines defined in the Agreement, an application
for the approval of the proposed  transaction  is planned to be filed by January
16, 2006 with the Hungarian Economic Competition Office.


      The following table sets forth  information with respect to the beneficial
ownership  of our common stock as of January 6, 2006 by (i) each person known by
our company to own  beneficially  more than 5% of the outstanding  Common Stock;
(ii) each  director of our  company;  (iii) each officer of our company and (iv)
all executive officers and directors as a group.  Except as otherwise  indicated
below,  each of the  entities or persons  named in the table has sole voting and
investment powers with respect to all shares of common stock  beneficially owned
by it or him as set forth opposite its or his name.


 Name and  Address           Beneficially Owned(1)   Percent Owned(1)
KPN Telecom B.V. (4)                  2,036,188              34.84%
Maanplein 5
The Hague, The Netherlands

Fleminghouse Investments Limited        522,054               8.93%
Chrysanthou Mylona 3, P.C.
3030 Limassol

CORCYRA d.o.o.(3)                     2,326,043              39.80%
Verudela 17
Pula Croatia 52100

Graeton Holdings Limited                441,566               7.55%
256 Makarios Avenue
Eftapaton Court
Cy301 Limassol

Csaba Toro  (2)(5)(6)                    94,250               1.61%
1138 Budapest
Vaci ut 141.

Stewart Reich (6)(7)                     50,000                  *
18 Dorset Lane,
Bedminister, NJ 07921

Gabor Ormosy
Fleminghouse Investments Limited              0                  0%
Chrysanthou Mylona 3, P.C. (3)
3030 Limassol

Yossi Attia (6)(8)                            0                  0%
1061 1/2 Spalding Ave.
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Ilan Kenig (6)(8)                             0                  0%
7438 Fraser Park Drive
Burnaby, BC Canada V5J 5B9

Moshe Schnapp (5)(6)                     58,968                   *
846 N Huntley
West Hollywood, CA 90069

All Officers and Directors as a         203,218               3.47%
Group (6 Persons)

*     Less than one percent

(1) Unless otherwise indicated, each person has sole investment and voting power
with respect to the shares  indicated.  For purposes of this table,  a person or
group of persons is deemed to have  "beneficial  ownership"  of any shares which
such person has the right to acquire  within 60 days after January 6, 2006.  For
purposes of computing the percentage of  outstanding  shares held by each person
or group of persons  named  above on January 6, 2006,  any  security  which such
person or group of persons  has the right to  acquire  within 60 days after such
date is deemed to be  outstanding  for the purpose of computing  the  percentage
ownership for such person or persons,  but is not deemed to be  outstanding  for
the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person.

(2) Mr. Toro owns,  directly or indirectly,  1.61% of the issued and outstanding
shares of the Company represented by options to purchase 94,250 shares.

(3) Pursuant to a Stock Purchase  Agreement dated as of January 28, 2005, by and
between KPN Telecom B.V. ("KPN Telecom"),  a company incorporated under the laws
of the Netherlands,  and CORCYRA d.o.o., a Croatian  company  ("CORCYRA"),  (the
"Purchase Agreement"),  KPN Telecom sold to CORCYRA 289,855 shares (the "Initial


Shares") of our common stock for US  $1,000,000  (the  "Initial  Closing").  The
Initial  Closing  occurred  on  February  1,  2005.  Pursuant  to  the  Purchase
Agreement,  CORCYRA has also agreed to purchase and, KPN has agreed to sell, KPN
Telecom's remaining 2,036,188 shares of our common stock (the "Final Shares") on
April 30,  2006 (the "Final  Closing");  provided,  however,  that upon 14 days'
prior written notice to KPN Telecom, CORCYRA may accelerate the Final Closing to
an earlier month-end date as specified in such notice;  provided,  further, that
the  Final  Closing  is  subject  to the  satisfaction  or  waiver of all of the
conditions to closing set forth in the Purchase Agreement.  Accordingly, CORCYRA
presently owns 289,855 shares of common stock and is deemed to own,  pursuant to
Rule  13d-3(d),  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended, the remaining 2,036,188 shares held by KPN Telecom.

(4) KPN Telecom B.V. is a subsidiary of Royal KPN N.V.

(5) An officer of the Company.

(6) A director of our company.

(7) Includes an option to purchase  50,000 shares of common stock at an exercise
price of $4.21 per share.  25,000  options vest on April 13, 2004,  while 25,000
options vest on April 13, 2005

(8) Effective March 22, 2005 the Board of Directors decided to grant the two new
directors  100,000  options each,  under the 2004 Incentive Plan. No such option
were vested to date.

      The  foregoing  table is based  upon  5,843,067  shares  of  common  stock
outstanding as of January 6, 2006.


      The Company  intends to hold its 2006 annual  meeting in May 2006 although
it has not set a definitive date for such meeting. Therefore, any proposal which
any  shareholder  may intend to present at the annual meeting to be held in 2006
must be received  by us on or before  April 3, 2006,  if such  proposal is to be
included in the proxy statement and form of proxy  pertaining to the 2006 annual


      For further  information,  see the Company's audited financial  statements
for the year ended December 31, 2004 attached hereto as Exhibit B, the financial
statements  for the year ended December 31, 2004 for Navigator  Informatika  Rt.
attached  hereto as Exhibit C and the pro forma financial  information  attached
hereto as Exhibit D.


      In addition to generally  approving  the sale of the  Subsidiaries  as set
forth  above,  the  stockholders  are  being  asked  to  approve  the  following

Be it resolved as a special resolution that:

      1.    The entering into of the  Agreement  between the Company and Invitel
            relating to the sale by the Company to Invitel of the  Subsidiaries,
            a copy of which is  appended  to the  Proxy  as  Exhibit  A, and all
            transactions, proceedings and actions to be completed thereunder are
            hereby approved, ratified and adopted; and

      2.    Any  director  or  officer  of the  Company  be and  s/he is  hereby
            authorized  and  directed  to execute on behalf of the  Company  any
            document required to be delivered pursuant to the Agreement.


                          RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD:

                            SUBSIDIARIES TO INVITEL.


The  Board of  Directors  is not  aware of any  matter  other  than the  matters
described above to be presented for action at the Meeting. However, if any other
proper items of business should come before the Meeting,  it is the intention of
the  individuals  named  on your  proxy  card as the  proxy  holders  to vote in
accordance with their best judgment on such matters.

                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                            BY: /S/CSABA TORO

Dated: *, 2006
Budapest, Hungary


                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                                     *, 2006

The  undersigned,  revoking all prior  proxies,  hereby  appoints CSABA TORO and
KRISZTA  HOLLO and each of them,  with full power of  substitution  in each,  as
proxies for the  undersigned,  to represent the  undersigned and to vote all the
shares of Common Stock of the Company which the undersigned would be entitled to
vote, as fully as the undersigned could vote and act if personally  present,  at
the Special Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held on *, 2006, at *,
local time, at *, or at any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Should the  undersigned  be present  and elect to vote at the  Meeting or at any
adjournments or postponements  thereof,  and after notification to the Secretary
of the Company at the Meeting of the  stockholder's  decision to terminate  this
proxy, then such powers of attorney or proxies shall be deemed terminated and of
no further force and effect.  This proxy may also be revoked by filing a written
notice of revocation  with the  Secretary of the Company or by duly  executing a
proxy bearing a later date.


Proposal  (1) to  approve  the  sale of 100% of  Euroweb  International  Corp.'s
interest in its two Internet and telecom related operating subsidiaries, Euroweb
Hungary  Rt. and Euroweb  Romania  S.A as  contemplated  in that  certain  Share
Purchase  Agreement entered into by and between Invitel  Tavkozlesi  Szolgaltato
Rt., a Hungarian joint stock company and Euroweb International Corp. on December
19, 2005.

                          FOR|_| AGAINST|_| ABSTAIN|_|

The  shares  represented  by  this  proxy  will  be  voted  as  directed  by the
stockholder,  but if no instructions are specified, this proxy will be voted for
proposal (1). If any other business is presented at the Meeting, this proxy will
be voted by those  named in this proxy in their best  judgment.  At the  present
time,  the Board of Directors  knows of no other business to be presented at the

The undersigned acknowledges receipt from the Company, prior to the execution of
this proxy,  of the Notice of Special Meeting and  accompanying  Proxy Statement
relating to the Meeting.


Signature  (Please  sign  within  the  box) [  ________  ] DATE:  _______,  2006
Signature (Joint owners) [_________ ] DATE: _______, 2006


                                    EXHIBIT A


                                DECEMBER 19, 2005

                            SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                                   (AS SELLER)


                                 (AS PURCHASER)




(1)   EUROWEB  INTERNATIONAL  CORP.,  a  Delaware,  U.S.  corporation,  with its
      principal  place  of  business  at 1138  Budapest,  Vaci ut 141,  Hungary,
      represented by Csaba Toro, its Chief Executive Officer (the "Seller"); and

(2)   INVITEL  TAVKOZLESI  SZOLGALTATO  RT., a Hungarian  joint  stock  company,
      registration number Cg.  13-10-040575,  with its registered office located
      at 2040 Budaors,  Puskas Tivadar utca 8-10, represented by Martin Lea, its
      Chief Executive Officer (the "Purchaser").

                                R E C I T A L S:

(A)   Seller is the registered and beneficial  owner and holder of 19,996 series
      A common shares,  and 3 series B preference  shares (the "EuroWeb  Hungary
      Shares"),  all of  which  have a  nominal  value  of 1000 HUF each and are
      credited and fully paid, in EuroWeb Internet  Szolgaltato Rt., a Hungarian
      joint  stock  company  whose  details  are set out in Schedule 1 ("EuroWeb

(B)   The EuroWeb  Hungary  Shares  represent 100% minus one share of the issued
      share capital and voting rights in EuroWeb Hungary.

(C)   Seller is also the registered and beneficial owner and holder of 6,411,968
      common shares (the "EuroWeb Romania Shares" and, together with the EuroWeb
      Hungary Shares, the "Purchased Shares"), all of which have a nominal value
      of 5,000 ROL each and are credited and fully paid, in S.C. EuroWeb Romania
      S.A., a Romanian joint stock company whose details are set out in Schedule
      1  ("EuroWeb  Romania"  and  together  with  EuroWeb  Hungary,  the "Group

(D)   The EuroWeb Romania Shares represent  99.9564% of the issued share capital
      and voting rights in EuroWeb Romania.

(E)   Seller has  agreed to sell,  and  Purchaser  has  agreed to  purchase  the
      Purchased  Shares,  on the terms and subject to the  conditions set out in
      this Agreement (the "Transaction").


                               A G R E E M E N T:



      1.2   In this Agreement:

          "AFFILIATE"                   of any  person  shall  mean  any  person
                                        directly  or   indirectly   controlling,
                                        controlled  by, or under common  control
                                        with, such person;

          "AGREEMENT"                   means this Share Purchase  Agreement and
                                        all Schedules hereto;

          "AUDIT"                       has the meaning set out in Clause 4.2.1;

          "BUSINESS"                    means   the   business   of  the   Group
                                        Companies as currently conducted by each
                                        of  them on the  date of this  Agreement
                                        and  from   time  to  time   thereafter,
                                        including without limit the provision of
                                        internet and IP voice and data  services

          "BUSINESS DAY(S)"             means any day(s)  (other than a Saturday
                                        or  Sunday)  when  commercial  banks are
                                        open for business in New York, Budapest,
                                        Bucharest and London;

          "CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS"   means  (i)   money  or  the   equivalent
                                        thereof,   including  currency,   coins,
                                        negotiable  cheques,  balances  in  bank
                                        accounts and interest-bearing  financial
                                        assets  and (ii)  deposits  held at call
                                        with banks (in the case of (i) and (ii),
                                        free  and  clear  of  any  Encumbrances)
                                        minus (iii) any bank overdrafts;

          "CLOSING DATE"                means the date on which Closing occurs;

          "CLOSING"                     has the meaning set out in Clause 6.1;

          "COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT"        means any agreement or arrangement  made
                                        by or on behalf of a Group  Company  and
                                        by or on behalf of any one or more trade
                                        unions,     works    councils,     staff
                                        associations or other body  representing
                                        employees    and   any    agreement   or
                                        arrangement  made by or on behalf of any
                                        employers' or trade  association and one
                                        or more trade  unions,  works  councils,
                                        staff associations, association of trade
                                        unions    or    other    central    body
                                        representing  employees which applies to
                                        a  Group  Company  or to  which  a Group
                                        Company is subject;

          "CONDITIONS"                  has the meaning set out in Clause 3.1;


          "CONSOLIDATED NET DEBT"       means  the  difference  between  (a) the
                                        aggregate   Indebtedness  of  the  Group
                                        Companies and (b) the aggregate Cash and
                                        Cash Equivalents of the Group Companies;

          "DELOITTE & TOUCHE"           means,  collectively,   Deloitte  Touche
                                        Tohmatsu,  a Swiss  Verein,  its  member
                                        firms, and their respective subsidiaries
                                        and affiliates.

          "ENCUMBRANCE(S)"              means a mortgage,  charge, pledge, lien,
                                        right of usufruct,  depository  receipt,
                                        option,  restriction,   right  of  first
                                        refusal, right of pre-emption, easement,
                                        lease,  third-party  right or  interest,
                                        other  encumbrance or security  interest
                                        of  any  kind,  or  any  other  type  of
                                        preferential   arrangement   (including,
                                        without  limitation,  any title transfer
                                        and   retention    arrangement)   having
                                        similar effect;

          "EUROWEB GUARANTEE AGREEMENT" means  the  guarantee  agreement,  dated
                                        February  23,  2004,  between  Pantel as
                                        obligee and Seller as guarantor;

          "EUROWEB HUNGARY"             has the meaning set out in Recital A;

          "EUROWEB HUNGARY SHARES"      has the meaning set out in Recital A;

          "EUROWEB ROMANIA"             has the meaning set out in Recital C;

          "EUROWEB ROMANIA SHARES"      has the meaning set out in Recital C;

          "GROUP COMPANIES"             has the meaning set out in Recital C;

          "HUF"                         means Hungarian Forint, or any successor
                                        currency thereto;

          "IFRS"                        means International  Financial Reporting
                                        Standards  promulgated from time to time
                                        by    the    International    Accounting
                                        Standards Board (which include standards
                                        and  interpretations  approved  by  said
                                        Board   and   International   Accounting
                                        Standards    issued    under    previous


          "INDEBTEDNESS"                means  (i)   indebtedness  for  borrowed
                                        money,     including    without    limit
                                        indebtedness   evidenced  by  any  note,
                                        bond, debenture,  mortgage or other debt
                                        instrument    or   debt   security   and
                                        including    without    further    limit
                                        indebtedness owing from any of the Group
                                        Companies  to Seller  or from  Seller to
                                        the Group Companies, (ii) obligations or
                                        commitments  to repay  deposits or other
                                        amounts  advanced  by and owing to third
                                        parties,  (iii)  obligations  under  any
                                        interest rate, currency or other hedging
                                        agreement, (iv) obligations under leases
                                        which,  under  IFRS,  qualify as finance
                                        leases (but not,  for the  avoidance  of
                                        doubt,  obligations  under leases which,
                                        under IFRS, qualify as operating leases)
                                        and (v)  guarantees or other  contingent
                                        liabilities.   Indebtedness   shall  not
                                        include   accounts   payable   to  trade
                                        creditors and accrued  expenses  arising
                                        in  the  ordinary   course  of  business
                                        consistent with past practice;

          "INDEMNIFYING PARTY"          has the meaning set out in Clause 9.7;

          "INDEMNITEE"                  has the meaning set out in Clause 9.7;

          "INDEMNITIES"                 means the indemnities given by Seller in
                                        Clause 9.2;

          "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"       means  patents,   trade  marks,  service
                                        marks,   trade   and   business   names,
                                        registered   designs,   design   rights,
                                        copyright,   database   rights,   domain
                                        names,  rights in  reports,  procedures,
                                        practices,  forecasts,  data,  lists  of
                                        Subscribers  and  all  other  commercial
                                        information  in  any  form,  inventions,
                                        software   (computer  programs  in  both
                                        source  and  object  code  form),  trade
                                        secrets, confidential information of all
                                        kinds  and  other  similar   proprietary
                                        rights  which may subsist in any part of
                                        the world and whether registered or not,
                                        including,   where   such   rights   are
                                        obtained or  enhanced  by  registration,
                                        any  registration  of  such  rights  and
                                        rights to apply for such registrations;

          "INTERIM PERIOD"              has the meaning set out in Clause 5.2;

           STANDARDS"                   means International  Financial Reporting
                                        Standards  promulgated from time to time
                                        by    the    International    Accounting
                                        Standards Board (which include standards
                                        and  interpretations  approved  by  said
                                        Board   and   International   Accounting
                                        Standards    issued    under    previous

          "KEY EMPLOYEES"               means,  collectively,  with  respect  to
                                        EuroWeb Hungary, Gerlei Gyongyver,  Zsok
                                        Gabor, Aranka Juhasz, Kun Istvan, Erdesz
                                        Anita and Papp Zombor and,  with respect
                                        to  EuroWeb  Romania,   Laurentiu  Stan,
                                        Grozea   Octavian,    Scarlat   Catalin,
                                        Amortoaie Claudiu and Moise Emilia;

          "LIABILITY FOR TAX"           means  any  liability  to make an actual
                                        payment or increased payment of Tax;


          "LONG STOP DATE"              has the meaning set out in Clause 6.1;

          "LOSS" OR "LOSSES"            has the meaning set out in Clause 9.2;

          "MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS"         means  the  unaudited  balance  sheet of
                                        each  of  the  Group   Companies  as  at
                                        October  31,  2005  and  the   unaudited
                                        profit  and loss  account of each of the
                                        Group Companies as at October 31, 2005;

           EFFECT"                      means any material  adverse change in or
                                        material adverse effect on the business,
                                        assets,      liabilities,      condition
                                        (financial  or   otherwise),   prospects
                                        and/or  results of  operation  of any of
                                        the Group Companies,  including  adverse
                                        currency movements and adverse financial
                                        and operational movements;

          "MATERIAL AGREEMENTS"         has  the   meaning  set  out  in  Clause

          "MINORITY SHARE"              means 1 series A common  share,  nominal
                                        value HUF 1,000,  representing  0.01% of
                                        the  issued  share  capital  and  voting
                                        rights in EuroWeb Hungary;

          "NAVIGATOR"                   means   NAVIGATOR   INFORMATIKA   Uzleti
                                        Szolgaltato  es   Kereskedelmi   Rt.,  a
                                        Hungarian  joint-stock  company with its
                                        registered  seat at Konyves  Kalman krt.
                                        5/B., 1097 Budapest, Hungary;

          "NAVIGATOR INDEBTEDNESS"      means a loan in the aggregate  principal
                                        amount   of  USD   6,000,000   (or   HUF
                                        1,237,200,000)  by  Commerzbank  Hungary
                                        Rt. to EuroWeb  Hungary,  pursuant  to a
                                        loan agreement dated September 27, 2005,
                                        whose  purpose was to finance  70.59% of
                                        the  purchase  price  payable by EuroWeb
                                        Hungary for the Navigator Shares;

          "NAVIGATOR SHARES"            means the  shares of stock in  Navigator
                                        contemplated  to be  acquired by EuroWeb
                                        Hungary in the Navigator Transaction;

          "NAVIGATOR SPA"               means sale and purchase agreement, dated
                                        July   21,    2005,    among    Marivaux
                                        Investments  Limited and Graeton Holding
                                        Limited, as Vendors, and EuroWeb Hungary
                                        and Seller, as Purchasers;

          "NAVIGATOR TRANSACTION"       means  (1)  the   purchase   by  EuroWeb
                                        Hungary  and  Seller  of  85%  and  15%,
                                        respectively,  of the outstanding shares
                                        of stock in  Navigator  pursuant  to the
                                        Navigator SPA and (2) the  incurrence of
                                        the Navigator  Indebtedness  in order to
                                        finance such purchase;

          "NETWORK"                     means   a   fixed   or   mobile   signal
                                        distribution system to which Subscribers
                                        have access or are connected;

          "NHH"                         means   the   National    Communications
                                        Authority of Hungary;


          "PANTEL"                      means Pantel Tavkozlesi es Kommunikacios
                                        Rt., a Hungarian joint stock company;

          "PANTEL CLAIM"                has the meaning set out in Clause 5.10;

          "PERMITS                      has  the   meaning  set  out  in  Clause

          "PRE-CLOSING PERIODS"         has  the   meaning  set  out  in  Clause

          "PURCHASER"                   has   the   meaning   set   out  in  the

          "PURCHASE PRICE"              has the meaning set out in Clause 4.1;

          "PURCHASED SHARES"            has the meaning set out in Recital C;

          "RELATED PARTY"               means any  Affiliate of any of the Group

          "RETURNS"                     has  the   meaning  set  out  in  Clause

          "ROL"                         means  Romanian  Lei  or  any  successor
                                        currency thereto;

          "SELLER"                      has   the   meaning   set   out  in  the

          "STOCKHOLDERS MEETING"        has the meaning set out in Clause 3.2.1;

          "SUBSCRIBER"                  has  the   meaning  set  out  in  Clause

          "SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT(S)"   has the meaning in Clause 8.1.16(a);

          "TAX" OR "TAXATION"           means and includes all forms of taxation
                                        and statutory and  governmental,  state,
                                        provincial,    local   governmental   or
                                        municipal charges, duties, contributions
                                        and levies, withholdings and deductions,
                                        including,   without   limitation,   any
                                        social   security   or   other   similar
                                        payments,  value added tax, wherever and
                                        whenever   imposed   and   all   related
                                        penalties, charges, costs and interest;

          "TAXATION AUTHORITY"          means   any    governmental   or   other
                                        authority competent to impose Taxation;

          "THIRD PARTY CLAIM"           has the meaning set forth in Clause 9.7;

          "TRANSACTION"                 has the  meaning  set out in  Recital E;

          "USD"                         means  United   States   Dollar  or  any
                                        successor currency thereto;

          "VERIFICATION"                has the meaning in Clause 4.2.4;

      1.2   References  to a "person"  include any company,  partnership,  joint
            venture, firm, association, trust and any governmental or regulatory


      1.3   The table of contents and headings are inserted for convenience only
            and do not affect the construction of this Agreement.

      1.4   Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include
            the plural and vice versa and a reference to any gender includes all
            other genders.

      1.5   References to Clauses,  paragraphs  and Schedules are to Clauses and
            paragraphs of and Schedules to, this  Agreement.  The Schedules form
            part of this Agreement.

      1.6   References  to "party" or "parties" are to a party to or the parties
            to this Agreement.

      1.7   References to any statute or statutory provision include a reference
            to that statute or statutory  provision as amended,  consolidated or
            replaced from time to time (whether before or after the date of this
            Agreement) and include any  subordinate  legislation  made under the
            relevant statute or statutory provision.

      1.8   The  expressions  "ordinary  course of business" or "business in the
            ordinary  course"  mean the ordinary and usual course of business of
            any of the  relevant  Group  Companies,  consistent  in all respects
            (including  nature  and  scope)  with  the  prior  practice  of such
            relevant Group Companies.

      1.9   References to "contract" and  "agreement"  include any  arrangement,
            obligation, understanding or commitment.

      1.10  References  to  "shares"  in a person  include  a  reference  to the
            shares,  membership  interests  or other  equity  interests  in such
            person  and   references  to   "shareholders"   shall  be  construed

      1.11  References  in  Clause  5.3  and  Clause  8  to  USD  shall  include
            references  to  the  equivalent   amounts  in  another  currency  by
            reference  to the spot rate of exchange of HVB  Hungaria Rt. for the
            purchase  of the other  currency  with USD in the  Budapest  foreign
            exchange market at or about 11 a.m. on the date of this Agreement.


      3.1   On the terms, and subject to the Conditions:

            3.1.1 Seller  agrees  to  sell,  assign,  transfer  and  deliver  to
                  Purchaser  on  the  Closing  Date,  and  Purchaser  agrees  to
                  purchase  from  Seller  on the  Closing  Date,  the  Purchased
                  Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances;

            3.1.2 Seller  agrees to procure the sale,  assignment,  transfer and
                  delivery to Purchaser and Purchaser  agrees to purchase on the
                  Closing  Date,  the  Minority  Share,  free  and  clear of all
                  Encumbrances; and

            3.1.3 Seller shall sell and Purchaser  shall  purchase the Purchased
                  Shares,  and Seller  shall  procure the sale of and  Purchaser
                  shall  purchase the  Minority  Share,  in each case,  with all
                  rights now or in the future  attaching to them  (including the
                  right to receive all dividends, distributions or any return of
                  capital declared).


      3.1   The  Closing  will  take  place  as set  forth  in  Clause  6 below,
            conditional on the following  conditions  (the  "Conditions")  being
            satisfied,  or waived in accordance  with Clause 3.4, at or prior to
            the Closing:


            3.1.1 the  issuance  of  a  resolution  by  the  Hungarian  Economic
                  Competition Office  unconditionally  approving the Transaction
                  without imposing any other terms on Purchaser, Group Companies
                  or Affiliates,  or stating that the Transaction is not subject
                  to its approval;

            3.1.2 the approval by the shareholders of Seller of the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement;

            3.1.3 the delivery of the Audit in accordance with Clause 4.2.1, and
                  the  absence  in the  results  of the  Audit  of any  event or
                  circumstance  that  could  reasonably  be  expected  to have a
                  Material  Adverse  Effect of which  Purchaser was not actually
                  aware on the date of this Agreement; and

            3.1.4 since  October 31,  2005,  there shall not have  occurred  any
                  change  or   circumstance   that  has  resulted  or  would  be
                  reasonably likely to result in any Material Adverse Change.

      3.2   Seller will use its best efforts to procure the  fulfillment  of the
            Condition in Clause 3.1.2 as soon as possible and in any event prior
            to the Long Stop Date. Without limiting the foregoing:

            3.2.1 Seller shall take, in accordance  with applicable laws and its
                  certificate of incorporation and by-laws, all action necessary
                  to convene a meeting of its  shareholders  (the  "Stockholders
                  Meeting") as promptly as  practicable  after the  execution of
                  this  Agreement to consider and vote upon the adoption of this

            3.2.2 The board of directors of Seller shall recommend such adoption
                  and shall take all lawful  action to solicit such  adoption of
                  this  Agreement.  In the  event  that  subsequent  to the date
                  hereof,  the board of directors of Seller determines that this
                  Agreement  is no longer  advisable  and  makes  any  change in
                  recommendation contrary to the terms of this Agreement, Seller
                  shall  nevertheless  submit this Agreement to its shareholders
                  for adoption at the Stockholders Meeting unless this Agreement
                  shall have been  terminated in accordance with its terms prior
                  to  the  Stockholders  Meeting  and,  except  as  required  by
                  applicable  law  or by  its  shareholders,  Seller  shall  not
                  adjourn,  postpone  or cancel  (or  propose  for  adjournment,
                  postponement or cancellation) the Stockholders Meeting.

            3.2.3 Purchaser   and  its  counsel  shall  be  given  a  reasonable
                  opportunity  to review and  comment  upon the proxy  statement
                  prepared  by Seller in  respect  of the  Stockholders  Meeting
                  prior to its  filing  with the U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange
                  Commission.  Seller  agrees to provide the  Purchaser  and its
                  counsel with information with respect to any oral comments and
                  with copies of any written  comments Seller or its counsel may
                  receive  from the SEC or its staff  with  respect to the proxy
                  statement  promptly  after  receipt of such comments and shall
                  provide Purchaser and its counsel a reasonable  opportunity to
                  comment on the response of Seller to such comments.

            3.2.4 Based on its  certificate  of  incorporation  and  by-laws and
                  applicable  law,  Seller  represents  and warrants that only a
                  simple  majority  vote of the  Stockholders  is necessary  for
                  lawful approval of this Transaction.

      3.3   If by the date which is 120 days  after the date of this  Agreement,
            Seller either fails to comply with the  provisions of Clause 3.2, or
            the  Stockholders  Meeting fails to approve the  Transaction  as set
            forth in this  Agreement,  then Seller shall on demand  reimburse to
            Purchaser  all costs,  expenses and fees  (including  without  limit
            financial and technical  advisors and attorneys fees) in relation to
            the  investigation,  and  negotiation  of the  Transaction,  and all
            associated  and  connected  matters up to the maximum  amount of EUR
            400,000. The payment of this amount is the sole remedy available for
            Purchaser  if  the   Stockholders   Meeting  fails  to  approve  the
            Transaction  as set forth in this  Agreement,  except in the case of
            the wilful breach by Seller of the provisions of Clause 3.2.


      3.4   Purchaser may (but is not obliged to) waive the  Conditions  set out
            in Clauses 3.1.3 and/or 3.1.4.

      3.5   Purchaser shall diligently take all reasonable  actions necessary to
            obtain the approval of the  Hungarian  Economic  Competition  Office
            (Clause 3.1.1) at its own cost and expense. Seller shall provide all
            reasonable assistance to Purchaser in obtaining the approval. If the
            Hungarian Economic Competition Office grants its approval subject to
            conditions,  the Parties  shall conduct good faith  negotiations  on
            whether  such  conditions  are  acceptable.  If the  conditions  are
            acceptable to Purchaser then the Condition in Clause 3.1.1 is deemed
            to be fulfilled.

      3.6   If any of the  Conditions  required  to be  fulfilled  by  Seller or
            Purchaser,  as the case may be, are not  fulfilled  by such Party or
            are not waived by the other Party,  on or before the Long Stop Date,
            then the other Party shall be entitled to terminate  this  Agreement
            by written notice.

      3.7   If this Agreement is terminated in accordance  with Clause 3.6, then
            the following shall apply:

            3.7.1 If this  Agreement  is  terminated  due to the  failure of the
                  Condition  set forth in  Clause  3.1.1 to be  fulfilled,  then
                  Purchaser  shall not be liable to Seller  except to the extent
                  that it breached Clause 3.5;

            3.7.2 If this  Agreement  is  terminated  due to the  failure of the
                  Condition  set forth in  Clause  3.1.2 to be  fulfilled,  then
                  Seller  shall not be liable to  Purchaser  except to reimburse
                  the costs,  expenses and fees of Purchaser  pursuant to Clause
                  3.3; and

            3.7.3 If this  Agreement  is  terminated  due to the  failure of the
                  Conditions   set  forth  in  Clauses  3.1.3  or  3.1.4  to  be
                  fulfilled, then Seller shall not be liable to Purchaser except
                  to the  extent  that a breach by Seller of the  provisions  of
                  this  Agreement  shall  have  caused  or  contributed  in  any
                  material respect to such failure.


      4.1   The  consideration for the sale and purchase of the Purchased Shares
            and the  Minority  Share shall be the payment by Purchaser to Seller
            of USD 30,000,000 (the "Purchase Price"), which Purchase Price shall
            be payable as follows:

            4.1.1 98% of the Purchase Price (or USD 29,400,000) shall be paid by
                  Purchaser on the Closing Date; and

            4.1.2 2% of  the  Purchase  Price  (or  USD  600,000),  as  adjusted
                  pursuant to Clause  4.2.5,  shall be paid by Purchaser  within
                  three (3) Business  Days after the  Independent  Auditor shall
                  have delivered the Verification.

      4.2   The Purchase Price shall be adjusted as follows:

            4.2.1 From no later than February 1, 2006, Seller shall procure that
                  each Group  Company  provide  Deloitte & Touche with access to
                  all documents and information required for Deloitte & Touch to
                  prepare an audit of the financial  statements  prepared by the
                  Company under IFRS (including, without limitation, the balance
                  sheet,  profit and loss statement and statement of cash flows)
                  of each such Group  Company for the twelve  (12) month  period
                  ended December 31, 2005 (the "Audit");


            4.2.2 Seller and Purchaser  shall use their  respective best efforts
                  to procure that  Deloitte & Touche  prepare and deliver to the
                  parties the Audit, as soon as possible and in any event by the
                  40th day after the date on which  Deloitte  & Touche  has been
                  provided with access to all documents and information required
                  for it to prepare the Audit;

            4.2.3 at the Closing,  Seller shall deliver to Deloitte & Touche and
                  Purchaser   a   certificate   identifying   the   Indebtedness
                  outstanding  and the Cash and Cash  Equivalents  of the  Group
                  Companies on the Closing Date;

            4.2.4 Seller and Purchaser  shall use their  respective best efforts
                  to procure  that  Deloitte & Touche  verify and deliver to the
                  parties a statement as to the  Consolidated Net Debt as at the
                  Closing Date (the  "Verification")  as soon as possible and in
                  any event  within 10  Business  Days after the  Closing  Date.
                  Purchaser  shall  procure  that the  Group  Companies  provide
                  Deloitte & Touch with access to all documents and  information
                  required  for  Deloitte  & Touche to  conduct  such  audit and
                  deliver such Verification;

            4.2.5 the Purchase Price shall be either:

                  (a)   reduced  by  the   amount  by  which  the   Verification
                        determines that the Consolidated Net Debt on the Closing
                        Date exceeded zero,  and Purchaser  shall be entitled to
                        deduct such excess from the  instalment  of the Purchase
                        Price  paid  pursuant  to Clause  4.1.2;  provided  that
                        Seller  shall  pay to  Purchaser  within  30 days  after
                        delivery  of the  Verification  the  amount  (if any) by
                        which such excess exceeds the instalment of the Purchase
                        Price paid pursuant to Clause 4.1.2; or

                  (b)   increased  by  the  amount  by  which  the  Verification
                        determines that the Consolidated Net Debt on the Closing
                        Date was less than zero; and

            4.2.6 the fees and costs of Deloitte & Touche in the  preparation of
                  the  Audit and the  Verification  shall be borne 50% by Seller
                  and 50% by Purchaser.

      4.3   Seller  shall be  responsible  for paying to the  transferor  of the
            Minority Share such portion of the Purchase Price as Seller and such
            transferor  may agree and shall  hold  harmless  Purchaser  from and
            against any Losses resulting from any claim by the transferor of the
            Minority  Share  relating to his,  her or its  compensation  for the
            transfer of the Minority Share.


      5.2   On or prior to the  Closing  Date,  Seller  shall  cause  the  Group
            Companies to repay, with no additional or residual cost or liability
            to Purchaser and all Navigator Indebtedness.

      5.3   During the period  from the date of this  Agreement  to the  Closing
            Date (the "Interim Period"),  Seller shall cause the Group Companies
            to operate and carry on their respective  businesses in the ordinary
            course of business in a manner  consistent  with past  practices and
            will not,  without the prior written consent of Purchaser,  cause or
            permit any of the Group Companies to take any action or omit to take
            any  action  which  would  cause  any  of  the  representations  and
            warranties  set  forth  in  Clause  8 to be  untrue,  inaccurate  or
            misleading in any material respect.

      5.4   Without  limiting the generality of Clause 5.2, Seller shall procure
            that during the Interim  Period neither Group Company shall take any
            of the  following  actions  without  the prior  written  consent  of

            5.4.1 the amendment of its by-laws or articles;

            5.4.2 acquisition   of,  or   agreement   to  acquire,   by  merger,
                  consolidation,  purchase  or  otherwise  any  stock  or all or
                  substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  any  person  (be it a
                  corporation,   partnership,   association  or  other  business
                  organization in the ordinary course of business);


            5.4.3 the alteration or  reorganization  of its outstanding  capital
                  stock or equity securities or declaration,  set aside,  making
                  or payment of any  dividend in respect of its capital (in cash
                  or  otherwise)  or purchase or redemption of any shares of its

            5.4.4 the issuance or sale,  or  redemption  or  acquisition  of, or
                  agreement to issue or sell,  or redeem or acquire,  any of its
                  capital or other equity  interest or any options,  warrants or
                  other  rights to  purchase  any such  shares  or other  equity
                  interest or any securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable
                  for such shares or equity  interests or purchase,  or agree to
                  purchase, any such securities of a third party;

            5.4.5 the  reorganization,  dissolution or entering into any plan of
                  liquidation or dissolution or similar  proceeding,  or ceasing
                  to carry on its business operations;

            5.4.6 except  for  the  sale  of the  Navigator  Shares,  the  sale,
                  transfer,  lease or pledge,  or agreement  to sell,  transfer,
                  lease or pledge  (whether by a single  transaction or a series
                  of related  transactions),  any asset,  tangible or intangible
                  having a value of more than USD 50,000 or,  over the course of
                  the  Interim  Period,  assets  with a value  of more  than USD
                  200,000 in the aggregate;

            5.4.7 the cancellation or termination of any insurance policy (other
                  than any car insurance policy);

            5.4.8 the  provision of credits,  lending of amounts and issuance of
                  credit notes or waiver or  cancellation  of any receivables or
                  debts  owed to it having a value of more than USD  50,000  or,
                  over the course of the Interim Period,  credits, loans, credit
                  notes and waivers and  cancellation  of  receivables  and debt
                  having a value of more than USD 200,000 in the aggregate;

            5.4.9 except for the Navigator  Indebtedness,  incurrence of any new
                  Indebtedness  over the  course  of the  Interim  Period  in an
                  aggregate  principal  amount in excess of USD  200,000  in the

           5.4.10 the   amendment  or  voluntary  termination  of  any  Material

           5.4.11 the  entering  into any new  contract or agreement  that would
                  qualify  as  a  Material  Agreement  or  any  other  contract,
                  agreement or commitment with a Related Party;

           5.4.12 any   departure  or  deviation  from the  ordinary  course  of
                  business  consistent  with past practice in the  management of
                  the working capital of any of the Group Companies,  including,
                  without  limitation,  through the delay in payment of payables
                  or acceleration of invoicing or collection of receivables;

           5.4.13 the   making  by any of the  Group  Companies  of any  capital
                  expenditure in excess of USD 50,000 or, over the course of the
                  Interim Period,  capital expenditures in excess of USD 200,000
                  in the aggregate;

           5.4.14 the  appointment  and   removal of the  auditors of any of the
                  Group Companies;

           5.4.15 the  entering   into of any swap,  forward  contract,  futures
                  contract,   option  or  any  other   derivative  or  financial
                  arrangement  by any of the Group  Companies  other than in the
                  ordinary course of business;

           5.4.16 the   commencement  or settlement  of any material  litigation
                  involving any of the Group Companies; or


           5.4.17 the  employment of any management staff member, or termination
                  of any Key Employee.

      For the purposes of requesting  Purchaser's  consent hereunder,  Purchaser
      designates  Martin Lea and Rob Bowker  acting  separately  and not jointly
      with immediate effect and with full power to give consents;  provided that
      Purchaser  shall have the right at any time upon written  notice to Seller
      to change the  identity  of the  individuals  designated  to provide  such
      consents.  Purchaser agrees not to unreasonably  withhold any such consent
      (considering the commercial sensitivities of the relevant decision and the
      information  provided  by  Seller  in  connection  therewith)  and  not to
      unreasonably  delay any such consent (and any such consent shall be deemed
      to be given if Purchaser has not  consented or refused its consent  within
      five (5) Business Days).

      5.5   During the Interim Period:

            5.5.1 Seller shall: (a) provide to Purchaser copies of all financial
                  reports (including, without limitation, the monthly management
                  accounts  with  respect to each Group  Company  within 20 days
                  after  the end of each  calendar  month)  and  other  material
                  information regarding the Group Companies,  including, without
                  limitation,  all such information made available to members of
                  the boards of directors  and  supervisory  boards of the Group
                  Companies  (including any committees  consisting of members of
                  such   boards);   (b)  notify   Purchaser  of  anything   that
                  constitutes an unexpected  emergency or other material  change
                  in the normal  course of the  business  or  operations  of the
                  properties  or other assets of any of the Group  Companies and
                  of any complaints,  investigations,  hearings, adjudicatory or
                  arbitral  proceedings  (including  submissions thereto) of any
                  governmental  authority  or arbitral  tribunal  involving  the
                  properties  or other assets of the Group  Companies,  and keep
                  Purchaser fully informed of such events and permit Purchaser's
                  representatives  prompt  access to all  materials  prepared in
                  connection therewith.

            5.5.2 Seller  shall,  and shall  procure  that (upon prior notice by
                  Purchaser  to  Seller)  the  management  of each of the  Group
                  Companies  confer on a regular and frequent  basis with one or
                  more  designated   representatives   of  Purchaser  to  report
                  operational  matters and report the general  status of ongoing
                  operations relating to the businesses of the Group Companies.

            5.5.3 Seller   shall,   upon   reasonable   request,   procure  that
                  representatives  of Purchaser  have access,  at all reasonable
                  times and in a manner so as not to  interfere  with the normal
                  business  operations  of the Group  Companies,  to the  senior

            5.5.4 Seller shall procure that EuroWeb Romania use its best efforts
                  to apply for and obtain as many  Permits as  practicable  that
                  were required for the  construction of the existing Network of
                  EuroWeb  Romania  and  that  have  not  been  applied  for and

      5.6   Purchaser  agrees to hold all  information  it receives  from Seller
            with  respect  to the Group  Companies  pursuant  to  Clause  5.4 as
            confidential information until the Closing Date, will not use any of
            such  information  at any time prior to the  Closing  Date except in
            connection with this Agreement, and, if this Agreement is terminated
            for any reason  whatsoever,  will (a) return to Seller all copies of
            such  information  that  are in its  possession  promptly  upon  the
            written request of Seller and (b) destroy any internal analyses that
            have  incorporated  any such  information;  provided that  Purchaser
            shall be entitled to retain for record keeping  purposes one copy of
            any material presented to its Board of Directors or shareholders.

      5.7   During the Interim Period, Purchaser shall be entitled to speak with
            management  staff members of the Group  Companies and offer to them,
            on behalf of the relevant Group Company,  a retention  bonus payable
            by such Group Company  contingent upon the occurrence of the Closing
            and their remaining with such Group Company for at least a specified
            number of days after the Closing Date.  Promptly upon the request of
            Purchaser,  Seller shall  procure that the  relevant  Group  Company


            authorize  and execute any such offer.  For the  avoidance of doubt,
            any such  arrangements  shall not include the payment of any part of
            such a bonus  by a Group  Company  prior to the  Closing  Date or by
            Seller at any time.

      5.8   During the Interim Period,  Seller shall not take, and shall procure
            that each of the Group Companies refrain from taking, any action to,
            directly  or  indirectly,  encourage,  initiate  or  engage  in  any
            discussions or negotiations with, or provide any information to, any
            person (other than Purchaser and/or its Affiliates) concerning:  (a)
            any sale or other  disposition of the Purchased Shares or all or any
            material  part of the assets or business of any Group  Company;  (b)
            any issuance of any new shares by any of the Group Companies; or (c)
            any  merger,   demerger  or  transformation  of  any  of  the  Group

      5.9   During the Interim  Period,  Seller  shall  disclose to Purchaser in
            writing any event or circumstance  either (a)  originating  prior to
            the date of this  Agreement  that  constitutes  a breach of Seller's
            representations and warranties set out in Clause 8.1 or (b) that has
            occurred  since  the  date of this  Agreement  and  that  (i)  would
            constitute,  if existing on the Closing  Date,  a breach of Seller's
            representations  and  warranties set forth in Clause 8.1 and/or (ii)
            constitutes or could  reasonably be expected to result in a Material
            Adverse  Effect.  Each such notice  shall be  delivered by Seller as
            soon as reasonably practicable after Seller has become aware of such
            event or circumstance and no later than 5 Business Days after Seller
            having become so aware.

      5.10  For  avoidance  of doubt,  absent any  agreement  to the contrary by
            Purchaser,  no  disclosure by Seller under Clause 5.8 shall serve to
            excuse Seller from  liability  under this  Agreement  arising from a
            representation,  warranty and a breach of a covenant  under Clause 5
            or otherwise.

      5.11  During the  Interim  Period,  Seller and  Purchaser  shall use their
            respective  reasonable  efforts  to obtain  jointly  the  consent of
            Pantel to the  assignment by Seller to Purchaser of all  obligations
            of Seller under the Euroweb Guaranty  Agreement,  such assignment to
            take effect on the Closing  Date.  If such  assignment  proves to be
            impossible  or  impractical  due to the failure of Pantel to provide
            its  consent  to  such  assignment,  (a)  Seller  shall  remain  the
            contracting party in respect of the Euroweb Guarantee Agreement, (b)
            Seller shall  notify  Purchaser  of any action,  proceeding,  claim,
            liability  demand or assessment  asserted by Pantel  against  Seller
            under  the  Euroweb  Guarantee  Agreement  relating  to an  event or
            circumstance  occurring  after the Closing Date (a "Pantel  Claim"),
            (c) Purchaser shall be solely  responsible for satisfying any Pantel
            Claim and shall  indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against
            any and all Losses  actually  suffered or incurred by Seller arising
            out  of or  resulting  from  any  such  Pantel  Claim  and  (d)  the
            provisions  of Clauses  9.7 through 9.9 shall apply as if the Pantel
            Claim was a Third  Party  Claim  thereunder,  as if  Seller  was the
            Indemnitee  thereunder  and  Purchaser  was the  Indemnifying  Party

      5.12  During the Interim  Period,  Seller  shall and shall cause the Group
            Companies to cooperate fully with Purchaser and Purchaser's  lenders
            in finalizing  for  signature by the Group  Companies at Closing all
            documents  requested  by  Purchaser's  lenders  in  connection  with
            Purchaser's existing credit facilities (including without limitation
            the supply of all necessary information);  provided that any and all
            such  documents   signed  at  Closing  shall  be  conditional   upon
            successful Closing hereunder.

      5.13  On or prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall procure the following:

           5.13.1 The   purchase  by Seller from  EuroWeb  Hungary of all of the
                  Navigator  Shares for a  purchase  price that shall not exceed
                  the purchase  price paid by EuroWeb  Hungary for the Navigator
                  Shares,   and  the   repayment   of  any  and  all   Navigator
                  Indebtedness  from the proceeds of such purchase  price,  such
                  repayment to be (a) subject to no prepayment fees or penalties
                  (provided  that if any such  prepayment  fees or penalties are
                  payable,  then  Seller  shall pay them on  behalf  of  EuroWeb
                  Hungary)  and  (b)  simultaneous   with  the  release  of  any
                  Encumbrances securing such Navigator Indebtedness; and


           5.13.2 The  release by the vendors under the Navigator SPA of EuroWeb
                  Hungary  from and  against any and all  actions,  proceedings,
                  claims,  liabilities,  demands  or  assessments  they may have
                  against EuroWeb Hungary under the Navigator SPA.


The sale and purchase of Purchased Shares in accordance with this Agreement (the
"Closing") will take place at the office of Reczicza White & Case LLP,  Andrassy
ut 11, 1062 Budapest, Hungary on the date which is seven (7) Business Days after
the date on which the last of the Conditions is satisfied or waived,  or at such
other time and place as is agreed in writing by Seller and  Purchaser,  provided
that such date is no later than June 30, 2006 (the "Long Stop Date").

At Closing  the  parties  shall  undertake  those  actions  listed in Clause 6.5
applicable  to it. If the  provisions of Clause 6.5 are not complied with on the
Closing  Date by either  party,  then the other  party  shall not be  obliged to
proceed with the Closing and may:

            6.2.1 defer Closing to a date no less than five (5) and no more than
                  fifteen  (15)  Business  Days  after the date set for  Closing
                  (with the  provisions  of this Clause 6 applying to Closing as
                  so deferred);

            6.2.2 proceed  to Closing as far as  practicable  (without  limiting
                  their rights under this Agreement); or

            6.2.3 terminate  this  Agreement for breach of condition upon notice
                  to the party that has  breached its  obligations  under Clause
                  6.5  (without  limiting  its  rights and  remedies  under this

The payment of the Purchase  Price by wire transfer of funds  pursuant to Clause
6.5.2  and the  crediting  of the  same on the  bank  account  of  Seller  shall
discharge  the payment  obligation of Purchaser  pursuant to Clause  6.5.2(a) of
this  Agreement,  and Purchaser  shall not be concerned with the  application of
such sums by Seller.

Closing Arrangements

Seller's Obligations

      At Closing, Seller shall procure the delivery of the following for each of
Seller and Group Companies:

      (a)   evidence satisfactory to Purchaser that this Agreement has been duly
            authorized and duly executed by Seller;

      (b)   a  certificate  signed  by  a  duly  authorized  officer  of  Seller
            certifying as to the authenticity of the attached  resolution of the
            shareholders of Seller  approving the  transactions  contemplated by
            this Agreement;

      (c)   valid and  effective  resolutions  of the  general  meetings  of the
            shareholders of the Group Companies appointing, with effect from the
            Closing Date, the persons set out in Schedule 6.5.1(c) or such other
            persons as  Purchaser  shall  nominate at least 45 days prior to the
            Closing Date as members of board of directors,  managing  directors,
            administrators and auditors of the Group Companies (as appropriate);

      (d)   the share  certificates for the Purchased  Shares,  duly endorsed in
            blank,  or  accompanied  by  transfers  duly  executed  in  favor of
            Purchaser by Seller;

      (e)   authentic  copies of the share  registry of Euroweb  Hungary and the
            shareholders  registry of EuroWeb Romania, in each case,  reflecting
            the  registration  of the  transfers  of  the  Purchased  Shares  to
            Purchaser, signed by each of Seller and Purchaser;


      (f)   written resignations in the agreed terms to take effect from Closing
            of all members of the board of directors  and  supervisory  board of
            each Group  Company,  in each case  relinquishing  any right  (past,
            present or future)  against any of the Group  Companies  for loss of
            office (whether contractual, statutory or otherwise);

      (g)   a certificate  of tax residency in the United States with respect to

      (h)   evidence  satisfactory  to  Purchaser  of  the  fulfillment  of  the

      (i)   the books and records of the Group  Companies as described in Clause

      (j)   signed  documents  required by the banks of the Group  Companies  to
            change the signatory rights over the accounts of the Group companies
            to the designee of Purchaser;

      (k)   signed consents of counter-parties  under those Material  Agreements
            requiring such consent in the event of a change of control in any of
            the Group Companies;

      (l)   evidence  satisfactory to Purchaser (acting  reasonably) that all of
            the actions  required  to be taken  pursuant to Clause 5.1 have been

      (m)   all documents  (duly signed by the Group  Companies and notarized if
            necessary)  requested  by  Purchaser's  lenders  under its  existing
            credit facilities;

      (n)   certified   declaration   updating  Seller's   representations   and
            warranties  in Clause 8 as at Closing in the agreed form of Schedule
            6.5.1(o); and

      (o)   any and all other  documents  required to effect the Transaction and
            divest in Purchaser the ownership and control of the Group Companies
            and their Business.

Purchaser's Obligations

      At Closing, Purchaser shall:

      (a)   procure  that  the  Purchase  Price  shall be  transferred  by Swift
            transfer in immediately available funds to the bank account notified
            by Seller at least five Business Days prior to the Closing Date, and
            provide  copies of the  relevant  Swift  instructions  certified  by
            Purchaser's bank;

      (b)   deliver to Seller a certified  copy of the minutes of the meeting of
            the board of  directors of Purchaser  authorizing  the  execution of
            this Agreement; and

      (c)   deliver to Seller a certified  copy of the approval of the Hungarian
            Economic Competition Office.


      7.1   Purchaser  represents  and  warrants  to  Seller  that  each  of the
            following  is on the date  hereof  and will be on the  Closing  Date
            true, accurate and not misleading:

            7.1.1 Purchaser is a company duly  incorporated and validly existing
                  under the laws of Hungary. It has the corporate power to enter
                  into this Agreement and to perform its obligations  hereunder.
                  The  execution of and  entering  into this  Agreement  and the
                  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  by
                  Purchaser have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate
                  and other  action  applicable  to  Purchaser.  This  Agreement
                  constitute legal,  valid and binding  obligations of Purchaser
                  enforceable against Purchaser in accordance with their terms.

            7.1.2 The  execution of and entering  into this  Agreement,  and the
                  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby, do not
                  and  will not  (with or  without  the  passage  of time or the
                  giving of notice) (i) violate or conflict  with any  provision
                  of the articles of  Purchaser,  (ii) violate or conflict  with
                  any regulation binding upon Purchaser or any of its assets, or
                  (iii)  except  for  Hungarian   Competition  Office  approval,
                  require  the  consent  of or  notice to any  person  under any
                  agreement or obligation to which Purchaser is bound.


            7.1.3 Purchaser has conducted a comprehensive  legal, tax, financial
                  and  technical  due  diligence   with  respect  to  the  Group
                  Companies and received detailed answers to questions regarding
                  the  Group  Companies  and,  without  limiting  the  right  of
                  Purchaser to recover  under any  Indemnity  set out in Clauses
                  9.2.2,  9.2.3 or 9.2.4, on the date hereof is not aware of any
                  material breach of the representations and warranties given by
                  Seller  pursuant to Clause 8. Seller shall not be liable under
                  the  representations and warranties given by it in Clause 8 to
                  the extent that  Purchaser  was aware of the facts,  events or
                  circumstances  which  cause  any of such  representations  and
                  warranties to be breached or  misleading;  for purposes of the
                  foregoing,  Purchaser  shall be  deemed  to be aware of facts,
                  events or  circumstances if and to the extent (and only if and
                  to the extent) that any of Martin Lea,  Rob Bowker,  Zsuzsanna
                  Czebe or Andrea Raba were actually aware of such facts, events
                  or  circumstances  on the  date  of this  Agreement  or that a
                  reasonable  and  prudent  buyer,   advised  by  competent  and
                  experienced  legal  counsel  and  financial  advisors,   could
                  reasonably be expected to have  discovered and understood such
                  facts, events or circumstances (including the extent of Losses
                  that could reasonably be expected to occur as a result of such
                  facts,  events or  circumstances)  from an  examination of the
                  documents set out in the data room made available by Seller to
                  Purchaser and its advisors.

            7.1.4 Purchaser  will on the Closing Date have  sufficient  funds at
                  its disposal to pay the Purchase Price hereunder.  Attached as
                  Schedule 7.1.4 is a confirmation from HVB Hungaria Rt. that it
                  has  agreed  to  underwrite  a  facility  for the  purpose  of
                  financing  the  payment  by  Purchaser  of a  portion  of  the
                  Purchase Price.


      8.1   Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser each of the following is
            on the date  hereof and will be on the Closing  Date true,  accurate
            and not misleading:

            8.1.1 Existence, Power and Authority

                  (a)   Seller  is  a  company  duly  incorporated  and  validly
                        existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United
                        States of America.  It has the corporate  power to enter
                        into  this  Agreement  and to  perform  its  obligations
                        thereunder.  The  execution  of and  entering  into this
                        Agreement  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
                        contemplated   thereby,   by   Seller   have  been  duly
                        authorized  by the Board of Directors of Seller.  On the
                        date  of  this  Agreement  the   obligations  of  Seller
                        hereunder    constitute   legal,   valid   and   binding
                        obligations  of  Seller  enforceable  against  Seller in
                        accordance with their terms other than the obligation of
                        Seller to sell to Purchaser the Purchased Shares,  which
                        shall be legal,  valid and binding  upon the approval of
                        the holders of a majority of the common  stock of Seller
                        pursuant to Clause 3.2.1. No other  corporate  approvals
                        are   necessary  to  authorize   the  execution  or  the
                        performance by Seller of this Agreement.

                  (b)   The execution of and entering into this  Agreement,  and
                        the  consummation  of  the   transactions   contemplated
                        thereby,  do not and  will  not  (with  or  without  the
                        passage of time or the giving of notice)  (i) violate or
                        conflict with any provision of the articles of Seller or
                        any of the Group  Companies,  (ii)  violate or  conflict
                        with any  regulation  binding  upon Seller or any of the
                        Group  Companies or any of their  assets,  (iii) require
                        the  consent  of or  notice  to  any  person  under  any
                        agreement  or  obligation  to  which  any of  the  Group
                        Companies  is bound or (iv)  violate or  conflict  with,
                        result in a breach  of,  constitute  a default  under or
                        result in the termination,  cancellation or modification
                        of any Material  Agreement or other material  obligation
                        by which any of the Group  Companies  is bound or result
                        in the creation or  imposition of any  Encumbrance  upon
                        any asset of any of the Group Companies.


                  (c)   Set  forth  in  Schedule  8.1.1(c)  is  a  complete  and
                        accurate list of each of the  jurisdictions in which the
                        Group  Companies  operate,   and/or  are  qualified  and
                        licensed to do business.  Each of the Group Companies is
                        duly  organized and validly  existing  under the laws of
                        the  country  of  its  formation.   Each  of  the  Group
                        Companies  has all  requisite  power to own its property
                        and  other  assets  and  to  carry  on its  business  as
                        currently being  conducted.  None of the Group Companies
                        is  insolvent,  has been  declared  insolvent,  has been
                        dissolved,  or, to the best  knowledge,  information and
                        belief of Seller,  in the  future  could  reasonably  be
                        expected to be declared insolvent, and there has been no
                        petition  filed  proposing  the  opening  of  bankruptcy
                        proceedings in respect of any of the Group Companies.

                  (d)   No   consent   or   approval   of,   or    registration,
                        notification,   filing  and/or   declaration  with,  any
                        governmental  authority or other person  (other than the
                        approval by the U.S.  Securities and Exchange Commission
                        of the proxy materials  submitted in connection with the
                        Stockholders Meeting) is required to be given or made by
                        Seller or any of the Group  Companies in connection with
                        the execution of this Agreement, and the consummation of
                        the Transaction; and to the best knowledge,  information
                        and belief of Seller,  the execution of this  Agreement,
                        and the consummation of the Transaction, will not result
                        in the termination,  cancellation or modification of any

            8.1.2 Capitalization

                  (a)   Schedule  8.1.2(a)  sets  forth  a  true,  accurate  and
                        complete  description of the  capitalization  of each of
                        the Group Companies.

                  (b)   Seller is the  registered  and  beneficial  owner of the
                        Purchased  Shares,  free  of any  and  all  Encumbrances
                        (other  than   Encumbrances   securing   the   Navigator
                        Indebtedness,  which  Encumbrances  shall be released in
                        full on or before the Closing  Date).  For the avoidance
                        of  doubt,  there  are  no  options,   warrants,  rights
                        (including   conversion   or   pre-emptive   rights)  or
                        agreements,  orally or in writing,  for the  purchase or
                        acquisition  of the  Purchased  Shares,  other  than  as
                        detailed in this Agreement.

                  (c)   Seller has a valid call option to purchase  the Minority


                  (a)   The Purchased  Shares have been duly and validly issued,
                        fully   paid   and  are   non-assessable   and  free  of
                        Encumbrances  (other  than  Encumbrances   securing  the
                        Navigator  Indebtedness,  which  Encumbrances  shall  be
                        released in full on or before the Closing Date).

                  (b)   Neither Group Company owns, directly or indirectly,  any
                        shares,   membership   interests   or  other  equity  or
                        proprietary interest in any other person (other than the
                        ownership by Euroweb  Hungary of the  Navigator  Shares,
                        which shall cease on or before the Closing Date).

            8.1.4 Management Accounts and no Changes

                  (a)   The Management Accounts, except as indicated therein, to
                        the best  knowledge,  information  and belief of Seller,
                        (i)  have  been  prepared  in   accordance   with  local
                        accounting  standards  or  accounting  law  consistently
                        applied  throughout  the ten (10) month  period ended on
                        October 31,  2005 and (ii)  present a true and fair view
                        of the financial  position of the Group  Companies taken
                        as a whole as at the date  thereof  and the  results  of
                        their  operations and changes in the financial  position
                        of the  Group  Companies  taken as a whole  for the such


                  (b)   Since  October  31,  2005,  there  has not  been (i) any
                        Material  Adverse  Change,  except such  changes as have
                        generally  effected the market within which either Group
                        Company operates, and to the best knowledge, information
                        and behalf of Seller, there is no fact or condition that
                        exists or is  contemplated  or  threatened  which  could
                        reasonably  be expected to result in a Material  Adverse
                        Effect  in  the  future   save  for   general   economic
                        conditions and matters  generally  affecting  businesses
                        which  compete  with the  business  of any of the  Group

                  (c)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        none of the Group  Companies  has any  material  claims,
                        obligations,   liabilities  or   Indebtedness,   whether
                        absolute,  accrued,  contingent or otherwise, except for
                        (i) claims, obligations, liabilities or Indebtedness set
                        forth  in the  Management  Accounts  and  (ii)  accounts
                        payable to trade creditors and accrued expenses incurred
                        subsequent to October 31, 2005 in the ordinary course of
                        business consistent with past practice.

                  (d)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        the amount of all accounts receivable, unbilled invoices
                        and  other  debts  due or  recorded  in  the  respective
                        records and books of account of the Group  Companies  as
                        being due as at the Closing Date (less the amount of any
                        provision  or reserve  therefor  made in the  respective
                        records and books of account of the Group  Companies and
                        its  Subsidiaries)  will be good and collectible in full
                        in the ordinary  course of business and in any event not
                        later than ninety (90) days after the Closing Date;  and
                        none of such  accounts  receivable or other debts is, or
                        at the Closing Date will be, subject to any counterclaim
                        or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or
                        reserve. There has been no Material Adverse Change since
                        October 31, 2005 in the amount of accounts receivable or
                        other  debts  due  to any  the  Group  Companies  or the
                        allowances with respect thereto,  or accounts payable of
                        the  Group   Companies,   from  that  reflected  in  the
                        Management Accounts.

                  (e)   Schedule  8.1.4(e)  set forth an accurate  and  complete
                        list of all  Indebtedness  and Cash and Cash Equivalents
                        of the Group Companies on October 31, 2005.

            8.1.5 Material Agreements

                  (a)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        Schedule  8.1.5(a)  sets forth an accurate  and complete
                        list of (i) all agreements and other  instruments  which
                        contain  restrictions  on the  payment of  dividends  or
                        other  distributions in respect of the capital of any of
                        the Group Companies, (ii) all agreements relating to the
                        issuance  or   repurchase  of  shares  or  other  equity
                        interests   or  in  respect  of   registration   rights,
                        pre-emptive  rights,  rights of first refusal,  transfer
                        rights or restrictions, voting rights or other rights of
                        share  or  other  equity  holders  of any  of the  Group
                        Companies,  (iii)  all  agreements  relating  to a joint
                        venture,   shareholders  or  other  similar  arrangement
                        involving   any  of  the  Group   Companies,   (iv)  all
                        agreements of any of the Group  Companies  relating to a
                        loan or  advance  to, or  investment  in,  any person in
                        excess  of USD  50,000,  (v) all  guarantees  and  other
                        contingent  liabilities of any of the Group Companies in
                        respect  of  any   indebtedness   or  other   contingent
                        obligation  of any  person  (other  than  another  Group
                        Company),  (vi) all agreements  pursuant to which any of
                        Seller or Group  Companies has  contracted  with a third
                        party for all or a material  part of the  management  of
                        any of the Group Companies, (vii) all contracts limiting
                        the ability of any of the Group  Companies  to engage in
                        any line of business or compete with any person,  (viii)
                        all  other  agreements  of any of  the  Group  Companies
                        having a value or cost,  or potential  value or cost, in
                        excess of USD 100,000 or (ix) all material agreements of
                        any of the Group Companies  which, or the termination of
                        which,  could  reasonably be expected to have a Material
                        Adverse Effect (all agreements,  contracts,  instruments
                        or commitments  set forth or required to be set forth on
                        Schedule 8.1.5(a), the "Material Agreements").


                  (b)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        none of the Group Companies is in breach with respect to
                        the  performance  of contractual  obligations  under any
                        Material  Agreement,  and there is no event  that,  with
                        notice  or  lapse  of time or both,  will  constitute  a
                        material   default   by  any  of  the  Group   Companies
                        thereunder.  To  the  best  knowledge,  information  and
                        belief of  Seller,  no other  party  under any  Material
                        Agreement is in default with respect to the  performance
                        of contractual obligations  thereunder,  and there is no
                        event which,  with notice or lapse of time or both, will
                        constitute  a default by any such party  thereunder.  To
                        the best  knowledge,  information  and belief of Seller,
                        each Material Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and
                        binding  obligation of the Group  Companies  which are a
                        party thereto,  enforceable against each of such parties
                        in accordance with its terms.

            8.1.6 Taxes

                  To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller:

                  (a)   All Taxes and Tax liabilities of the Group Companies for
                        all taxable  years or periods  that end on or before the
                        Closing  Date and,  with  respect to any taxable year or
                        period  beginning  before and ending  after the  Closing
                        Date,  the portion of such taxable year or period ending
                        on  and   including   the  Closing  Date   ("Pre-Closing
                        Periods")   have  been   timely   paid  or  accrued  and
                        adequately disclosed and fully provided for on the books
                        and records of the Group  Companies in  accordance  with
                        International  Accounting  Standards or local accounting

                  (b)   The Group  Companies  have duly and timely filed all Tax
                        returns and all other Tax documents,  forms,  statements
                        and reports that are required to have been filed by them
                        in accordance with applicable  regulations  ("Returns").
                        The Returns have accurately (i) reflected  liability for
                        Taxes of the Group Companies,  including any tax losses,
                        for the periods covered thereby,  (ii) characterised and
                        reflected    transactions   between   Group   Companies,
                        including   financing    transactions    between   Group
                        Companies,  and (iii)  reflected the residual  value for
                        Tax purposes of the assets of the Group Companies. There
                        are no requests for extensions of time for the filing of
                        any Returns.

                  (c)   Other than  disclosed in Schedule  8.1.6(c)  none of the
                        Group  Companies  or Seller  has been the  subject of an
                        audit  or  other   examination   of  Taxes  by  the  tax
                        authorities  of any nation,  state or  locality  (and no
                        such audit is pending  or  contemplated)  nor has any of
                        the Group  Companies or Seller received any notices from
                        any taxing  authority  relating to any issue which could
                        or reasonably  be expected to materially  affect the Tax
                        liability of any of the Group Companies.

                  (d)   Neither Seller nor any of the Group Companies has, as of
                        the Closing  Date,  (a)  entered  into an  agreement  or
                        waiver or requested to enter into an agreement or waiver
                        extending  any  statute of  limitations  relating to the
                        payment  or  collection  of  Taxes  or (b) is  presently
                        contesting any Tax liability before any court,  tribunal
                        or agency.

                  (e)   None of the Group  Companies  has been  included  in any
                        "consolidated",  "unitary" or "combined" Return provided
                        for under the law of the  United  States,  any  non-U.S.
                        jurisdiction or any state, province, prefect or locality
                        with  respect to Taxes for any taxable  period for which
                        the statute of limitations has not expired.


                  (f)   All Taxes which the Group  Companies,  individually  and
                        collectively, is (or was) required by law to withhold or
                        collect in connection  with amounts paid or owing to any
                        employee, independent contractor,  creditor, stockholder
                        or  other  third  party  have  been  duly   withheld  or
                        collected,  and have been timely paid over to the proper
                        authorities to the extent due and payable.

                  (g)   No  written  claim  has  ever  been  made by any  Taxing
                        authority  in a  jurisdiction  where  any of  the  Group
                        Companies  does not file  Returns that such of the Group
                        Companies  is or may by  subject  to  Taxation  by  that

                  (h)   There are no Tax sharing, allocation, indemnification or
                        similar agreements in effect as between any of the Group
                        Companies or any  predecessor  or Affiliate  thereof and
                        any other party  (including  Seller and any predecessors
                        or  Affiliates  thereof)  under which  Purchaser  or the
                        Group  Companies  could be liable for any Taxes or other
                        claims of any party.

                  (i)   None  of the  Group  Companies  has  applied  for,  been
                        granted,  or agreed to any accounting  method change for
                        which  it will be  required  to take  into  account  any
                        adjustment  under  the Tax  laws of any  nation,  state,
                        province, prefect or locality.

            8.1.7 Labor

                  (a)   EuroWeb Hungary is not a party to a Collective Agreement
                        or  required  to  comply  with a  Collective  Agreement.
                        EuroWeb Romania is a party to a Collective Agreement for
                        the year 2005 - 2006 that is  substantially  the same as
                        its Collective Agreement for the year 2004 - 2005.

                  (b)   No Group Company has a works or  supervisory  council or
                        other body  representing  employees which has a right to
                        be  represented or attend at or participate in any board
                        or council meeting or a right to be informed,  consulted
                        or make representations in relation to the business of a
                        Group Company,  other than any right of  consultation of
                        the  employees to be informed or consulted  with respect
                        to matters  concerning  them arising by operation of any
                        laws of general application.

                  (c)   Except  as  disclosed  in  Schedule  8.1.8(a),  no Group
                        Company is  involved  in a dispute  regarding a claim of
                        material  importance  with its  employees  or any  trade
                        union, association of trade unions, works council, staff
                        association or other body representing its employees and
                        there  are no  circumstances  likely to give rise to any
                        such dispute.

                  (d)   Within  the  period of two  years  ending on the date of
                        this Agreement no Group Company has:

                        (i)   made or started  implementation  of any collective
                              dismissals  that  have  required  or will  require
                              notification  to any authority or  notification to
                              or  consultation  with  any  trade  union,   works
                              council,   staff   association   or   other   body
                              representing employees; or

                        (ii)  been a party  to any  transfer  of a  business  or
                              undertaking  that  has  required  or will  require
                              notification  to or  consultation  with any  trade
                              union,  works council,  staff association or other
                              body representing employees.

                  (e)   None of the Group Companies have, or are under any legal
                        obligation to establish,  any pension  schemes for their
                        employees except as disclosed in Schedule 8.1.7(e).


                  (f)   Seller  and each of the Group  Companies  have  provided
                        Purchaser  and its  advisors  with a form of  employment
                        agreement   applicable  to  all   employment  and  other
                        arrangements  between  a  Group  Company  and  each  Key

                  (g)   Other  than  with   respect  to  sales   representatives
                        entitled to a bonus based upon their  respective  sales,
                        no Group Company has in existence nor is it proposing to
                        introduce,  and  none of its  employees  or  contractors
                        directly or indirectly  participates  in (whether or not
                        established by a Group Company),  any share trust, share
                        incentive scheme,  share option scheme or profit sharing
                        scheme for the  benefit of all or any of its  present or
                        former employees or contractors or the dependants of any
                        of such  persons or any scheme  whereunder  any  present
                        employee or  contractor  is  entitled  to a  commission,
                        bonus or  remuneration  of any other sort  calculated by
                        reference to the whole or part of the turnover,  profits
                        or sales of Seller,  the Group, any Group Company or any
                        other  person,  firm or  company  or  payable  upon  the
                        consummation of the Transaction.

            8.1.8 Litigation; Compliance with Law

                  (a)   Except as  disclosed  in Schedule  8.1.8(a)  there is no
                        action,  suit,  arbitration or  administrative  or other
                        proceeding  by or before (or, so far as Seller is aware,
                        any investigation by) any court,  governmental authority
                        or arbitral  tribunal pending or, to the best knowledge,
                        information and belief of Seller,  threatened against or
                        affecting  any of the Group  Companies  or any  material
                        assets of any of the Group  Companies,  and, to the best
                        knowledge,  information  and belief of Seller,  no valid
                        basis  exists  for  any  such  action,   proceeding   or
                        investigation. None of the Group Companies is subject to
                        any judgments, orders or decrees.

                  (b)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        except as  disclosed in Schedule  8.1.8(b),  none of the
                        Group  Companies  is in  violation  or  default  of  any
                        provisions  of its  articles  or, is in violation of any
                        applicable  laws  or  regulations.  Each  of  the  Group
                        Companies has operated in compliance with all applicable
                        laws and regulations.

                  (c)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        except as  disclosed in Schedule  8.1.8(b),  none of the
                        Group  Companies  has  received  notice  of any  alleged
                        violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

                  (d)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        none of the Group Companies has offered or given, or has
                        knowledge  of any  person  that has  offered or given on
                        their behalf,  anything of value to: (i) any national or
                        local  government  official,   any  political  party  or
                        official thereof, or any candidate for political office;
                        (ii) customer or member of a governmental  authority; or
                        (iii) any other  person,  in any such case while knowing
                        or having  reason to know that all or a portion  of such
                        money  or  thing  of  value  may be  offered,  given  or
                        promised,  directly or  indirectly,  to any  customer or
                        member of a  governmental  authority  or  candidate  for
                        political  office for the purpose of the following:  (A)
                        influencing  any action or decision of such  person,  in
                        his or its  official  capacity,  including a decision to
                        fail  to  perform  his or  its  official  function;  (B)
                        inducing  such person to use his or its  influence  with
                        any  governmental  authority to effect or influence  any
                        act or decision of such governmental  authority, in each
                        of (A) and (B) in order to assist  any Group  Company in
                        obtaining  or  retaining   business  for,  or  with,  or
                        directing business to, any person and where such payment
                        would  constitute  a  bribe,   kickback  or  illegal  or
                        improper payment.


            8.1.9 Permits

                  To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller:

                  (a)   Seller has delivered or made  available to Purchaser for
                        inspection  a true  and  correct  copy of each  material
                        permit,  certificate,  license, consent or authorization
                        of  all   governmental  or  other  authority  or  person
                        (collectively  "Permits")  obtained or  possessed by the
                        Group  Companies.  The Group  Companies have all Permits
                        necessary  for  their  operations  and the  Business  as
                        currently  conducted  including  Permits for the design,
                        construction, operation and maintenance of all Networks,
                        as well as for the provision or any  modification of the
                        services of any Networks.

                  (b)   Except as  disclosed in Schedule  8.1.9(d),  each of the
                        Permits  held by any of the Group  Companies  is in full
                        force and effect.  The Group  Companies  have  conducted
                        their  business  in  accordance  with  their  respective
                        Permits,  and none of the Group  Companies  has received
                        any notice that  indicates that it has not complied with
                        any of the terms of such Permits.

           8.1.10 Intellectual Property

                  To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller:

                  (a)   Schedule  8.1.10(a)  sets  forth all  material  items of
                        Intellectual Property owned and/or licensed by the Group
                        Companies or under which they have  rights.  Each of the
                        Group  Companies owns or possesses all requisite  rights
                        to all Intellectual Property used or required to be used
                        by it without  infringing  the rights of third  parties.
                        All  material   Intellectual   Property  has  been  duly
                        registered  with,  filed in or issued by the appropriate
                        governmental authority to the extent required to provide
                        the Group Companies with the rights used or contemplated
                        to be used by them, and each such  registration,  filing
                        and issuance remains in full force and effect.

                  (b)   So far as  Seller  is  aware,  no claim  adverse  to the
                        interests   of  any  of  the  Group   Companies  in  any
                        Intellectual  Property  right  has  been  threatened  or
                        asserted,  no basis  exists  for any such  claim  and no
                        person has  infringed  or  otherwise  violated  any such
                        interest  of any of the  Group  Companies.  None  of the
                        Group Companies has received any communications alleging
                        that it has  violated any of the  Intellectual  Property
                        rights of any other person.

           8.1.11 Insurance

                  (a)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        Schedule 8.1.11 is an accurate and complete list of each
                        insurance  policy covering the Group Companies and their
                        businesses,  employees  and assets  (other  than any car
                        insurance  policy).  Each of the Group  Companies has in
                        full  force  and  effect  insurance   policies  in  such
                        amounts,  and on such terms and  covering  such risks as
                        are customary in accordance with industry  standards and
                        practices in Hungary or Romania, as the case may be, and
                        are required  under any agreement or obligation to which
                        the relevant of the Group Companies is bound.

                  (b)   With  respect to each such  insurance  policy:  (i) such
                        insurance   policy  is   legal,   valid,   binding   and
                        enforceable;  (ii) no  party  thereto  is in  breach  or
                        default,  or has repudiated such insurance  policy;  and
                        (iii) since the end of their most recent financial year,
                        neither of the Group  Companies has been notified by the
                        relevant  insurer  that it is no  eligible  to make  any
                        claim under such insurance policy.

           8.1.12 Books and Records

                  To the best knowledge,  information and belief of Seller,  the
                  minutes and related books of  resolutions of each of the Group
                  Companies have been kept in accordance  with the  requirements


                  of applicable  regulation.  All the accounts,  books, ledgers,
                  financial and other records of each of the Group Companies are
                  in its  possession  or the  possession of its advisors and, so
                  far as Seller is aware,  have  been  properly  and  accurately
                  kept. The register of  shareholders  and other statutory books
                  (including  the minutes and related books of  resolutions)  of
                  each of the Group  Companies  are in its  possession  and have
                  been properly maintained.

           8.1.13 Properties

                  (a)   Schedule  8.1.13(a)  contains an accurate  and  complete
                        list of all real  property  owned in whole or in part by
                        the Group  Companies.  Each of the Group  Companies  has
                        good and marketable title to all the real property owned
                        by it, free and clear of all Encumbrances.

                  (b)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        Schedule  8.1.13(b)  contains an accurate  and  complete
                        list and description of the material terms of all leases
                        or  subleases  of  real  property  to  which  the  Group
                        Companies is a party (as lessee or lessor).  To the best
                        knowledge,  information and belief of Seller,  the Group
                        Companies have valid  leasehold  interests in all leased
                        real  property  described  in each  lease  set  forth in
                        Schedule  8.1.13(b),  free  and  clear  of any  and  all
                        Encumbrances.  To the best  knowledge,  information  and
                        belief of  Seller,  each  lease  set  forth in  Schedule
                        8.1.13(b)  is in full  force and  effect;  all rents and
                        additional  rents  due to date on each such  lease  have
                        been  paid;  in  each  case,  the  lessee  has  been  in
                        peaceable  possession  since  the  commencement  of  the
                        original  term  of  such  lease  and is  not in  default
                        thereunder and no waiver,  indulgence or postponement of
                        the lessee's obligations  thereunder has been granted by
                        the  lessor;  and  there  exists  no  default  or event,
                        occurrence,  condition or act (including the purchase of
                        the Purchased Shares  hereunder)  which, with the giving
                        of  notice,  the lapse of time or the  happening  of any
                        further event or condition, would become a default under
                        such lease.

           8.1.14 Assets

                  Each of the Group  Companies has good and valid title to, or a
                  valid leasehold interest in, all of the fixed assets reflected
                  in the  Management  Accounts and those fixed assets  acquired,
                  leased or otherwise used by Group  Companies  since the end of
                  their most recent financial year, other than those disposed of
                  since that date in the ordinary  course of business,  free and
                  clear of all Encumbrances  (other than  Encumbrances  securing
                  the  Navigator  Indebtedness,   which  Encumbrances  shall  be
                  released in full on or before the Closing Date).

           8.1.15 Networks

                  To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller:

                  (a)   The Group Companies,  individually or  collectively,  as
                        the case may be,  have good and valid  title to, and the
                        exclusive  right to use,  operate,  alter or dispose of,
                        all  Networks  operated  by them,  free and clear of any

                  (b)   All  Networks  operated  by the Group  Companies  having
                        regard to their age and reasonable  wear and tear are in
                        good  operating   condition  and  in  a  state  of  good
                        maintenance and repair and are adequate and suitable for
                        their  present  use.  Each of the  Group  Companies  has
                        adequate  easements,  rights of ingress and egress, pole
                        attachment   rights,   leasehold   and  other   property
                        interests necessary for the operation and maintenance of
                        the Business and Network(s)  and, to the best knowledge,
                        information  and  belief  of  Seller,  none of such real
                        properties,  nor the operation or  maintenance  thereof,
                        encroaches on the property of others. Neither Seller nor


                        any of the Group  Companies has received notice that any
                        Network  has  not  been  constructed  and  operated  and
                        maintained  at  all  times,   in  accordance   with  all
                        applicable laws and regulations.

           8.1.16 Subscribers

                  (a)   The Group  Companies  have at least  11,600  subscribers
                        ("Subscribers")  in the  aggregate  with  whom the Group
                        Companies  have written  agreements to furnish  internet
                        and IP voice  and  data  services  (ISP)  (collectively,
                        "Subscription   Agreements").   All  persons   receiving
                        services  from  the  Group  Companies  are  party  to  a
                        Subscription Agreement.

                  (b)   To the best knowledge, information and belief of Seller,
                        the Subscription  Agreements are legal,  valid,  binding
                        and enforceable  obligations of the  Subscribers.  There
                        are no governmental, contractual or similar restrictions
                        on the amounts that the Group Companies are permitted to
                        charge for providing  such  services.  None of the Group
                        Companies  is in  material  breach  with  respect to the
                        performance of contractual  obligations under any of the
                        Subscription Agreements, and, so far as Seller is aware,
                        there is no event that,  with notice or lapse of time or
                        both, will  constitute a material  default by any of the
                        Group Companies thereunder.

           8.1.17 Bank Accounts and Powers of Attorney

                  Set forth on Schedule  8.1.17 is an accurate and complete list
                  showing  (a) the name and  address  of each  bank in which the
                  Group Companies has an account or safe deposit box, the number
                  of any  such  account  or any  such  box and the  names of all
                  persons  authorized to draw thereon or to have access  thereto
                  and (b) the names of all persons,  if any,  holding  powers of
                  attorney from the Group Companies.

           8.1.18 Disclosure

                  To the best knowledge,  information and belief of Seller, none
                  of  this  Agreement  or  Management  Accounts  (including  the
                  footnotes  thereto),  any  Schedule,  Exhibit  or  certificate
                  delivered  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  or any  document  or
                  statement in writing  which has been  supplied to Purchaser or
                  its  representatives  by or on  behalf  of  Seller,  the Group
                  Companies  or  any  of  its   Subsidiaries  or  any  of  their
                  respective directors, officers or employees in connection with
                  the  Transaction,  contains any untrue statement of a material
                  fact, or omits any  statement of a material fact  necessary to
                  make  the   statements   contained   herein  or  therein   not
                  misleading. There is no fact known to Seller that would have a
                  Material  Adverse  Effect  with  respect  to any of the  Group
                  Companies  which has not been set forth in this  Agreement  or
                  Management  Accounts  (including the footnotes thereto) or any
                  Schedule,  Exhibit or certificate  delivered  pursuant to this

      8.2   Seller  shall  notify  Purchaser in writing with full details of any
            event or circumstance  which is or may be expected to cause a breach
            of,  or  be  inconsistent   with,  any  of  the  foregoing  Seller's
            representations  and  warranties  promptly upon such event coming to
            its notice whether before, at the time of, or after Closing.

      8.3   Except if Purchaser is actually  aware of the  underlying  breach on
            the  date of this  Agreement,  if a  material  breach  of any of the
            foregoing  representations  and warranties of Seller occurs prior to
            Closing,  Purchaser  shall be entitled to terminate  this  Agreement
            upon written  notice to Seller  provided that the accrued rights and
            liabilities of the parties  (including,  for the avoidance of doubt,
            Purchaser's   right  to  claim   damages   for  breach  of  Seller's
            representations and warranties) shall subsist.


      8.4   Where any of Seller's  representations  and warranties are qualified
            by  knowledge,  information,  belief or awareness of Seller,  Seller
            confirms that (1) it has made reasonable inquiry within the ordinary
            course  of  its   business   as  to  the   subject-matter   of  such
            representation  and  warranty,  (2) in the  ordinary  course  of its
            business  Seller  should  have been aware of any breach of each such
            representation  and warranty and (3) Seller is not aware of any such


      9.1   The  respective   representations   and  warranties  of  Seller  and
            Purchaser contained in this Agreement shall survive the purchase and
            sale of the Purchased Shares pursuant to this Agreement.

      9.2   From and after the  Closing  Date,  subject to the  limitations  set
            forth in this  Agreement,  Seller shall  indemnify and hold harmless
            Purchaser  and the  Group  Companies  from and  against  any and all
            losses,   damages  and  expenses  (including,   without  limitation,
            reasonable   attorneys'   and   consultants'   fees  and   expenses)
            (collectively,  "Losses") actually suffered or incurred by Purchaser
            or any of the Group  Companies  arising out of or resulting from any
            of the following:

            9.2.1 the failure of any representation and warranty of Seller to be
                  true,  accurate  and  not  misleading  on  the  date  of  this
                  Agreement  and on the Closing  Date or the breach by Seller of
                  any of its covenants or agreements hereunder.

            9.2.2 any  claims  relating  to the  legality  of the  provision  by
                  EuroWeb Hungary of carrier  pre-selection  (CPS) service up to
                  and including the Closing  Date;  provided  that, in the event
                  that, after the Closing Date, any authority shall fine Euroweb
                  Hungary  with  respect to the  provision  of such  service but
                  shall  not  allocate  such  fine to a  specific  period,  then
                  Seller's  indemnity  obligation  hereunder  shall  extend to a
                  proportion  of such fine in which the  numerator is the number
                  of days between the date on which  Euroweb  Hungary  commenced
                  providing   such   service  and  the  Closing   Date  and  the
                  denominator  is the  total  number  of days in  which  Euroweb
                  Hungary provided such service (including, for the avoidance of
                  doubt, the period after the Closing Date);

            9.2.3 the  revocation  by the NHH on or prior to the Closing Date of
                  the   right   of  the   Group   Companies   to  use   the  SHS
                  (51)310-000-310-999 numbering range;

            9.2.4 any Liability for Tax of the Group  Companies in respect of or
                  in  consequence  of any event,  act,  omission or  transaction
                  which occurred on or before the Closing Date;

            9.2.5 any  event  or  circumstance  that  occurs  on or prior to the
                  Closing  Date  relating  to the  absence of any Permit for the
                  construction  of the existing  Network of EuroWeb Romania (for
                  the avoidance of doubt, Purchaser shall be responsible for any
                  Losses  arising  out of or  resulting  from any such  event or
                  circumstance that occurs after the Closing Date);

            9.2.6 the Navigator Transaction.

      9.3   For the purposes of indemnification under Clause 9.2:

            9.3.1 Seller  shall not be liable in respect of any claim for breach
                  of  representation  and warranty  under Clause 9.2.1 where the
                  liability  agreed or  determined  in respect of any such claim
                  for  breach of  representation  and  warranty  does not exceed
                  one-percent  (1%) of the  Purchase  Price  (provided  that any
                  event or circumstance  which results in Losses of Purchaser or
                  any Group Company in excess of 1% of the Purchase  Price shall
                  be deemed to be "material" for purposes of determining whether
                  or  not a  breach  has  occurred  of  any  representation  and
                  warranty  qualified  by  materiality  in  Clause  8  and  such
                  qualification  shall be disregarded in the  quantification  of
                  Losses  arising  from  such a  breach),  unless  and until the
                  aggregate   amount   of  all  such   claims   for   breach  of
                  representation  and warranty for which Seller would  otherwise


                  be liable in the absence of this provision exceeds one-percent
                  (1%)  of the  Purchase  Price.  Where  the  amount  agreed  or
                  determined in respect of all claims  referred to in Clause 9.2
                  for breach of representation and warranty or Indemnity exceeds
                  one-percent (1%) of the Purchase Price, Seller shall be liable
                  for the entire amount thereof;

            9.3.2 the  aggregate  liability  of Seller in respect of breaches of
                  the  representations and warranties set forth in Clauses 8.1.5
                  and 8.1.7  through  8.1.17  and the  Indemnities  set forth in
                  Clauses  9.2.2 and 9.2.3 shall not exceed 15% of the  Purchase

            9.3.3 the aggregate  liability of Seller for the representations and
                  warranties and  Indemnities  specified in Clause 9.3.2 and set
                  forth in Clauses 8.1.4,  8.1.6,  9.2.4,  9.2.5 and 9.2.6 shall
                  not exceed 30% of the  Purchase  Price (for the  avoidance  of
                  doubt,  the parties  acknowledge  that in any  aggregation  of
                  liability under this Clause 9.3.3,  the liability under Clause
                  9.3.2  shall  not  exceed  15% of the  Purchase  Price  in any

            9.3.4 the  aggregate  liability  of Seller in respect of breaches of
                  the  representations and warranties set forth in Clause 8.1.1,
                  8.1.2 and 8.1.3 shall not exceed 100% of the Purchase Price;

            9.3.5 Seller  shall not incur any  liability in respect of any claim
                  for breach of representation and warranty or indemnity and any
                  such claim  shall be wholly  barred and  unenforceable  unless
                  notice of such claim  shall have been  served  upon  Seller by
                  Purchaser  no  later  than  60  days  after  the  approval  by
                  Purchaser  of the  statutory  financial  reports  of the Group
                  Companies  for the  financial  year  2006 (but in any event no
                  later  than  June 1,  2007),  or in the case of  Clause  8.1.6
                  (Taxes) or Clause  9.2.4,  five (5) years from the last day of
                  the   calendar   year  in  which  the  Closing   Date  occurs.
                  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  herein,  the time
                  limitations  contained  in this Clause  shall not apply to any
                  claim for breach of any  representation and warranty set forth
                  in Clauses 8.1.1 through 8.1.3; and

            9.3.6 Seller  shall not incur any  liability in respect of any claim
                  for breach of representations  and warranty or indemnity under
                  Clause 8.1.6 (Taxes) or Clause 9.2.4 in respect of an event or
                  circumstance in any financial year unless the liability agreed
                  or   determined  in  respect  of  all  claims  for  events  or
                  circumstances in such financial year exceed USD 50,000.

      9.4   Purchaser  shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against
            any and all Losses  actually  suffered or incurred by Seller arising
            out of or  resulting  from  the  failure  of any  representation  or
            warranty of Purchaser to be true, accurate and not misleading on the
            date of  this  Agreement  and the  Closing  Date  or the  breach  by
            Purchaser of any of its covenants or agreements hereunder;  provided
            that Purchaser shall not incur any liability in respect of any claim
            for breach of representation  and warranty or indemnity and any such
            claim shall be wholly barred and unenforceable unless notice of such
            claim shall have been served upon  Purchaser by Seller no later than
            twenty-four (24) months from the Closing Date.

      9.5   In no event shall either  Purchaser or Seller be liable to the other
            under Clauses 9.2 or 9.4 for any consequential, indirect, special or
            punitive losses, damages or liabilities.

      9.6   Any payment  under  Clauses 9.2 or 9.4 shall be made to Purchaser or
            Seller,  as the case may be, or at the respective  party's direction
            within 30 Business  Days after a demand by Purchaser  or Seller,  as
            the case may be. If either party disputes a demand made by the other
            party, then it shall be entitled to withhold payment of the disputed
            amount;  provided that if the dispute shall be resolved in the favor
            of the other  party,  the  disputed  amount  shall be deemed to bear
            interest  in  accordance  with Clause 23 from the 30th day after the

      9.7   Subject to the  limitations  set by this  Agreement,  if any action,
            proceeding, claim, liability, demand or assessment shall be asserted
            by a third party  against  Purchaser  or any of the Group  Companies
            (the  "Indemnitee")  with  respect to any matter set forth in Clause
            9.2 (a "Third  Party  Claim") in  respect  of which such  Indemnitee


            proposes to demand  indemnification,  such  Indemnitee  shall notify
            Seller (the "Indemnifying Party") thereof within a reasonable period
            of time after assertion thereof; provided, however, that the failure
            to  so  notify  the   Indemnifying   Party   shall  not  affect  the
            Indemnitee's right to  indemnification  hereunder unless (and solely
            to the extent) the Indemnifying  Party's  interests are actually and
            materially prejudiced thereby. Subject to rights of or duties to any
            insurer  or  other  third  Person  having  liability  therefor,  the
            Indemnifying Party shall have the right,  within ten (10) days after
            receipt of such notice,  to defend the Indemnitee  against the Third
            Party Claim with counsel of its choice  reasonably  satisfactory  to
            the  Indemnitee;  provided,  however,  that the  Indemnifying  Party
            notifies the  Indemnitee in writing  within  fifteen (15) days after
            the  Indemnitee  has given  notice of the Third Party Claim that the
            Indemnifying  Party will indemnify the  Indemnitee  from and against
            the entirety of any damage the Indemnitee may suffer resulting from,
            arising  out of,  relating  to, in the  nature  of, or caused by the
            Third Party Claim, and provided further that the Indemnifying  Party
            may not assume such control  without  Indemnitee's  express  written
            consent if: (i) the Third  Party  Claim does not involve  only money
            damages but also seeks an injunction or other equitable  relief;  or
            (ii)  settlement  of, or an adverse  judgment  with  respect to, the
            Third Party Claim is, in the good faith judgment of the  Indemnitee,
            likely to  establish a  precedential  custom or practice  materially
            adverse to the  continuing  business  interests or the reputation of
            the Indemnitee.  The Indemnifying Party shall conduct the defense of
            the Third Party Claim actively and diligently.

      9.8   So long as the  Indemnifying  Party is conducting the defense of the
            Third Party Claim in accordance with the foregoing Clause above, (i)
            the  Indemnitee  may  retain  separate  counsel at its sole cost and
            expense and  participate  in the  defense of the Third Party  Claim,
            provided that  Indemnitee's  counsel may not oppose the professional
            decisions  of the lead  counsel  engaged by the  Indemnifying  Party
            except on reasonable  grounds;  (ii) the Indemnitee will not consent
            to the  entry of any  judgment  or enter  into any  settlement  with
            respect to the Third Party Claim without the prior  written  consent
            of the  Indemnifying  Party (not to be withheld  unreasonably);  and
            (iii) the  Indemnifying  Party will not  consent to the entry of any
            judgment  or enter  into any  settlement  with  respect to the Third
            Party Claim  without  the prior  written  consent of the  Indemnitee
            (which may only be withheld in the event that such settlement  would
            serve to create a precedential custom or practice materially adverse
            to  the  continuing  business  interests  or the  reputation  of the

      9.9   In the event that  Indemnifying  Party  declines  or fails to assume
            control of the defense of any Third Party Claim as specified  above,
            then and in such  event  the  Indemnitee  may  defend  against,  and
            consent to the entry of any  judgment  or enter into any  settlement
            with  respect to, the Third Party Claim in any manner it  reasonably
            may deem  appropriate,  subject to the  consent of the  Indemnifying
            Party  which  may  not be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.  The
            Indemnifying  Party shall  reimburse  the  Indemnitee  promptly  and
            periodically  for the costs of  defending  against  the Third  Party
            Claim (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in
            defending  the Third Party Claim  pursuant to this Clause 9.9),  and
            will remain  responsible  for any Losses the  Indemnitee  may suffer
            resulting  from,  arising out of,  relating to, in the nature of, or
            caused by any Third Party Claim in accordance with the provisions of
            this Agreement.


      Seller shall,  and shall procure that its Chief Executive  Officer,  Csaba
      Toro  and  his  successors,   assist   Purchaser  in  the  transition  and
      integration of the Group Companies during the first year after Closing, at
      no  cost  to  Purchaser  or the  Group  Companies.  Without  limiting  the
      foregoing,  Seller  undertakes to provide at no cost to Purchaser,  during
      the  first  year  after  the  Closing,  25 days  (total  8 hours a day) of
      consulting  services by Csaba Toro and his successors to assist  Purchaser
      in  the  integration  of the  Group  Companies,  on  dates  and  at  times
      reasonably requested by Purchaser.



      11.1  Seller shall not and shall procure that each of its  Affiliates  and
            its Chief Executive Officer, Csaba Toro and his Affiliate shall not,
            directly  or  indirectly,  either  alone or  jointly  with any other
            person or in any capacity whatsoever:

           11.1.1 neither   pending nor within 2 years  after the  Closing  Date
                  carry on or be engaged or otherwise interested in any business
                  in Hungary or Romania which  competes with the Business or any
                  part of the Business;

           11.1.2 neither  pending nor within 2 years after the Closing Date not
                  employ any  employee  of, or  consultant  to,  either  Company
                  (provided that the foregoing  shall not restrict Seller or its
                  Affiliates  from  employing any of Csaba Toro,  Kriszta Hollo,
                  Balazs  Nyiri,  Wilson  Balanchandra,  Zoltan  Toth;  provided
                  further that Zoltan Toth shall be available to Euroweb Hungary
                  for a period of 2 months  after the  Closing  Date to continue
                  his duties as and to the extent such duties  exist on the date
                  hereof); or

           11.1.3 at  any time  within 2 years  after  the  Closing  Date in the
                  course of any business use the words  EuroWeb,  Freestart,  or
                  use any trade,  business or domain name or  distinctive  mark,
                  design or logo used or previously  used in the Business by any
                  of the Group  Companies  or  anything  which is  capable of so
                  being  confused  with  the  exception  that  Seller  shall  be
                  entitled to use the names "Euroweb  International",  "EWI" and
                  "EWEB" and related  domain  names in such a manner as does not
                  cause any  confusion  in the  respective  markets in which the
                  Group Companies operate.

      11.2  Notwithstanding   Clause  11.1,  it  is  understood  that  Navigator
            provides a full scope of IT services and additional  trade capacity.
            Its full service IT system  implementation and IT project management
            includes consultancy, system design, development and implementation,
            and  training.  Its full service IT system  operation  includes full
            support  and  maintenance  of  the  provided  services:  application
            development;  telecommunications;  Internet access; virus protection
            services;  LAN support; and other related services.  Nothing in this
            Agreement  shall  prevent  Seller,  in  its  sole  discretion,  from
            continuing  to  own  or  subsequently   transferring   Navigator  or
            Navigator  from  continuing  to provide the services  its  currently
            provides on the date of this Agreement.

      11.3  Each of the  restrictions  contained  in this  Clause  11  shall  be
            construed  as  a  separate  provision  of  this  Agreement.  If  any
            restriction is unenforceable  but would be valid if reduced in scope
            or   duration   the   restriction   shall  apply  with  the  minimum
            modifications as may be necessary to make it valid and enforceable.


      Seller  undertakes  that it  shall,  and  shall  procure  that each of its
      Affiliates shall provide  preferred vendor status to Purchaser and each of
      the  Group  Companies  in any  business  they  conduct  subsequent  to the
      Closing; in return for a reciprocal  commitment by Purchaser and the Group
      Companies in favor of Seller.


      13.1  Seller shall treat as confidential  the provisions of this Agreement
            and all information it has received or obtained about Purchaser as a
            result of  entering  into this  Agreement.  The  provisions  of this
            Clause 13 shall survive Closing and the eventual termination of this

      13.2  Purchaser  shall  treat  as  confidential  the  provisions  of  this
            Agreement  and all  information  it has  received or obtained  about
            Seller and/or the Group  Companies as a result of entering into this

      13.3  Either  party may  disclose  information  which would  otherwise  be
            confidential if and to the extent:


           13.3.1 required  by law or any  securities  exchange,  regulatory  or
                  governmental body or Tax authority;

           13.3.2 disclosed to  its  professional  advisers  (provided that such
                  persons   are   required   to  treat   such   information   as
                  confidential); or

           13.3.3 it  comes into the public  domain  other than as a result of a
                  breach by a party of this Clause 13,

            provided that prior written notice of any  confidential  information
            to be  disclosed  pursuant  to this  Clause 13 shall be given to the
            other party.


      14.1  No  announcement  shall be made by  either  party  relating  to this
            Agreement  without the prior  written  approval of the other  party,
            such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

      14.2  Either party may make an announcement  relating to this Agreement if
            (and  only  to  the  extent)  required  by the  law of any  relevant
            jurisdiction or any securities exchange,  regulatory or governmental
            body provided that prior written notice of any announcement required
            to be made is given to the  other  party in which  case  such  party
            shall take all steps as may be  reasonable in the  circumstances  to
            agree the contents of such  announcement  with the other party prior
            to making such announcement.


      The rights and  benefits  of this  Agreement  (together  with any cause of
      action  arising in  connection  with any of them) may be assigned  and the
      obligations under this Agreement transferred by Purchaser to any Affiliate
      or to its  successor in title;  provided that in the event of any transfer
      of  obligations  Purchaser  shall remain  jointly and severally  liable to
      Seller for the fulfillment of such obligations.


      Each  Party  shall from time to time and at its own cost do,  execute  and
      deliver or procure to be done,  executed  and  delivered  all such further
      acts, documents and things required by, and in a form satisfactory to, the
      other Party to give full effect to this  Agreement and its rights,  powers
      and remedies under this Agreement.


      This  Agreement,  together  with any other  documents  referred  to in the
      Agreement   constitutes  the  whole  agreement  between  the  parties  and
      supersedes any previous  arrangements or agreements  between them relating
      to the Transaction.


      If any  provision  of this  Agreement  is or becomes  illegal,  invalid or
      unenforceable  in any  respect  under  the law of any  jurisdiction,  such
      provision  shall be  deemed to be  severed  from  this  Agreement  and the
      parties shall replace such provision with one having an effect as close as
      possible to the deficient provision.  The remaining provisions will remain
      in full force in that  jurisdiction  and all  provisions  will continue in
      full force in any other jurisdiction.


      No amendment of this  Agreement  shall be effective  unless in writing and
      signed by or on behalf of the parties.


      20.1  No waiver of any  right  under  this  Agreement  shall be  effective
            unless in writing.  Unless expressly stated otherwise a waiver shall
            be effective only in the circumstances for which it is given.


      20.2  No delay or omission by any party in exercising  any right or remedy
            provided by law or under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of
            such right or remedy.

      20.3  The  single or  partial  exercise  of a right or remedy  under  this
            Agreement  shall not  preclude  any other nor  restrict  any further
            exercise of any such right or remedy.

      20.4  The rights and remedies  provided in this  Agreement are  cumulative
            and do not exclude any rights or remedies provided by law.


      The  provisions of this Agreement  which remain to be performed  following
      Closing shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding Closing.


      Except  as  provided  otherwise,  each  party  shall pay its own costs and
      expenses in connection with the negotiations,  preparation and performance
      of this Agreement.


      Any and all amounts which are due and payable under this  Agreement  shall
      be paid in USD and shall carry  interest  at a rate of 3-month  LIBOR plus


      24.1  Any notice or other communication to be given under or in connection
            with this Agreement  ("Notice")  shall be in the English language in
            writing and signed by or on behalf of the party giving it and marked
            for the attention of the relevant  party.  A Notice may be delivered
            personally or sent by fax,  pre-paid  recorded  delivery or pre-paid
            registered  airmail to the address or fax number  provided in Clause

      24.2  A Notice shall be deemed to have been received:

            24.2.1 at the time of delivery if delivered personally;

            24.2.2 at  the time of transmission if sent by fax;

            24.2.3 2 (two)  Business  Days after the time and date of posting if
                   sent by pre-paid recorded delivery; or

            24.2.4 5 (five)  Business Days after the time and date of posting if
                   sent by pre-paid registered airmail,

            provided that if deemed receipt of any Notice occurs after 6.00 p.m.
            or is not on a Business Day,  deemed  receipt of the Notice shall be
            9.00  a.m.  on the next  Business  Day.  References  to time in this
            Clause 24 are to local time in the country of the addressee.

      24.3  The addresses and fax numbers for service of Notice are:


           Name:                    Euroweb International Corp.
           Address:                 1138 Budapest, Vaci ut 141, Hungary
           For the attention of:    Csaba Toro, Chief Executive Officer
           Fax number:              +36 1 889-7128

           Name:                    Invitel Tavkozlesi Szolgaltato Rt.
           Address:                 2040 Budaors, Puskas Tivadar utca 8-10
           For the attention of:    Martin Lea, Chief Executive Officer
           Fax number:              +36 1 801-1675


      24.4  A party shall notify the other  parties of any change to its address
            in  accordance  with the  provisions of this Clause 24 provided that
            such  notification  shall only be effective on the later of the date
            specified  in the  notification  and 5 (five)  Business  Days  after
            deemed receipt.


      This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and shall be effective when
      each party has executed a counterpart.  Each counterpart  shall constitute
      an original of this Agreement.


      26.1  The validity,  interpretation,  construction and performance of this
            Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Hungary,
            excluding  any conflict of laws rule or  principle  that might refer
            the governance of the  construction  of this Agreement to the law of
            another jurisdiction.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the conditions
            and binding  effect of the  transfer of the EuroWeb  Romania  Shares
            shall be governed by the laws of Romania.


      27.1  Any dispute,  controversy or claim arising out of, relating to or in
            connection  with this  Agreement  shall be referred  to, and finally
            settled by, international arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration
            of the  International  Chamber of Commerce  (the "ICC") in effect on
            the  date  of  this   Agreement,   which  Rules  are  deemed  to  be
            incorporated  by  reference  into  this  Clause.  The  place  of the
            arbitration shall be Budapest, Hungary and the award shall be deemed
            to have been rendered there.  The language of the arbitration  shall
            be  English.   The  arbitral   tribunal   shall   consist  of  three
            arbitrators.  Seller shall nominate one arbitrator;  Purchaser shall
            nominate one arbitrator;  and a third arbitrator, who shall serve as
            chairman,  shall be  appointed by the  Secretary  General of the ICC
            International  Court of  Arbitration if the two  arbitrators  cannot
            agree  upon a  chairman  within 30 days of the  confirmation  of the
            second of the first two  arbitrators.  The award  shall be final and
            binding  upon the  parties,  who  undertake  to carry it out without
            delay  and  without   recourse  to  judicial   proceedings   in  any
            jurisdiction   whatsoever   seeking   annulment,    setting   aside,
            modification or any diminution or impairment of its terms or effect.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF  each party has  executed  this  Agreement,  or caused  this
Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representatives.

EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP., a Delaware, U.S. corporation

   Csaba Toro, its Chief Executive Officer

INVITEL TAVKOZLESI SZOLGALTATO RT., a Hungarian joint stock company

   Martin Lea, its Chief Executive Officer

   Rob Bowker, its Chief Financial Officer


                                    EXHIBIT B

                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.

             Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2004, and
           Consolidated Statements of Operations & Comprehensive Loss,
                  Stockholders' Equity, and Cash Flows for the
                     Years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003

                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                        Consolidated Financial Statements

                           December 31, 2004 and 2003

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                  B-2

Consolidated Financial Statements:

         Consolidated Balance Sheet                                          B-3
         Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss        B-4
         Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity                     B-5
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                               B-6
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                          B-7



The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Euroweb International Corp.

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  balance  sheet  of  Euroweb
International  Corp. and  subsidiaries  as of December 31, 2004, and the related
consolidated  statements of operations  and  comprehensive  loss,  stockholders'
equity,  and cash flows for the years ended  December  31, 2004 and 2003.  These
consolidated  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on these  consolidated
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Euroweb
International   Corp.  and  subsidiaries  as  of  December  31,  2004,  and  the
consolidated  results  of their  operations  and their  cash flows for the years
ended  December  31,  2004 and 2003 in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

The consolidated financial statements give retroactive effect to the purchase of
Euroweb Rt. by the Company on February 29, 2004 which has been  accounted for as
a combination  of entities under common control in a manner similar to a pooling
of interests as described in Note 2(q) to the consolidated financial statements.

KPMG Hungaria Kft.
Budapest, Hungary
March 23, 2005


                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                DECEMBER 31, 2004
  Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents (note 3)                             $  4,537,633
    Trade accounts receivable, less  allowance
       for doubtful accounts of $1,384,415                            3,695,990
    Related party receivables                                         1,869,667
    Unbilled receivables                                              1,107,501
    Prepaid and other current assets                                    858,694
    Deferred tax asset (note 10)                                        253,425
         Total current assets                                        12,322,910

  Property and equipment (note 4)                                     7,253,113
  Goodwill (note 5)                                                   5,806,181
  Intangibles- customer contracts (note 5)                            2,053,288
  Other assets                                                          568,356
       Total assets                                                $ 28,003,848

  Current liabilities:
    Trade accounts payable                                         $  4,254,759
    Related party payables                                              564,818
    Related party loan payable - short term portion (note 8)            543,568
    Overdrafts and current portion of bank loans (note 7)               321,704
    Notes payable (note 7)                                              808,441
    Other current liabilities                                         1,091,470
    Accrued expenses                                                  2,808,073
    Deferred IRU revenue (note 6)                                        46,000
    Deferred other revenues                                           1,260,225
        Total current liabilities                                    11,699,058

    Deferred tax liability (note 10)                                    253,425
    Non-current portion of related party loan payable (note 8)          543,568
    Non-current portion of bank loans (note 7)                          747,085
    Non-current portion of deferred IRU revenue (note 6)                797,334
    Non-current portion of lease obligations (note 6)                   148,359
        Total liabilities                                            14,188,829

   Commitments and contingencies (note 13)

   Stockholders' equity
   Preferred stock, $.001 par value - Authorized 5,000,000 shares;
      no shares issued or outstanding                                        --
   Common stock, $.001 par value - Authorized 35,000,000 shares;
      issued and outstanding 5,342,533 shares                            24,807
   Additional paid-in capital                                        50,780,084
   Accumulated deficit
   Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)/income                        108,266
   Treasury stock - 175,490 common shares, at cost
      Total stockholders' equity                                     13,815,019
      Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                   $ 28,003,848

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                 EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                           YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003

                                                                   2004             2003
                                                                ------------    ------------
Third party                                                     $ 28,111,786    $ 16,376,349
Related party                                                      8,503,939       5,740,709
                                                                ------------    ------------
              Total Revenues                                      36,615,725      22,117,058

COST OF REVENUES  (exclusive of depreciation and amortization
shown separately below)
 Third party                                                      17,233,994       8,155,836
 Related party                                                     6,198,505       5,796,350
                                                                ------------    ------------
              Total Cost of revenues (exclusive of                23,432,499      13,952,186
depreciation and amortization shown separately below)

   Compensation and related costs                                  4,182,977       2,814,868
   Consulting, professional and directors fees                     2,829,525       2,074,565
   Other selling, general and administrative expenses              4,237,848       2,458,429
   Goodwill impairment                                                    --         887,957
   Impairment of intangibles                                              --         100,364
   Depreciation and amortization                                   2,610,764       1,636,133
                                                                ------------    ------------
               Total operating expenses                           13,861,114       9,972,316
                                                                ------------    ------------

Operating loss                                                      (677,888)     (1,807,444)

   Net interest (expense) income                                    (217,672)        344,320
   Other expenses                                                   (170,000)             --
   Gain from sale of subsidiaries                                     28,751         109,621

LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS BEFORE INCOME TAXES               (1,036,809)     (1,353,503)

Income tax expense-current                                            62,367          61,590
Income tax expense-deferred                                               --              --
                                                                ------------    ------------
INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                                    62,367          61,590

LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                   (1,099,176)     (1,415,093)

Gain (Loss) from discontinued Czech Republic operations              364,722        (375,934)
(including 2004 gain on disposal of $409,314)

NET LOSS                                                            (734,454)     (1,791,027)

Other comprehensive income (loss)                                    133,768        (261,644)
                                                                ------------    ------------

COMPREHENSIVE LOSS                                              $   (600,686)   $ (2,052,671)
                                                                ============    ============

LOSS PER SHARE, BEFORE DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                         (0.22)          (0.30)
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                                 0.07           (0.08)
NET LOSS PER SHARE, BASIC                                              (0.15)          (0.38)

WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING                      5,043,822       4,665,332

                 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                                     EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                               YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003

                                 Common Stock             Additional                       Other                          TOTAL
                          ----------------------------     Paid-in      Accumulated    Comprehensive     Treasury      Stockholders'
                             Shares           Amount       Capital         Deficit      Gains(Losses)      Stock          Equity
                          ------------    ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
DECEMBER 31, 2002            4,665,332    $     24,129   $ 48,227,764   $(31,314,689)   $    236,142      (1,115,412)  $ 16,057,934
(RESTATED)                ============    ============   ============   ============    ============    ============   ============

Foreign currency
translation gain                    --              --             --             --         (45,237)             --        (45,237)
Reversal of
unrealized gain on                  --              --             --             --              --              --       (216,407)
securities available
for sale                      (216,407)
Net loss for the
period (restated)                   --              --             --     (1,791,027)             --              --     (1,791,027)
Treasury stock                      --              --             --             --              --              --             --
                          ------------    ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
DECEMBER 31, 2003            4,665,332    $     24,129   $ 48,227,764   $(33,105,716)   $    (25,502)   $ (1,115,412)  $ 14,005,263
(RESTATED)                ============    ============   ============   ============    ============    ============   ============

Foreign currency
translation gain                    --              --             --             --         162,573              --        162,573
Reversal of
unrealized gain on                  --              --             --             --         (28,805)             --        (28,805)
securities available
for sale
Deemed distribution
(Note 2q)                           --              --             --     (2,142,556)             --              --     (2,142,556)
Compensation charge
on share                            --              --         94,212             --              --              --         94,212
options issued to
Issuance of shares
(Elender Rt acquisition)       677,201             678      2,458,108             --              --              --      2,458,786
Net loss for the period             --              --             --       (734,454)             --              --       (734,454)
                          ------------    ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------    ------------   ------------
DECEMBER 31, 2004            5,342,533    $     24,807   $ 50,780,084   $(35,982,726)   $    108,266    $ (1,115,412)  $ 13,815,019
                          ============    ============   ============   ============    ============    ============   ============

                                     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                           EUROWEB INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                                      CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003

                                                                                         2004            2003
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
   Net loss                                                                              (734,454)     (1,791,027)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                                                        2,610,764       1,636,133
   Goodwill impairment                                                                         --         887,957
   Intangibles impairment - customer lists                                                     --         100,364
   Amortization of discount on acquisition indebtedness                                        --           5,232
   Foreign exchange gain                                                                   11,430         101,134
   Bad debts provision                                                                    238,807         120,859
   Compensation expense charged to equity                                                  94,212              --
   Gain on sale of subsidiaries                                                                --        (109,621)
   Realized gain on sale of investment securities                                         (26,383)         (7,113)
   Unrealized interest income on investment securities                                         --        (360,539)

Changes in operating assets and liabilities net of effects of acquisitions:
   Accounts receivable                                                                   (704,871)       (708,675)
   Prepaid and other assets                                                               585,974         328,199
   Accounts payable, other current liabilities and accrued expenses                       339,036         825,499
   Deferred revenue                                                                       128,311         320,268
   Adjustments relating to discontinued operations                                       (364,722)        128,621
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
           Net cash provided by operating activities                                    2,178,104       1,477,291
                                                                                     ------------    ------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Maturity of securities                                                              11,464,000         798,567
   Proceed on sale of subsidiaries                                                        500,001           4,933
   Acquisition of 51% of Euroweb Rt                                                    (2,142,000)             --
   Acquisition of 100% of Elender Rt. (net of cash)                                    (6,891,897)             --
   Payment of acquisition indebtedness                                                         --        (180,000)
   Collection on notes receivable                                                         173,911         190,065
   Repayment of loan payable                                                                   --        (129,945)
   Capital expenditures in discontinued operations                                             --         (21,816)
   Acquisition of property and equipment                                               (1,701,990)     (1,150,167)
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
           Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                          1,402,025        (488,363)
                                                                                     ------------    ------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Principal payment under capital lease obligations                                     (544,876)       (616,611)
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
   Repayments on notes payable                                                           (807,447)             --
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
   Repayments on related party loan payable                                              (249,597)             --
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
   Repayments on overdraft and bank loan                                                 (678,906)             --
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
          Net cash used in financing activities                                        (2,280,826)       (616,611)
                                                                                     ------------    ------------

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                                           233,652          72,238
                                                                                     ------------    ------------

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    1,532,955         444,555
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                                            3,004,678       2,560,123
                                                                                     ------------    ------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                                                  4,537,633       3,004,678
                                                                                     ============    ============

Supplemental disclosure:
Shares issued as consideration in acquisition of Elender Rt                          $  2,508,353              --
Interest paid                                                                        $    389,809    $    158,306
Income taxes paid                                                                    $     62,367    $     61,590
New capital leases                                                                   $     81,664    $    378,855

                          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Euroweb  International  Corp. is a Delaware  corporation  which was organized on
November 9, 1992. The largest shareholder of Euroweb International Corp. was KPN
Telecom B.V. ("KPN"),  a Netherlands  corporation,  with a 43.6% shareholding at
December 31, 2004.

Euroweb  International  Corp. owns and operates  Internet  service  providers in
Hungary,  Slovakia and Romania (collectively referred to as the "Company").  The
Company operates in one business segment. In January 2005 the Company decided to
sell its operations in Slovakia (see Note 17, Subsequent Events).

Acquisition of remaining 51% of Euroweb Internet Szolgaltato Rt ("Euroweb Rt.").
The Hungarian operations are conducted through Euroweb Rt. In February 2004, the
Company  acquired the  remaining  51% of Euroweb Rt. that it did not already own
from  Pantel  Telecommunication  Rt.  ("Pantel  Rt.") and  Euroweb  Rt. is fully
consolidated in the financial  statements for all periods  presented (see Note 2
(q) below).

The  consideration  paid  by the  Company  for the 51%  interest  comprised  EUR
1,650,000 (USD  $2,105,000)  in cash,  and a guarantee that Euroweb  Hungary Rt.
will  purchase at least HUF 600  million  (approximately  $3  million)  worth of
services from Pantel Rt. in each of the three years ending December 31, 2006.

Acquisition of Elender  Business  Communications  Rt. ("Elender Rt.") On June 9,
2004,  the Company  acquired  all of the  outstanding  shares of Elender Rt., an
Internet Service Provider ("ISP") located in Hungary.  Consideration paid of USD
$9,350,005  consisted  of USD  $6,500,000  in cash and 677,201 of the  Company's
common shares valued at USD  $2,508,353  excluding  registration  cost,  and USD
$341,652  in  transaction  costs  (consisting  primarily  of  professional  fees
incurred related to attorneys,  accountants and valuation advisors). The results
of Elender  Rt.  have been  included  in the  Company's  consolidated  financial
statements from the date of acquisition.

In accordance with the purchase method of accounting  prescribed by SFAS No. 141
"Business Combinations" ("SFAS 141"), the Company allocated the consideration to
the tangible net assets and liabilities and intangible assets acquired, based on
their estimated fair values. The consideration has been allocated as follows:

   Fair value of Elender Rt.'s recorded assets acquired and
   liabilities assumed                                               1,379,404
       Identified intangibles - customer contracts                   2,730,420
       Excess purchase price over allocation to identifiable
       assets and liabilities (Goodwill)                             5,240,181
     Total Consideration                                       $     9,350,005

In performing this purchase price allocation of acquired intangible assets based
in part on the  valuation  performed by an  independent  appraiser,  the Company
considered  its intention  for future use of the assets,  analyses of historical
financial  performance  and  estimates of future  performance  of Elender  Rt.'s
services, among other factors.  Acquired identifiable intangible assets obtained
in the Company's  acquisition of Elender Rt. relate to customer  contracts which
are being amortized over the estimated useful life of 2.5 years.

The Company  estimated the fair values of the identified  intangibles - customer
contracts using the "income"  valuation approach and discount rates ranging from
14% to 18%.  The discount  rates  selected  were based in part on the  Company's
weighted  average  cost of capital and  determined  after  consideration  of the
Company's  rate of  return  on debt and  equity,  and the risk  associated  with
achieving forecasted cash flows.

The  excess  of the  purchase  price  over  the fair  value of the  identifiable
tangible  and  intangible  net assets  acquired  was  assigned to  goodwill.  In
accordance  with SFAS No. 142  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible  Assets"  ("SFAS
142"), goodwill will not be amortized but will be tested for impairment at least


Although the former owners of Elender Rt. received shares of common stock of the
Company,  each of the former owners of Elender Rt. currently holds less than 10%
of the outstanding  shares of common stock in the Company.  Therefore,  they are
not considered  related parties and those  transactions are shown as third party
transactions  in  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  of the

Sale of Euroweb Czech
On December  16, 2004,  the Company  sold all of its shares in its  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  Euroweb  Czech  for  cash of  $500,000.  However,  as a part of the
transaction,  the Company  effectively forgave $400,000 of loans receivable from
Euroweb  Czech.  The Company  believes  that the sale of Euroweb Czech meets the
criteria for  presentation  as a discontinued  operation under the provisions of
Statements of Financial  Accounting  Standard ("SFAS") No. 144,  "Accounting for
the  Impairment  or Disposal of  Long-Lived  Assets,  therefore  all periods are
restated to reflect Euroweb Czech Republic as discontinued operations.

The following unaudited pro-forma information presents a summary of consolidated
results of operations of the Company,  as if the acquisition of Elender Rt., the
disposal of Euroweb  Czech,  and the planned  disposal of Euroweb  Slovakia (see
Note 17 Subsequent Events), had occurred at January 1, 2003.

                          DECEMBER 31, 2004           DECEMBER 31, 2003
Revenues                     43,341,912                   39,686,447
Net loss                     (2,408,146)                  (2,741,788)
Net loss per share             $(0.45)                      $(0.51)

The above unaudited pro forma summarized  results of operations are intended for
informational  purposes  only and,  in the  opinion of  management,  are neither
indicative of the financial position or results of operations of the Company had
the  acquisition  and  disposals  actually  taken place as of January 1, 2004 or
2003,  nor indicative of the Company's  future results of operations.  The above
unaudited pro forma  summarized  results of operations do not include  potential
cost savings from operating  efficiencies  or synergies that may result from the
Company's acquisition of Elender Rt.


(a)   Principles of consolidation and basis of presentation

The consolidated  financial  statements comprise the accounts of the Company and
its   controlled   subsidiaries.   All  material   inter-company   balances  and
transactions  have  been  eliminated  upon  consolidation  and all  adjustments,
consisting   mainly  of  normal   recurring   accruals   necessary  for  a  fair
presentation,  have been made.  The  purchase  of the  remaining  51% of Euroweb
Hungary has been  accounted in a manner  similar to a  pooling-of-interest  with
prior periods being restated.

The  consolidated  financial  statements  have been prepared in accordance  with
generally accepted accounting  principles in the United States of America ("U.S.

(b)   Use of estimates

The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make
a number of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities  and the disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the
date of the  consolidated  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts  of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period.  Significant items subject to
such estimates and assumptions made by the Company include the period of benefit
and recoverability of goodwill and other intangible assets. Actual results could
differ from those estimates.


(c)   Fair value of financial instruments

The carrying values of cash  equivalents,  investment in debt securities,  notes
and loans  receivable,  accounts  payable,  loans  payable and accrued  expenses
approximate fair values.

(d)   Revenue recognition

Revenue  Recognition--The Company applies the provisions of SEC Staff Accounting
Bulletin ("SAB") No. 104,  Revenue  Recognition in Financial  Statements,  which
provides guidance on the recognition,  presentation and disclosure of revenue in
financial statements filed with the SEC. SAB No. 104 outlines the basic criteria
that must be met to  recognize  revenue and  provides  guidance  for  disclosure
related to revenue  recognition  policies.  In general,  the Company  recognizes
revenue  related to its billable  services  when (i)  persuasive  evidence of an
arrangement exists, (ii) services have been rendered,  (iii) the fee is fixed or
determinable and (iv)  collectibility is reasonably  assured.  Generally,  these
criteria   are  met  monthly  as  the   Company's   service  is  provided  on  a
month-to-month  basis and collection for the service is generally made within 30
days of the service being provided.

Billable  services revenues are recognized in the period in which fees are fixed
or  determinable  and the related  services are  provided to the user.  When the
Company's subscribers pay in advance for services, revenue is recognized ratably
over the period in which the related  services are  provided.  Advance  payments
from  users  are  recorded  on  the  balance  sheet  as  deferred  revenue.   In
circumstances  where  payment  is not  received  in  advance,  revenue  is  only
recognized if collectibility is reasonably assured.

Access  revenues  consist  of monthly  fees  charged to  customers  for  dial-up
Internet  access  services.  Access  revenues  also  consist of fees charged for
high-speed,  high-capacity  access services  including digital  subscriber lines
("ADSL") and leased lines.  Voice revenue  relates to the  transmission of voice
information  in digital form in discrete  packets.  Revenues are recognized on a
monthly basis based on usage.

Data revenue  refers to the  provision  of leased  lines to business  customers.
Revenues  are derived from monthly  fixed fees and are  recognized  in the month

Domain registration revenue is usually billed in advance for a period of between
0-2 years. It is recorded as deferred  revenue on the balance sheet and is taken
into income monthly on a straight-line basis.

Web design  relates to services  performed for customers who require  assistance
with setting up a web page.  Revenue is  recognized  once the final  product has
been accepted by the  customer.  Any  work-in-progress  is classified as ,,other
assets" on the balance sheet.

Hosting  revenues  consist of fees earned by leasing  server space and providing
web services to companies and individuals wishing to present a web or e-commerce
presence. Revenues are derived from monthly fixed fees and are recognized in the
month earned.

Revenues from prepaid  calling card sales are recognized  when the customer uses
the  cards  and are  based  on the  ratio  of  actual  minutes  used to  minutes
purchased.  Once the prepaid calling cards expire, any remaining prepaid amounts
are recognized as revenues.

In 2002, the Company entered into an agreement to provide transmission  capacity
to a customer pursuant to an indefeasible rights-of-use agreement ("IRU"). Since
the  Company's  IRU does not  involve a  transfer  of title  and other  factors,
management  believes the agreement does not qualify for up-front sales treatment
despite  collection  in full of the  $920,000  arrangement  fee. The Company has


accounted for this transaction as an operating lease under Financial  Accounting
Standards Board  Interpretation No. 13, "Accounting for Leases" ("FAS 13"). This
accounting  has  resulted  in a  substantial  amount of deferred  revenue  being
recorded on the balance sheet.  Revenue attributable to the transaction is being
recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the 20-year lease agreement
(monthly $3,833).

The Company is also obligated to maintain its network in efficient working order
and in  accordance  with industry  standards.  The customer is obligated for the
term  of the  agreement  to pay for  their  allocable  share  of the  costs  for
operating and maintaining the network.

(e)   Cost of revenues (excluding depreciation and amortization)

Cost of revenues (excluding  depreciation and amortization) comprise principally
of  telecommunication  network  expenses,  costs of content services and cost of
leased lines and are recognized as incurred.

(f)   Foreign currency translation

The Company  considers  the United States  Dollar  ("US$") to be the  functional
currency of the U.S. entity and unless  otherwise  stated,  the respective local
currency  to be the  functional  currency  of its  subsidiaries.  The  reporting
currency of the Company is the US$ and accordingly,  all amounts included in the
consolidated financial statements have been translated into US$.

The balance sheets of  subsidiaries  are translated  into US$ using the year end
exchange rates.  Revenues and expenses are translated at average rates in effect
for the periods presented. The cumulative translation adjustment is reflected as
a separate  component  of  shareholders'  equity,  "other  comprehensive  income
(loss)", on the consolidated balance sheet for Euroweb Hungary,  Euroweb Romania
and Euroweb Slovakia.  Until December 31, 2003 the Company  considered Romania a
highly  inflationary  economy (under SFAS 52) and, therefore the U.S. dollar was
used as the  functional  currency,  with resulting  gains/losses  on translation
being charged directly to the Statement of Operations.

Foreign  currency  transaction  gains  and  losses  are  also  included  in  the
consolidated results of operations for the periods presented.

(g)   Cash and cash equivalents

Cash  and  cash  equivalents  at  December  31,  2004  include  cash at bank and
short-term deposits of less than three months duration.

(h)   Investment in securities

Investments in marketable debt  securities are classified as  available-for-sale
and are  recorded  at fair value  with any  unrealized  holding  gains or losses
included  as  a  component  of  other   comprehensive   income  until  realized.
Investments with remaining maturities of greater than one year are classified as
long-term,  while  those  with  remaining  maturities  of less than one year are
classified as  short-term.  A decline in the market value of  available-for-sale
securities  below  cost  that is  deemed  to be  other-than-temporary  temporary
results  in a  reduction  in the  carrying  value  amount  to fair  value.  Such
impairment  is charged to  earnings  and a new cost  basis for the  security  is
established.  In assessing  whether an impairment is  other-than-temporary,  the
Company considers several factors including, but not limited to, the ability and
intent to hold the  investment,  reason  and  duration  for the  impairment  and
forecasted performance of the investee.

(i)   Property and equipment

Property  and  equipment  are  stated at cost,  less  accumulated  depreciation.
Equipment  purchased  under  capital  lease is  stated at the  present  value of
minimum  lease  payments  at  the  inception  of  the  lease,  less  accumulated
depreciation.  The Company  provides for  depreciation  of  equipment  using the
straight-line  method over the shorter of  estimated  useful lives of up to four
years or the lease term. Total  depreciation from continuing  operations for the
years  ended  December  31,  2004  and  2003  was  $  1,933,632  and  $1,569,224


Recurring maintenance on property and equipment is expensed as incurred.

Any gain or loss on  retirements  and  disposals  are included in the results of

(j)   Goodwill and Intangibles

Goodwill  results  from  business  acquisitions  and  represents  the  excess of
purchase  price  over the fair value of net assets  acquired.  Amortization  was
computed over the estimated future period of benefit (generally five years) on a
straight-line  basis until  December  31,  2001.  On January 1, 2002 the Company
adopted  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standard  No. 142  ("SFAS  142"),
"Goodwill and Other  Intangible  Assets,"  which  establishes  that goodwill and
intangible  assets  acquired in a business  combination and that have indefinite
useful lives are no longer amortized but rather are tested at least annually for
impairment.  The first step of this test  requires  the  Company to compare  the
carrying  value of any reporting  unit that has goodwill to the  estimated  fair
value of the  reporting  unit.  When the  current  fair  value is less  than the
carrying  value,  the Company  performs the second step of the impairment  test.
This second  step  requires  the  Company to measure the excess of the  recorded
goodwill  over the  current  value of the  goodwill  by  performing  an exercise
similar  to a  purchase  price  allocation,  and  to  record  any  excess  as an

Intangible  assets that have finite  useful lives  (whether or not acquired in a
business  combination)  are amortized over their estimated useful lives but also
reviewed  for  impairment  in  accordance  with  FASB No.  144  "Accounting  for
Impairment or Disposal of Long Lived Assets".  Intangibles  currently consist of
customer  contracts  which were acquired as a result of a purchase of assets and
are being  amortized  over the estimated  future period of benefit of 2.5 years.
The assessment of  recoverability  and possible  impairment are determined using
estimates of undiscounted future cash flows, if an impairment has occurred.  The
Company then measures impairment based on the amount by which the carrying value
of the  customer  lists  exceeds its fair  market  value.  Fair market  value is
determined  primarily using the projected future cash flows discounted at a rate
commensurate with the risk involved.

(k)   Net loss per share

The Company has adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 128,
"Earnings per Share," ("SFAS No. 128"),  which  provides for the  calculation of
"basic"  and  "diluted"  earnings  per share.  Basic  earnings  (loss) per share
include no dilution  and is computed by dividing  income(loss)  attributable  to
common  stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
for the period.  Diluted earnings (loss) per share reflects the potential effect
of common shares issuable upon exercise of stock options and warrants in periods
in which they have a dilutive  effect.  The  Company  had  potentially  dilutive
common stock  equivalents for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003,  which
were not included in the  computation of diluted net loss per share because they
were antidilutive.

(l)   Comprehensive income

Comprehensive  income includes all changes in equity except those resulting from
investments by, and distributions to, owners.  All items that are required to be
recognized  under current  accounting  standards as components of  comprehensive
income are  required to be reported in a financial  statement  that is displayed
with the same prominence as other financial  statements.  The Company has chosen
to present a Combined Statement of Operations and Comprehensive Loss.

(m)   Business segment reporting

The Company's  operations  fall into one industry  segment:  providing  Internet
access and additional value added services to business customers.  Substantially
all of the Company's  revenues are derived from the provision of such  services.
The Company  manages its operations,  and  accordingly  determines its operating
segments, on a geographic basis.  Consequently,  the Company has three operating
segments: Euroweb Hungary, Euroweb Romania, and Euroweb Slovakia.


(n)   Income taxes

Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and  liability  method.  Deferred
tax  assets,  net of  appropriate  valuation  allowances,  and  liabilities  are
recognized for the future tax consequences  attributable to differences  between
the financial  statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and
their  respective  tax bases and operating  loss and tax credit  carry-forwards.
Deferred tax assets and  liabilities,  if any, are  measured  using  enacted tax
rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those  temporary
differences are expected to be recovered or settled.  The effect on deferred tax
assets and  liabilities  of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the
period that includes the enactment date.

(o)   Stock-Based compensation

The Company applies the intrinsic value-based method of accounting prescribed by
Accounting Principles Board ("APB") Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued
to Employees," and related interpretations including FASB Interpretation No. 44,
"Accounting  for  Certain   Transactions   involving  Stock   Compensation,   an
interpretation  of APB  Opinion  No.  25" to  account  for its fixed  plan stock
options.  Under this  method,  compensation  expense is  recorded on the date of
grant only if the  current  market  price of the  underlying  stock  exceeds the
exercise price. SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation," ("SFAS
No. 123") and FASB Statement No. 148, ,,Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation
- Transition and Disclosure,  an amendment of FASB Statement No. 123"established
accounting  and  disclosure  requirements  using a fair  value-based  method  of
accounting for stock-based  employee  compensation plans. As allowed by existing
standards,   the  Company  has  elected  to  continue  to  apply  the  intrinsic
value-based method of accounting described above, and has adopted the disclosure
requirements of SFAS No. 123, as amended.

Under the accounting provisions of SFAS No. 123, the Company's 2004 and 2003 net
loss and net loss per share would have been  increased to the pro forma  amounts
indicated below:

                                                      2004            2003
Net loss:
    Net loss as reported                           $   (734,454)   $(1,791,027)
    Compensation expense                               (943,164)      (110,482)
    Pro forma net loss                               (1,677,618)    (1,901,509)

Basic and diluted loss per share:
    As reported                                    $      (0.15)   $     (0.38)
    Pro forma                                             (0.33)         (0.41)

(p)   Recently Issued Accounting Standards

In  December  2004,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 123  (revised  2004),  Share-Based
Payment.  SFAS No. 123(R)  requires an entity to recognize the  grant-date  fair
value of stock options and other equity-based  compensation  issued to employees
in the income  statement,  but expresses no  preference  for a type of valuation
model.  For  small  business  issuers,  the  Statement  is  effective  as of the
beginning  of the first  interim or annual  reporting  period that begins  after
December 15, 2005.  Early  adoption is encouraged  for interim or annual periods
for which  financial  statements  or interim  reports have not been issued.  The
Company is currently  assessing the impact SFAS 123(R) may have on its financial


In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153, Exchanges of Nonmonetary Assets:
an  amendment  of  APB  Opinion  No.  29,  which  is  part  of  the   short-term
international convergence project between the FASB and IASB. SFAS 153 eliminates
a company's ability to use the similar  productive assets concept to account for
nonmonetary  exchanges at book value  without  recognizing  a gain.  Nonmonetary
exchanges  will  have to be  accounted  for at  fair  value,  with  gain or loss
recognized,  if the transactions meet a commercial-substance  criterion and fair
value is determinable.  SFAS 153 is effective for nonmonetary asset exchanges in
fiscal periods beginning after June 15, 2005, and early application is permitted
for  nonmonetary  asset  exchanges  occurring in fiscal periods  beginning after
December 16, 2004.  The Company is currently  assessing  the impact SFAS 153 may
have on its financial statements.

In December 2004 the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
No.  151,  Inventory  Costs,  which  amends  Chapter 4,  Inventory  Pricing,  of
Accounting  Research  Bulletin No. 43,  Restatement  and Revision of  Accounting
Research  Bulletins.  The  Statement  was  issued as a result of the  FASB's and
International Accounting Standards Board's ("IASB") joint project to improve the
comparability  between U.S. and  international  accounting  standards.  SFAS 151
eliminates  the so  abnormal  criterion  in ARB 43  and  requires  companies  to
recognize  abnormal  freight,  handling  costs,  and amounts of wasted  material
(spoilage) as current-period charges. Additionally, the Statement clarifies that
fixed  production  overhead  cost should be allocated to inventory  based on the
normal capacity of the production facility.  SFAS 151 is effective for inventory
costs incurred during annual periods  beginning after June 15, 2005. The Company
is currently assessing the impact SFAS 151 may have on its financial statements.

FASB  Statement  No. 150,  Accounting  for Certain  Financial  Instruments  with
Characteristics  of both  Liabilities  and Equity,  was issued in May 2003. This
Statement  establishes  standards  for the  classification  and  measurement  of
certain  financial  instruments  with  characteristics  of both  liabilities and
equity.   The  Statement  also  includes  required   disclosures  for  financial
instruments within its scope. For the Company, the Statement was effective as of
January 1, 2004,  except for mandatory  redeemable  financial  instruments.  For
certain  mandatorily  redeemable  financial  instruments,  the Statement will be
effective on January 1, 2005. The effective date has been deferred  indefinitely
for certain other types of mandatorily  redeemable  financial  instruments.  The
Company  currently does not have any financial  instruments  that are within the
scope of this Statement.

On April 30,  2003,  the FASB  issued  FASB  Statement  No.  149,  Amendment  of
Statement 133 on Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging  Activities,  which amends
FASB  Statement  No. 133,  Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging
Activities,  to address (1) decisions reached by the Derivatives  Implementation
Group,  (2)  developments  in  other  Board  projects  that  address   financial
instruments,  and (3)  implementation  issues  related  to the  definition  of a
derivative.  The Company  does not believe  that FAS 149 will have any impact on
its financial statements.

(q)   Business Combination following the "as-if"  pooling-of-interest  method of

On February 12, 2004, the Company entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with a
related  party,  Pantel Rt.  ("Pantel")  to acquire the remaining 51% of Euroweb
Hungary  shares  that  the  Company  did  not  already  own.  Pantel's  majority
shareholder is also KPN. As this was a transaction between entities under common
control (at the date of the  acquisition,  KPN owned 50.17% of the voting common
shares of the Company and 75% of the voting  common  shares of Pantel Rt.),  the
transaction  was  recorded  in a manner  similar to a  pooling-of-interest,  and
accordingly the historical  consolidated financial statements have been restated
to include  the  financial  position,  results of  operations  and cash flows of
Euroweb Hungary for all periods presented.  Since the purchase consideration was
in excess of Euroweb Hungary's book value by $2,142,556 it is accounted for as a
distribution to KPN which resulted in a deduction from retained  earnings at the
closing of the transaction.  There were no intercompany  transactions  requiring
elimination in any period.



All cash and cash  equivalents  are held in current  accounts as of December 31,
2004. Approximately $2.4 million is held in the United States, and approximately
$228,000 is held in United  States  dollars in Romania,  Slovakia  and  Hungary.
Approximately $39,000 is held in Romania in Euro. The remaining amounts are held
in local currency in Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary.


Property and equipment as at December 31, 2004 comprise the following:

                                                     2004          Useful Life
                                                   ------------    -----------
     Software                                      $  1,406,167        3 years
     Internet equipment                               8,168,003        3 years
     Fibre optic cables-Romania                       1,280,484       20 years
     Vehicles                                           528,344      4-5 years
     Other                                            1,209,190      3-5 years
       Total                                         12,592,188
       Less accumulated depreciation                 (5,339,075)
                                                   $  7,253,113


Goodwill and  acquired  intangible  assets as at December 31, 2004  comprise the

Customer contracts (Elender Rt.)                                     2,730,420
  Less accumulated amortization-Customer contracts                    (677,132)
                                                                   $ 2,053,288

Goodwill                                                            13,447,287
  Less impairment -Goodwill                                         (5,004,426)
  Less accumulated amortization-Goodwill                            (2,636,680)
                                                                   $ 5,806,181

Customer contracts

Most  (approximately  87%) of the  Customer  contracts  relate to an Elender Rt.
contract to provide  internet access to schools in Hungary.  The remaining items
are leased line  contracts of Elender Rt. These  contracts  are being  amortized
over a period of 2.5 years from the date of acquisition (June 2004).


Goodwill and Impairment Charges

The Gross book value of Goodwill relates to the following  reporting units under
SFAS 142:  Euroweb Romania  ($2,455,223),  Euroweb  Slovakia  ($4,413,173),  and
Euroweb  Hungary  ($6,578,891).  The  Goodwill  of  Euroweb  Slovakia  was fully
impaired by December  31,  2003,  and the  Goodwill of Euroweb  Romania had been
impaired down to $566,000. The Goodwill relating to Euroweb Hungary arose on the
acquisition of Elender Rt.  ($5,240,181)  which has now been merged into Euroweb
Hungary and is considered  as one  reporting  unit for purposes of SFAS 142. The
other  Goodwill of  $1,338,710  relating to Euroweb  Hungary  arose from several
acquisitions and had been fully impaired by December 31, 2003.

At the  beginning  of 2005 the  Company  performed  its annual  impairment  test
relating to the goodwill as of December 31, 2004. The Company  compared the fair
value of the  reporting  units  (Euroweb  Romania and Euroweb  Hungary) to their
carrying  amounts,  noting  that in each case the fair value was higher than the
carrying amount, and that no impairment charge was required.

In 2003  impairments  of $563,000  for Euroweb  Slovakia,  $324,957  for Euroweb
Romania,  and $92,581 for Euroweb  Czech were  recorded.  The 2003 Euroweb Czech
impairment is included in the `loss from  discontinued  operations' line item in
the accompanying Consolidated Statement of Operations.

The net book value of goodwill of  $5,806,181 as of December 31, 2004 relates to
Euroweb Romania ($566,000) and Euroweb Hungary ($5,240,181).

6.    LEASES

Capital leases

The Company is committed  under various  capital  leases,  which expire over the
next three years.  The amount of assets held under  capital  leases  included in
property and equipment is as follows:

Leased Internet equipment gross value                                  128,560
Leased vehicles gross value                                            355,791
   Total gross book value leased assets                                484,351
Less accumulated depreciation                                          (90,570)
   Total net book value leased assets                              $   393,781

The  following is a schedule of future  minimum  capital  lease  payments  (with
initial or remaining lease terms in excess of one year) as of December 31, 2004:

            2005                                                       284,463
            2006                                                        94,201
            2007                                                        54,159
Total minimum lease payments                                           432,823
Less interest costs                                                    (37,086)
Present value of future minimum lease payments                         395,737
Less:   current installments                                          (247,378)
           Non-current portion of lease obligations                $   148,359


The  current  portion  of lease  obligations  are  included  in  `Other  current
liabilities' on the Balance Sheet.

Operating leases

The Company's  subsidiary in Slovakia (as Lessee) has a five year non-cancelable
lease  agreement for office  premises.  Remaining  minimal rental payments total
approximately $380,000; $138,000 in each of 2005 and 2006, and $104,000 in 2007.

The Company's  subsidiary in Hungary (as Lessee) has a seven year non-cancelable
lease  agreement for office  premises.  Remaining  minimal rental payments total
approximately EUR 1,282,176; EUR 320,544 in each of 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

In 2002, the Company (as Lessor) entered into a twenty year  Indefeasible  Right
of Use  agreement to provide  transmission  capacity and  collected the $920,000
lease payment in full in the same year (Note 2(d)).


On June 1, 2004,  Elender Rt.  (which has now been merged with Euroweb  Hungary)
entered into a bank loan agreement with Commerzbank (Budapest) Rt. The agreement
consists of a loan facility of HUF 300 million  (approximately $1.67 million) of
which approximately $1,070,000 was outstanding at December 31, 2004. The loan is
being  repaid  in  quarterly  installments  of HUF 14.5  million  (approximately
$80,000),  commencing  November 30, 2004.  The interest rate is BUBOR  (Budapest
Interbank Offered Rate) + 1.35%.

In addition,  the bank also  provided an  overdraft  facility of HUF 150 million
(approximately $830,000) to Elender Rt. The Company did not need to utilize this
facility as at December 31, 2004. The interest rate is BUBOR (Budapest Interbank
Offered Rate) + 1%.

Notes payable of  approximately  $808,000  relate to outstanding  liabilities to
three previous shareholders of Elender Rt.: Vitonas Investments Limited,  Certus
Kft.  and Rumed  2000 Kft.  The  outstanding  amount is  payable  in four  equal
quarterly installments of HUF 36.438 million (approximately  $202,000), with the
final payment on December 31, 2005.


During  2002  Pantel Rt., a related  party,  provided a loan of HUF  245,000,000
(approximately  $ 1.36 million using 2004 exchange  rate) to a subsidiary of the
Company. The loan bears interest at a rate of 13% and is repayable in five equal
installments  from  December  2004  semi-annually  until  the end of  2006.  The
year-end balance reflects the payment made in December 2004.


On December  16, 2004,  the Company  sold all of its shares in its  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  Euroweb  Czech  for  cash of  $500,000.  However,  as a part of the
transaction,  the Company  effectively forgave $400,000 of loans receivable from
Euroweb  Czech.  The Company  believes  that the sale of Euroweb Czech meets the
criteria for  presentation  as a discontinued  operation under the provisions of
Statements of Financial  Accounting  Standard ("SFAS") No. 144,  "Accounting for
the  Impairment  or Disposal of  Long-Lived  Assets,  therefore  all periods are
restated to reflect  Euroweb  Czech  Republic as  discontinued  operations.  The
Company  recognized a gain of  approximately  US $409,000 on the sale of Euroweb


On April 13,  2004,  the Company sold its 100%  shareholding  in Neophone Rt. (a
non-operational  subsidiary)  for  approximately  $60,000,  realizing  a gain of
$28,751.  In 2003,  Euroweb Hungary sold two  subsidiaries  for  approximately $
5,000.  A gain of $ 109,621 was  recorded on the sales due to the fact that both
subsidiaries had net liabilities at the time of sale.


Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities

Upon the  acquisition of Elender Rt., the Company  recognized a net Deferred Tax
Liability  of  $294,005  related to the excess of fair value of net assets  over
carrying  values.  As most of the excess relates to the  recognition of customer
contracts  (Note 5) which is being  amortized  over a period of 2.5  years  from
acquisition,  the  Deferred  Tax  Liability  is being  reduced  proportionately.
$83,576  was  expensed  in  2004.  Elender  Rt.  had tax loss  carryforwards  of
approximately  $1.9  million  (resulting  in a potential  Deferred  Tax Asset of
$312,005) which could be carried forward post  acquisition.  An amount up to the
value of the Deferred Tax Liability  ($294,005) was recognized as a Deferred Tax
Asset at acquisition and the remaining  deferred tax asset of $18,000 is covered
by a  valuation  allowance  (subsequent  recognition  of the  benefits  of  this
valuation   allowance  will  be  credited  against  Goodwill  from  the  Elender
acquisition). This amount has been reduced at year-end to $253,425.

The  deferred  income  tax  expense  of zero in 2004 is a  result  of a  $83,576
deferred income tax benefit due to the excess of acquisition of Elender Rt., and
is offset by a deferred  income tax  expense of $83,576 to reduce  Deferred  Tax

The loss from continuing  operations before income taxes by tax jurisdiction for
the years ended December 31 2004 and 2003 was as follows:

                                                       2004            2003
                                                   ------------    -----------
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes:
  Domestic                                         $ (1,670,486)    (1,370,658)
  Foreign                                               633,677         17,155
                                                   ------------    -----------
Total                                              $ (1,036,809)   $(1,353,503)
                                                   ============    ===========

The current  income tax expense of $62,367  (2003:  61,590) is  attributable  to
income/loss  from continuing  operations and relates entirely to current foreign


The difference  between the total expected tax expense (benefit) and tax expense
for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 is accounted for as follows:

                                             2004                   2003
                                     -------------------    -------------------
                                       Amount       %         Amount       %
                                     ---------   -------    ---------  --------
Computed expected tax
  Benefit                            $(352,515)   (34.00)   $(460,191)   (34.00)

  Foreign Tax Rate Differential        696,053    67.13        50,922     3.76

  Utilization of net operating
  losses not previously recognized     (55,732)   (5.38)      (51,529)   (3.81)

Change in tax rates                         --       --       194,390    14.36

Non-deductible expenses                 17,178     1.66       333,383    24.63

Change in Valuation Allowance         (242,617)   (23.40)      (5,385)   (0.40)
                                     ---------   -------    ---------  --------
Total Expense                        $  62,367     6.02%    $  61,590     4.55%
                                     =========   =======    =========  ========

The change in the tax rates in 2003 results from the fact that the corporate tax
rate in Hungary was 18% for 2003 and prior  years,  but in 2003,  the  Hungarian
parliament  enacted  a tax rate of 16% for 2004 and  subsequent  years.  The net
impact  of the  change  in tax rates  has no  material  impact on the  financial
statements as the Company has provided a full  valuation  allowance for deferred
tax assets (see below).

The tax effects of temporary  differences that give rise to significant portions
of deferred tax assets at December 31, 2004 and 2003 are as follows:

                                           2004                 2003
                                        ------------       -------------
Deferred Tax Assets:
  Net Operating Loss Carryovers         $  5,328,292       $   5,241,133
  Other                                           --              76,351
  Capital Loss Carryovers                         --              63,801
                                        ------------       -------------
Gross Deferred Tax Assets                  5,328,292           5,381,385
Valuation Allowance                       (5,074,867)         (5,381,385)
                                        ------------       -------------
Net Deferred Tax Assets                      253,425                  --

Deferred Tax Liabilities (Intangibles)      (253,425)                 --
                                        ------------       -------------
Net Deferred Tax Assets                 $         --       $          --
                                        ============       =============

The valuation  allowance was  $6,384,117  at January 1, 2003.  During 2004,  the
valuation  allowance  decreased by  $306,518,  while during 2003 it decreased by


The Company has unused net operating loss  carryforwards at December 31, 2004 of
approximately  $20 million  available to offset future taxable  income.  Of this
amount,  approximately $10 million of losses that arose in the first three years
of operation  in Hungary can be carried  forward  indefinitely  based on current
Hungarian Tax Legislation.  Of the remaining $10 million of losses, $1.9 million
expire in various years from  2005-2010,  $1.6 million  expires in 2011, and the
remaining  $6.5 million  expire in various years from 2016 through 2024. The Tax
Acts of some jurisdictions  contain provisions which may limit the net operating
loss  carryforwards  available  to be used in any given year if  certain  events
occur, including significant changes in ownership interests. The Company has not
assessed  the impact of these  provisions  on the  availability  of Company loss
carryovers  since the  deferred  tax  assets are fully  offset by the  valuation

In assessing  the  realizability  of deferred tax assets,  management  considers
whether it is more likely than not that some  portion or all of the deferred tax
assets will not be realized.  The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is
dependent  upon the  generation of future  taxable  income during the periods in
which those temporary  differences and tax loss carryforwards become deductible.
Management  considers  the  scheduled  reversal  of  deferred  tax  liabilities,
projected  future  taxable  income and tax  planning  strategies  in making this
assessment.  Based upon the level of historical  taxable income and  projections
for future  taxable income over the periods in which the deferred tax assets are
deductible, management believes that it is more likely than not that the Company
will  realize  the  benefit of these  deductible  differences,  net of  existing
valuation allowances at December 31, 2004.


On April 28, 2004, the Company  granted  125,000  options to the Chief Executive
Officer and an additional  195,000  options to five employees and 45,000 options
to two  consultants of the Company (see Note 14(a)).  As the Company follows APB
25 with respect to  accounting  for grants made to  employees,  no  compensation
expense was recorded for the options granted to the Chief Executive  Officer and
the five  employees.  However,  the Company will  recognize  total  compensation
charges of  approximately  $162,000 for the grants made to the two  consultants,
which will be  expensed  over the vesting  period of three  years  (compensation
expense for the year ended December 31, 2004 was $94,212).

In connection  with the  acquisition of Elender Rt. (Note 1), the Company issued
677,201 of common  shares.  The Company is in the process of  registering  these
common shares.


General:  The largest  customer of the Company  since early 2001 has been Pantel
Rt. ("Pantel"), a Hungary-based alternative  telecommunications  provider. As at
December  31,  2004,  KPN was the  majority  owner  of  Pantel  and the  largest
shareholder of the Company.  Pantel  operates within the region and has become a
significant  trading  partner for Euroweb  Romania  through the  provision  of a
direct fiber cable  connection,  which  enables  companies to transmit data to a
variety of  destinations by utilizing the  international  connections of Pantel.
Due to the increase in revenues from International/domestic leased line and VOIP
services provided in conjunction with Pantel, some of the representatives of the
Company work at the premises of Pantel in order to improve the  effectiveness of
the co-operation on international  projects and daily operational issues.  Csaba
Toro, Chief Executive Officer of Euroweb International Corp., was also the Chief
Executive Officer of Pantel until February 2003.

Transactions:  Euroweb  Hungary and Euroweb Romania have engaged in transactions
with Pantel:

(a)   Pantel provides the following services to the subsidiaries of the Company:

      -     Internet bandwidth
      -     National leased and telephone lines within Hungary
      -     VOIP services
      -     Consulting services

The total amount of these services  purchased from Pantel was $6,198,505  during
2004 (2003: $5,796,350).  Additionally, consulting services amounted to $292,864
in 2003,  there  was no such  services  in 2004.  In 2004,  Pantel  Rt.  charged
interest of $154,761 (2003: zero).


(b)   The  Company  and its  subsidiaries  provided  the  following  services to

      -     International leased lines and local loops in Hungary and Romania
      -     International IP and VOIP services
      -     Certain  consultants  are  hired by the  Company,  but also  work on
            projects for Pantel.  In these cases,  Pantel is recharged a portion
            of the consulting fees

The total value of these  services  sold was  approximately  $8,503,939  in 2004
(2003: $5,740,709).

Direct  sales to Pantel  were 23% of total  consolidated  revenue in 2004 (2003:
26%).  However,  the  dependency  on  Euroweb  Romania  on  Pantel  is even more
significant.  Some third party sales involve Pantel as the subcontractor/service
provider for the  international/domestic  lines,  and some third party customers
were introduced to the Company by Pantel (i.e. their relationship with Pantel is
stronger than their relationship with Euroweb Romania).

Effective dependency on Pantel:  Direct sales to Pantel and Pantel-related sales
represent  approximately 30% of total  consolidated  revenues of the Company and
approximately  80% of total  sales of  Euroweb  Romania.  There is no such sales
dependency in the case of Euroweb Hungary and Euroweb Slovakia.

Pricing:  Agreements  are made at market prices or a portion of the margin based
on the financial  investment into the specific  services by each of the parties.
The Company  considers  alternative  suppliers  for  individual  projects,  when

There were no other significant related party transactions in 2004 or 2003.


(a)   Employment Agreements

A  fixed-term  employment  agreement  with the  Chief  Executive  Officer  which
provided for aggregate annual  compensation of $96,000 through December 31, 2005
was amended in 2004.  The amended  agreement  provides  for an annual  salary of
$200,000  and a bonus of up to $150,000 in each of 2005 and 2006,  as well as an
annual car allowance of $30,000.

Two fixed-term  employment agreements for Officers of the Company provide for an
aggregate monthly compensation of $ 18,750 until December 31, 2005.

(b)   Lease agreements

The Company's subsidiaries have entered into various capital leases for vehicles
and  internet  equipment,  as  well  as  non-cancelable  agreements  for  office
premises. Refer to Note 6 (Leases).

(c)   20 years' usage rights

In 2002,  Euroweb Romania provided an Indefeasible Right of Use for transmission
capacity on 12 pairs of fiber (see Note 6) over a period of 20 years, commencing
in 2003.  For the duration of the agreement,  Euroweb  Romania is obliged to use
all reasonable  endeavours to ensure the Cable System is maintained in efficient
working order and in accordance with industry standards.


(d)   Legal Proceedings

There are no known  significant  legal  procedures  that have been filed and are
outstanding against the Company.

(e)   Elender Rt. acquisition

On June 9, 2004 the Company  acquired all of the  outstanding  shares of Elender
Business Communications Rt., a leading ISP in Hungary, for USD 6,500,000 in cash
and 677,201 of the  Company's  shares of common  stock.  Under the terms of this
agreement,  the Company has placed 248,111  unregistered  shares of newly issued
(in the name of the  Company)  common stock with an escrow agent as security for
approximately $1.5 million loans payable to former shareholders of Elender.  The
shares will be returned to the Company  from escrow once the  outstanding  loans
have been fully repaid.  However, if there is a default on the outstanding loan,
then the  shares  will be  issued to the other  party  and the  Company  is then
obliged to register these shares.

Pursuant to section 1 of the  Registration  Rights  Agreement  signed on June 1,
2004 with the  Sellers of Elender  Rt.,  if the shares of the  Company's  common
stock were not  registered  within 120 days of Closing  (Closing  was on June 9,
2004) for reasons  attributable to the Company,  a penalty of $ 2,000 per day is
payable  until the  shares are  registered.  The  Company  is in the  process of
registering the shares of common stock issued in connection with the Elender Rt.
acquisition.  The  Company  has made a  provision  of  $170,000  to  accrue  for
potential penalties under this Clause until December 31, 2004.

(f)   Euroweb Hungary purchase guarantee

In February 2004, the remaining 51% of Euroweb Hungary was purchased from Pantel
Rt. The Consideration  paid by the Company for the 51% interest consisted of EUR
1,650,000  (USD  $2,105,000)  in cash,  and a purchase  commitment  that Euroweb
Hungary Rt. will  purchase at least HUF 600 million  (approximately  $3 million)
worth of  services  from  Pantel  Rt. in each of  2004-2006.  In the event  that
Euroweb Hungary and its subsidiaries do not satisfy this commitment,  Pantel Rt.
may charge a penalty  equal to 25% of the  commitment  amount less any  services
purchased. Purchases in 2004 exceeded this amount.

(g)   Indemnities provided upon sale of subsidiaries

On April 13,  2004,  the Company sold its 100%  shareholding  in Neophone Rt. (a
non-operational  subsidiary) for approximately  $60,000.  Under the terms of the
sale the Company  has  indemnified  the Buyer for any  unaccrued  costs,  fines,
penalties  and lawsuits  which  relate to a period prior to the sale.  No claims
have been made to date.

Under the terms of the sale  agreement for Euroweb Czech (see Note 9), the Buyer
has a right  to  make  claims  against  the  Company  for up to  $200,000  under
representation and warranties  provisions of the sale agreement.  This provision
is applicable  for claims made within 12 months of closing.  No claims have been
made to date.


a)    Stock Option Plan

The  Company's  Stock Option Plan expired in 2003,  although  unexpired  options
issued  under this Plan are  exercisable  until  expiry.  At December  31, 2004,
options for 26,000 (December 31, 2003: 46,000) Common Stock were outstanding and
exercisable (by the Chief Executive Officer) under this Stock Option Plan.

In 2004, the Board of Directors  established  the "2004  Incentive Plan" or "the
Plan",  with an  aggregate  of 800,000  shares of common  stock  authorized  for
issuance  under the Plan.  The Plan  provides that  incentive  and  nonqualified
options may be granted to key employees,  officers, directors and consultants of
the Company for the purpose of providing an incentive to those persons. The Plan
may be  administered  by either the Board of  Directors  or a  committee  of two
directors  appointed  by the Board  (the  "Committee").  The Board or  Committee
determines,  among other things,  the persons to whom stock options are granted,
the number of shares  subject to each option,  the date or dates upon which each
option may be exercised and the exercise price per share.


Options  granted under the Plan are generally  exercisable for a period of up to
ten years from the date of grant.  No Option  shall be  transferable,  except by
will or the laws of descent and  distribution.  Incentive  options  granted to a
Principal  Stockholder  must have an exercise price of not less than 110% of the
fair market value of the underlying  stock on the date of the grant. The Company
will not grant a nonqualified option with an exercise price less than 85% of the
fair market value of the underlying common stock on the date of the grant.

Under the Plan,  the Company on April 26, 2004  granted  125,000  options to the
Chief Executive Officer and an additional  195,000 options to five employees and
45,000 options to two  consultants of the Company.  All of these options have an
exercise  price equal to the market price on day of grant  ($4.78),  vest over a
period of between 3-4 years and relate to future  services to be  performed.  As
the  Company  follows  APB 25 with  respect to  accounting  for  grants  made to
employees,  no compensation  expense will be recorded for the options granted to
the Chief Executive  Officer and the five employees.  However,  the Company will
recognize total  compensation  charges of approximately  $162,000 for the grants
made to the two consultants,  which is being expensed over the vesting period of
three years.

(b)   Other Options

The Company has issued exercisable options pursuant to employment agreements. As
of December  31,  2004 (and 2003)  fully  vested  options  are  outstanding  and
exercisable  for 63,000 shares  pursuant to the  employment  agreement  with the
Chief  Executive  Officer.  The  options  were  granted  on April 2, 1999  (with
exercise  price  equal to stock  price at date of grant)  and expire on April 2,
2005. The options are exercisable at $ 10.00 per share.

On October 13 2003, the Company  granted two Directors  100,000 options each, at
an exercise price (equal to the fair value on that day) of $4.21 per share, with
25,000 options vesting on each April 13 of 2004-2007.

(c)   Accounting for stock-based options

SFAS No. 123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,"  ("SFAS No.  123"),
requires the Company to provide pro forma  information  regarding net income and
earnings per share as if  compensation  cost for the Company's stock options had
been determined in accordance  with the fair  value-based  method  prescribed in
SFAS No. 123. The Company  estimates  the fair value of each stock option at the
grant date by using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model.

The  amount  calculated  as total  compensation  expense  under  SFAS No. 123 is
$632,766 for the 200,000  options  granted to directors on October 13, 2003, and
$1.3 million for the 365,000  options  granted on April 26, 2004  (calculated at
grant date using Black-Scholes  valuation model with volatility of 88%, interest
rate of 4%,  expected life of 6 years and a no-dividend  assumption).  Under the
accounting  provisions  of SFAS No. 123, this  compensation  expense is recorded
over the vesting  period of the options (3-4 years) and the  Company's  2004 and
2003 net loss and net loss per  share  would  have  increased  to the pro  forma
amounts indicated below:

                                            2004                2003
Net loss:
    Net loss as reported                $   (734,454)      $  (1,791,027)
    Compensation expense                    (943,164)           (110,482)
    Pro forma net loss                     (1,677,618)        (1,901,509)

Basic and diluted loss per share:
    As reported                         $      (0.15)      $       (0.38)
    Pro forma                                  (0.33)              (0.41)


The following table summarizes the total number of shares for which options have
been issued (Stock Option Plan, 2004 Incentive Plan,  Employment  Agreements and
grants to Directors) and are outstanding:

                                           2004                  2003
                                 ----------------------    --------------------
                                               Weighted                Weighted
                                               average                 average
                                               exercise                exercise
                                 Options       Price       Options     Price
                                 ---------     ---------   ---------   --------
Outstanding, January 1,           309,000        $5.95      124,500     $9.00
Granted                           365,000         4.78      200,000      4.21
Cancelled                               -            -            -         -
Expired                           (20,000)        5.00      (15,500)     7.65
                                 ---------     ---------   ---------   --------
Outstanding, December 31,         654,000         5.33      309,000      5.95
                                 =========     =========   =========   ========

250,250  options are  outstanding  and  exercisable  at December 31, 2004 (2003:

The 200,000  options  granted to Directors in 2003 are  exercisable  as follows:
50,000  exercisable on each April 14 of 2004,  2005, 2006, and 2007. The 365,000
options granted on April 26, 2004 are exercisable as follows: 111,250 options on
November  1, 2004,  111,250  options on each of October 1, 2005,  and October 1,
2006,  and 31,250  options on October 1,  2007.  The  remaining  89,000  options
outstanding as at December 31, 2004 are all exercisable as at December 31, 2004.

No options were exercised in 2004 and 2003.

At December 31, 2004 the range of exercise prices and weighted average remaining
contractual  life of  outstanding  options  was $4.21 - $10.47  and 5.93  years,


As at December 31, 2003 the total number of shares for which  warrants have been
issued  and are  exercisable  (at $ 11 per  share) was  10,000.  These  warrants
expired unexercised on May 2, 2004. No warrants were issued in 2004.


The Company's  operations  fall into one industry  segment:  providing  Internet
access and additional  value added services to business  customers.  The Company
manages its operations,  and accordingly determines its operating segments, on a
geographic  basis.  Consequently,  the  Company  has three  operating  segments:
Euroweb  Hungary,  Euroweb  Romania,  and Euroweb  Slovakia.  The performance of
geographic  operating  segments  is  monitored  based on net income or loss from
operations (before income taxes, interest,  and foreign exchange  gains/losses).
The accounting  policies of the segments are the same as those  described in the
summary  of  accounting  policies  in Note 2. There are no  inter-segment  sales


The following tables summarize  financial  information by geographic segment for
the year ended December 31, 2004 and 2003:

Geographic information for 2004

                             Slovakia        Romania         Hungary        Corporate       Total
                             ---------     ----------      ----------      ----------    ------------
3rd party revenues           3,827,738      5,637,991      18,646,057              --    $ 28,111,786
Pantel related revenues             --      7,999,011         504,928              --       8,503,939
Total revenues               3,827,738     13,637,002      19,150,985              --      36,615,725

Depreciation                   185,758        626,564       1,119,262           2,048       1,933,632
Intangible amortization
(customer contract)                 --              --         677,132              --         677,132

Interest income                 32,857         24,437          95,539          49,154         201,987
Interest expense                 8,718         30,571         380,370              --         419,659
Net interest (expense)
income                          24,139         (6,134)       (284,831)         49,154        (217,672)

Income tax                      31,275         31,092              --              --          61,590
Net loss                       313,754        (53,704)        (97,317)       (897,187)       (734,454)

Fixed assets, net              234,557      2,195,881       5,274,303              --       7,704,741
Fixed asset additions           76,807        985,492         639,691              --       1,701,990
Goodwill                            --        566,000       5,240,181                       5,806,181

Geographic information for 2003

                             Slovakia        Romania         Hungary       Corporate        Total
                             ---------     ----------      ----------      ----------    ------------
3rd party revenues           3,424,633      4,539,215       8,412,501              --    $ 16,376,349
Pantel related revenues             --      5,633,864         106,845              --       5,740,709
Total revenues               3,424,633     10,173,079       8,519,346              --      22,117,058

Depreciation                   328,182        466,853         841,098              --       1,636,133
Intangible impairment               --        100,364              --              --         100,364
Goodwill impairment            563,000        324,957              --              --         887,957

Interest income                 18,990          3,934          82,012         390,349         495,285
Interest expense                28,269         24,333          93,132           5,231         150,965
Net interest (expense)
income                          (9,279)       (20,399)        (11,120)        385,118         344,320

Income tax                          --         61,590              --              --          61,590
Net loss                      (457,092)      (399,232)       (214,967)       (719,736)     (1,791,027)

Fixed assets, net              326,788      1,575,851         879,385              --       2,782,024
Fixed asset additions           94,954        752,848         310,270              --       1,158,072
Goodwill                            --        566,000              --              --         566,000

Goodwill  and  related  impairment  amounts  are  recorded  in the  books of the
Corporate entity and allocated to reporting units. The Gain/Loss on discontinued
operations is included in the Corporate Net Loss.



(a)   Status of Pantel Rt. as a related party

On February 28, 2005, it was announced  that the sale of KPN NV's 75.1% interest
in the Pantel  business to the  Hungarian  Telephone  and Cable  Corp.  had been
completed.  Therefore,  Pantel is no longer considered a related party effective
March 1, 2005.

(b)   Euroweb Slovakia

In January 2005,  the Company  decided that the  operations of Euroweb  Slovakia
were no longer  considered  part of the core assets of the Company.  In light of
this  decision,  the Company,  in January  2005,  approached  a potential  buyer
interested in acquiring  internet service providers in Slovakia.  The Company is
currently  negotiating the sale of Euroweb  Slovakia with this potential  buyer.
The Company  intends to treat Euroweb  Slovakia as a discontinued  operation for
purposes of US GAAP reporting in future periods, with appropriate restatement of
comparative  prior period  amounts.  The following  table  presents the carrying
amounts of the major classes of assets and liabilities of Euroweb Slovakia as at
December 31, 2004:

Current assets                                              1,480,522
Long-term assets                                              234,557
   Total assets                                            $1,715,079

Current liabilities                                         1,244,310
Long-term liabilities                                           6,701
   Total liabilities                                       $1,251,011

Net equity                                                 $  464,068

(c)   Announced sale of the Company's shares by KPN

Pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of January 28, 2005, between KPN
Telecom  B.V.   (the  largest   shareholder   of  the   Company),   and  CORCYRA
d.o.o.("CORCYRA"),  CORCYRA  purchased  289,855  shares of the Company's  common
stock from KPN Telecom B.V.  and has also agreed to purchase KPN Telecom  B.V.'s
remaining shares of the Company's common stock by April 30, 2006.

(d)   Potential acquisition

In March  2005,  the Company  signed a Letter of Intent  relating to a potential
acquisition.  The  finalisation  of the  transaction  terms  is  subject  to the
completion of due  diligence  procedures  (currently  underway) and agreement on
terms  which will be  detailed  in a formal  purchase  agreement.  The  purchase
consideration,  if the  transaction  goes  ahead,  is  expected  to  comprise  a
combination of cash and Company stock.

(e)   New Stock options

On March 22nd,  2005 the Board of Directors  decided to grant two new  directors
100,000 stock options each under the 2004  Incentive  Plan.  These stock options
are  exercisable  as follows:  50,000  exercisable on each September 22 of 2005,
2006, 2007, and 2008.


                                    EXHIBIT C


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Audited combined and consolidated  financial statements of Navigator Informatika
Rt. as of and for the year ended December 31, 2004

 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                     C-2
 Combined Balance Sheet                                                      C-3
 Combined and Consolidated Statement of Operations                           C-4
 Combined and Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Deficit     C-5
 Combined and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                           C-6
 Notes to the Combined and Consolidated Financial Statements           C-14-C-18

 Unaudited condensed combined and consolidated  financial  statements of
 Navigator  Informatika  Rt. as of  September  30, 2005 and for the nine
 months ended September 30, 2005 and 2004

 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet                            C-19
 Unaudited Condensed Combined and Consolidated Statements of Operations    C-20
 Unaudited Condensed Combined and Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow     C-21
 Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Combined and
  Consolidated Financial Statements                                        C-22


To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Navigator Informatika Rt.
Budapest, Hungary

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheet of Navigator Informatika
Rt. and  subsidiaries  (the  "Company") as of December 31, 2004, and the related
combined and consolidated  statements of income,  stockholders' equity, and cash
flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility
of the  Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted  our audit in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements  are free of material  misstatement.  The Company is not  required to
have,  nor were we engaged to perform,  an audit of its  internal  control  over
financial reporting.  Our audits included consideration of internal control over
financial  reporting  as  a  basis  for  designing  audit  procedures  that  are
appropriate  in the  circumstances,  but not for the  purpose of  expressing  an
opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Company's  internal control over financial
reporting.  Accordingly,  we express  no such  opinion.  An audit also  includes
examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the  financial   statements,   assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  such consolidated  financial  statements present fairly, in all
material  respects,  the  financial  position of Navigator  Informatika  Rt. and
subsidiaries  as of December 31, 2004,  and the results of their  operations and
their  cash  flows  for the year  then  ended,  in  conformity  with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Deloitte Auditing and Consulting Kft.
Budapest, Hungary

December 2, 2005


                             COMBINED BALANCE SHEET

                                                              As of December
                                                                 31, 2004
  Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                         12,870
    Trade accounts receivable, net (note 3)                          172,276
    Related party trade receivables (note 7)                          87,385
    Related party loans receivable (note 7)                           59,541
    Prepayments and other current assets (note 4)                    154,990
         Total current assets                                        487,062

    Customer contracts, net (note 6)                                 271,391
    Equipment and fixtures, net (note 5)                             240,009
    Total assets                                                     998,462
  Current liabilities:
    Trade accounts payable                                            95,208
    Related party payables (note 7)                                  532,942
    Short term related party loan (note 7)                            56,410
    Short term bank loan (note 8)                                     80,763
    Other current liabilities (note 9)                                62,976
    Accrued expenses (note 10)                                        52,254
    Deferred revenue                                                   5,414
       Total current liabilities                                     885,967

    Deferred taxes (note 12)                                          43,423
    Long term capital lease obligation (note 11)                       4,935
        Total long term liabilities                                   48,358
          Total liabilities                                          934,325
Commitments and contingencies (note 11)

   Shareholders' equity
   Common stock, HUF 10,000 par value  (12,500 shares                125,000
   authorized, issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2004)
   Additional paid in capital                                        240,000
   Accumulated deficit                                              (300,863)
      Total shareholders' equity                                      64,137
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                     998,462

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements


                        IN THOUSANDS OF HUNGARIAN FORINT

                                                                Year ended
                                                                December 31,

Third party revenue                                                  768,239
Related party revenue                                                 60,903
TOTAL REVENUE                                                        829,142

COST OF  REVENUE (exclusive of depreciation and
amortization shown separately below)
   Third party                                                       114,450
   Related party                                                      25,268
TOTAL COST OF  REVENUE (exclusive of depreciation and                139,718
amortization shown separately below)

   Personnel expenses                                                232,937
   Consulting, advisory and professional fees                        155,693
   Other selling, general and administrative expenses
   (including THUF 49,500 related party  expenses)                   222,823
   Depreciation and amortization                                      95,772
Total operating expenses                                             707,225

Loss from operations                                                 (17,801)

Interest income                                                        3,512
Interest expense                                                     (21,881)
Total other expenses                                                 (18,369)
Loss before income taxes                                             (36,170)

Income taxes -deferred                                                 4,027
Income taxes -current                                                 (4,805)
Net income tax expense                                                  (778)
NET LOSS                                                             (36,948)

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements



                                 COMMON STOCK
                            NUMBER OF                   ADDITIONAL       ACCUMULATED   SHAREHOLDERS'
                             SHARES         AMOUNT    PAID IN CAPITAL      DEFICIT        EQUITY
                           -----------     ---------  ---------------    ------------  -------------
JANUARY 1, 2004                 12,500       125,000               --         (15,960)       109,040
                           ===========     =========  ===============    ============  =============
Push down adjustments on                                      240,000                        240,000
acquisition of Navigator
by Wallis Rt. (note 2)
Deemed dividend related
to acquisition of
Navigator Info Kft.
under common control of
Wallis Rt. (note 2)                                                          (240,000)      (240,000)
Net loss
                                    --            --               --         (36,948)       (36,948)
Dividends                           --            --               --          (7,955)        (7,955)
                           -----------     ---------  ---------------    ------------  -------------
DECEMBER 31, 2004               12,500       125,000          240,000        (300,863)        64,137
                           ===========     =========  ===============    ============  =============

             The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements


                        IN THOUSANDS OF HUNGARIAN FORINT

                                                                   Year ended
                                                                  December 31,

Net loss                                                               (36,948)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating
Depreciation and amortization                                           95,772
Decrease in deferred taxation                                           (4,027)
Loss on disposal of leasehold improvements                              24,836
Loss on sale of property and equipment                                  12,327
Increase in allowance for doubtful receivables                          16,099
Changes in assets and liabilities:
   Increase in receivables                                            (121,541)
   Increase in prepayments and other assets                            (51,598)
   Increase in related party payables                                   27,042
   Increase in payables and other current liabilities                   22,235
   Increase in deferred revenue                                          4,592
Net cash used in operating activities                                  (11,211)

Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of property and equipment                                     (42,695)
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                            31,662
Net cash used in investing activities                                  (11,033)

Cash flows from financing activities:
2003 dividends paid                                                    (22,559)
Proceeds from related party loans - cash pool, net (see note 7)         55,308
Proceeds from short term bank loan                                      80,763
Repayment of short term related party loan                             (38,474)
Early repayment of leasing obligations                                 (21,403)
Repayment of related party loan                                        (19,550)
Repayment of other loans                                               (14,511)
Net cash provided by financing activities                               19,574

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                   (2,670)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                            15,540
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                                  12,870

Supplemental Disclosures:

Non cash investing and financing activities
Purchase of shares of company under common control (note 7) Payment    280,000
made in 2005
Purchase of assets of company under common control (note 7) Payment    180,700
made in 2005

Cash paid for income taxes                                               5,259
Cash paid for interest                                                  19,331

   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements




Navigator  Informatika Rt.  ("Navigator")  was incorporated on July 17, 2001. On
December 1, 2004,  Navigator purchased 100% of the shares of Navigator Info Kft.
and its wholly owned subsidiary Navigator Engineering Kft, for THUF 280,000 in a
transaction  under the common  control of Wallis Rt., the parent  company of all
entities  involved  in  this  transaction.  Navigator  Informatika  Rt.  and its
subsidiaries are referred to as the "Company."

The  Company  provides  a  full  range  of  information  technology  outsourcing
services. The information technology ("IT") outsourcing services provided by the
Company primarily comprise IT maintenance,  procurement, consultancy and related

On October 7, 2005,  Euroweb  International  Corp.  and one of its  subsidiaries
purchased  100% of the  outstanding  shares of common  stock of  Navigator  from
Marivaux  Investments  Limited and Graeton  Holdings Limited for USD 8.5 million
(THUF  1,758,650 as of October 7, 2005) cash and 441,566  shares of common stock
of Euroweb International Corporation.


      Accounting Principles

      The  financial  statements  and  accompanying  notes have been prepared in
      conformity with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United
      States of America.

      Basis of Presentation

      The financial  statements  comprise the accounts of  Navigator,  Navigator
Info Kft. (the wholly-owned  subsidiary of Navigator) and Navigator  Engineering
Kft. (the  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Navigator Info Kft.)  Navigator  acquired
Navigator Info Kft. in December 2004 for THUF 280,000 in a transaction under the
common control of Wallis Rt.  Accordingly,  the  transaction  was accounted in a
manner similar to a pooling-of-interests,  with all prior periods being restated
as if the  entities  were  combined  for all  periods  presented.  The  purchase
consideration  was in excess  of the value of  Navigator  Info Kft.  net  assets
recorded  by  Navigator  upon the  transaction.  The excess  consideration  over
recorded net assets,  of THUF 240,000,  was accounted for as a  distribution  to
Wallis Rt., which resulted in a deduction from retained earnings.

      On August 12, 2004, Wallis Rt.  indirectly  acquired 100% of the shares of
AM-IT Rt. (which was subsequently  renamed to Navigator) from an unrelated third
party. Pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 141,
Business  Combinations,  at this date,  the assets and  liabilities of Navigator
were measured at their fair values.  The purchase price adjustments and goodwill
were pushed down to Navigator in accordance with Staff  Accounting  Bulletin No.
54. "Push-down" is a basis of accounting that reflects the parent company's cost
in the separate financial statements of a purchased subsidiary.  Accordingly, as
of August 12, 2004,  the assets and  liabilities of Navigator were stepped up to
reflect  the  accounting   basis  of  Wallis  Rt.  in  Navigator's   assets  and



      The  consideration  paid by Wallis  Rt. for  Navigator  was  allocated  as

      Fair  value  of  Navigator  Informatika  Rt.'s
      recorded  assets acquired and liabilities assumed:
        Cash                                                            28,327
        Net receivables                                                 86,067
        Other current assets                                            19,747
        Fixed assets                                                    64,992
        Payables and accruals                                          (41,283)
        Loans and leasing liability
      Total fair value of  recorded  assets  acquired
      and liabilities assumed:
        Identified intangible - customer contract                      356,000
        Deferred tax related to identified intangible                  (56,960)
        Excess of fair value of net assets over consideration          (59,040)
      Total consideration                                              365,000

      In  determining  the fair value of the  acquired  customer  contract,  the
Company  considered  its  intention  for future use of the asset and analyses of
historical  financial   performance  and  estimates  of  future  performance  of
Navigator Rt.'s services.  The Company used an income-based  valuation approach,
using  discount  rates ranging from 16% to 18%. The contract is being  amortized
over the  estimated  remaining  useful  life of 4.5  years.  In  allocating  the
purchase  price,  the THUF  59,040  excess of fair  value  over  purchase  price
consideration  was allocated as a pro-rata  reduction of the values  assigned to
non-current  assets.  The  carrying  value  of  the  net  assets  prior  to  the
above-described step-up was THUF 125,000. The increase in the recorded values of
those  assets upon the step-up was THUF  240,000,  which  amount was recorded as
additional paid-in capital.

      All material intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.

      Use of Estimates

      The  preparation  of financial  statements in conformity  with  accounting
principles   generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  of  America  requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities  and the disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities
at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

      Fair Value of Financial Instruments

      All financial  instruments  are carried at amounts that  approximate  fair

      Cash and Cash Equivalents

      Cash and cash  equivalents  include cash at bank and  short-term  deposits
with maturities of three months or less at the date of purchase.




      Inventory, comprised of IT hardware for resale, is carried at the lower of
cost or market.  Deposits  paid by the Company  for  inventory  are  recorded as
prepayments until the Company takes title to the inventory.

      Property and Equipment

      Property and equipment are stated at cost less  accumulated  depreciation.
      Equipment purchased under capital leases is stated at the present value of
      minimum  lease  payments at the  inception  of the lease less  accumulated
      depreciation.  Leased assets are depreciated using a straight-line  method
      over the estimated useful lives of the leased asset.

      The Company  provides for depreciation of property and equipment using the
      straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives:

      Software                                                         3 years
      Computer equipment                                             3-5 years
      Other furniture equipment and fixtures                         5-7 years
      Server room removable fixtures                                  17 years

      Recurring maintenance on property and equipment is expensed as incurred.

      Long-lived Assets

      The Company periodically reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever
events or changes in business circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
the assets may not be fully recoverable or that the useful lives of those assets
are no longer appropriate.  Each impairment test is based on a comparison of the
undiscounted  cash flows to the recorded value of the asset. If the undiscounted
cash flows exceeds the recorded value of the asset, the asset is written down to
its estimated fair value based on a discounted cash flow analysis.

Revenue Recognition

      The Company recognizes revenue when persuasive  evidence of an arrangement
exists,  the  product  or  service  has  been  delivered,   fees  are  fixed  or
determinable,  collection is probable and all other significant obligations have
been fulfilled.  Revenues from maintenance  services are recognized in the month
in which the services are  provided,  either  based on  performance  or on fixed
monthly fees. The Company defers revenue  recognition  for payments on contracts
for which services have not been performed.



      The Company also generates  non-recurring revenue from consulting fees for
implementation, installation, configuration, testing and training related to the
use of third party licensed  products.  The Company recognizes revenue for these
services as they are performed,  if contracted on a time and materials basis, or
using the  percentage of completion  method,  if contracted on a fixed fee basis
and  when  the  cost  of  the  consulting  project  can be  reliably  estimated.
Percentage of completion is measured  based on cost incurred to date compared to
total estimated cost at completion.

      When the cost to  complete a project  cannot be  reliably  estimated,  the
Company  recognizes  revenue using the completed contract method until such time
that the cost to complete the project can be reliably estimated.

Cost of Revenues

      Cost of revenues  principally  comprises  cost of fixed assets sold during
the course of IT outsourcing projects,  cost of materials required to perform IT
outsourcing activities and cost of project-dedicated sub-contractors.

Foreign Currency Translation

      The Company  considers the Hungarian  Forint  ("HUF") to be its functional

      Gains and losses from foreign currency transactions and the translation of
      monetary assets or liabilities  not  denominated in Hungarian  forints are
      included in the income statements in the period in which they occur.

      Income Taxes

      Income  taxes are  accounted  for under  the asset and  liability  method.
      Deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities,   net  of  appropriate  valuation
      allowances, are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to
      differences  between the financial  statement carrying amounts of existing
      assets and liabilities  and their  respective tax bases and operating loss
      and tax credit  carry-forwards.  Deferred tax assets and  liabilities,  if
      any, are  measured  using  enacted tax rates  expected to apply to taxable
      income in the years in which those  temporary  differences are expected to
      be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities
      of a change  in tax rates is  recognized  in  income  in the  period  that
      includes the enactment date.

      Recent Accounting Pronouncements

      In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
      SFAS No. 123 (revised 2004),  "Share-Based Payment" ("SFAS 123(R)").  SFAS
      123(R)  requires an entity to recognize the grant-date fair value of stock
      options and other  equity-based  compensation  issued to  employees in the
      income  statement.  The Company has  concluded  that SFAS No.123  (revised
      2004) currently has no impact on its financial statements,  as the Company
      does not provide equity-based compensation to employees.



      In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153,  "Exchanges of Nonmonetary
      Assets:  an  amendment  of APB  Opinion  No.  29" ("SFAS  153").  SFAS 153
      eliminates  a  company's  ability  to use the  similar  productive  assets
      concept  to  account  for  nonmonetary  exchanges  at book  value  without
      recognizing a gain.

      Nonmonetary  exchanges  will have to be accounted for at fair value,  with
      gain or loss recognized,  if the transactions meet a  commercial-substance
      criterion  and fair  value is  determinable.  SFAS  153 is  effective  for
      nonmonetary  asset  exchanges in fiscal periods  beginning  after June 15,
      2005, and early  application is permitted for nonmonetary  asset exchanges
      occurring in fiscal periods beginning after December 16, 2004. The Company
      does not  believe  that  SFAS 153 will have any  impact  on its  financial

      In December  2004,  the FASB issued  SFAS No. 151,  "Inventory  Costs - an
      amendment  of ARB No.  43,  Chapter  4"  ("SFAS  151").  SFAS  151  amends
      Accounting  Research Bulletin No. 43, Chapter 4, "Inventory Pricing" ("ARB
      43") to  eliminate  the "so  abnormal"  criterion  in ARB 43 and  requires
      companies to recognize  abnormal  freight,  handling costs, and amounts of
      wasted material (spoilage) as current-period charges.

      Additionally,  SFAS 151  clarifies  that fixed  production  overhead  cost
      should be  allocated  to  inventory  based on the normal  capacity  of the
      production  facility.  SFAS 151 is effective for inventory  costs incurred
      during annual periods beginning after June 15, 2005. The Company currently
      does not have any inventory that is within the scope of SFAS 151.

      In May 2005, the FASB issued SFAS No. 154,  "Accounting  Changes and Error
      Corrections"  which replaces  Accounting  Principles Board Opinions No. 20
      "Accounting  Changes"  and SFAS No. 3,  "Reporting  Accounting  Changes in
      Interim  Financial  Statements."  This statement  applies to all voluntary
      changes in accounting  principle and changes  resulting from adoption of a
      new   accounting   pronouncement   that   does  not   specify   transition
      requirements.   SFAS  154  requires  retrospective  application  to  prior
      periods' financial  statements for changes in accounting  principle unless
      it is impracticable to determine either the period-specific effects or the
      cumulative effect of the change. SFAS 154 also requires that retrospective
      application  of a change in accounting  principle be limited to the direct
      effects  of  the  change.  Indirect  effects  of a  change  in  accounting
      principle  should be  recognized in the period of the  accounting  change.
      SFAS 154 is effective for  accounting  changes and  corrections  of errors
      made in  fiscal  years  beginning  after  December  15,  2005  with  early
      implementation  permitted for accounting changes and corrections of errors
      made in fiscal years  beginning  after the date this statement was issued.
      SFAS 154 is  effective  for the  Company  as of January 1, 2006 and is not
      expected to have a material impact on the Company's financial statements.




Trade accounts receivable as of December 31, 2004 in THUF were as follows:

                                                 December 31, 2004
Receivable                                                 205,400
Less allowance for doubtful debts                          (33,124)
TOTAL                                                      172,276

The Company  establishes  allowances for doubtful debts to reduce receivables to
their estimated  recoverable value. The allowance is determined on an account by
account basis, with a 100% provision for those accounts overdue by more than 180


Prepayments  and other  current  assets as of December  31, 2004 in THUF were as

                                                 December 31, 2004
Inventory                                                   95,530
Corporate and value added taxes                             18,156
Others                                                      41,304
TOTAL                                                      154,990

Inventory  prepayments  include THUF 80,763 related to an advance payment for IT
equipment, which was received and sold to a customer at cost in February 2005.


Property and equipment as of December 31, 2004 in THUF were as follows:

                                                 December 31, 2004
Software                                                    98,294
Computer equipment                                         252,951
Server room moveable fixtures                               10,584
Furniture, fixtures and other                               36,482
Total                                                      398,311
Less accumulated depreciation                             (158,302)
TOTAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                               240,009

The gross value of assets  recorded  under  capital  lease  obligation  was THUF
27,850, while accumulated depreciation was THUF 8,360 as of December 31, 2004.




Navigator has a fixed-term contract with Antenna Hungaria, its former parent, to
provide IT maintenance  services until 2009. When Wallis Rt. indirectly acquired
Navigator  from Antenna  Hungaria on August 12, 2004,  an amount of THUF 356,000
was assigned as the value of this customer  contract (see note 2).  Amortization
of THUF  30,220 was  charged  in the year ended  December  31,  2004.  Estimated
amortization  in THUF  until the end of the term of the  contract,  in  February
2009, is as follows:

Year ended December 31,
2005                                                  78,230
2006                                                  78,230
2007                                                  78,230
2008                                                  78,230
2009                                                  12,860


The Company has entered into  transactions  with related parties both during the
course of its normal  operating  activities  and during the course of  acquiring
certain assets and assuming  certain  liabilities of Wallitrade Kft., as well as
the  purchase  of the  shares of  Navigator  Info Kft.  These  transactions  are
summarized below:

      Related Party Loans Receivable

      As of December 31, 2004, THUF 38,474 of the balance of total related party
loans  receivable  relates to a short-term  loan provided to Wallitrade  Kft., a
party  related by common  ownership.  The loan was granted in November  2004 and
bears interest at the base rate of the Hungarian National Bank.

      The  remaining  amount of THUF 21,067  relates to the cash pool  financing
arrangement described below.

      Cash Pool Financing

      The Company has a cash pool  agreement  with  Wallis  Rt.,  the  Company's
ultimate  parent,  whereby  all  surplus  cash at bank of the  Company and other
companies  directly and indirectly  owned by Wallis Rt.  (collectively,  "Wallis
Group") are sent to a head office  account on a daily basis.  If there are funds
drawn on an external overdraft facility,  then cash is sent by Wallis Rt. to the
particular subsidiary in order to minimize interest costs to Wallis Group. As of
January 1, 2004,  the Company had  transferred  THUF 37,965 to Wallis Rt.  under
this cash pool agreement. As of December 31, 2004, THUF 38,410 was received from
Wallis Rt. in order to maintain a zero  position in  Navigator's  external  bank
overdraft facility,  while Navigator's subsidiaries had transferred cash at bank
of THUF 21,067 to Wallis Rt. - resulting in net  borrowings  of the Company from
Wallis Rt. of THUF 17,343 as of December 31, 2004.  The charge for the cash pool
financing is one-month BUBOR.



      Cash in hand as of December  31, 2004 relates to petty cash at the Company
and its two subsidiaries.

      Related Party Loan Payable

      In September  2001, a related party  provided a loan of THUF 30,000 to the
Company to finance  working  capital.  The  interest  rate of the loan was BUBOR
(Budapest  Interbank  Offered Rate) +1%. The balance as of December 31, 2004 was
THUF 18,000. The balance was fully repaid in March 2005.

      Purchase of Wallitrade assets

      In December  2004, the Company signed an agreement to purchase part of the
net assets of Wallitrade Kft. from Wallis Group in several stages.

      The first stages were completed in December 2004, and the following assets
were purchased:

                Inventory                                   23,200
                Fixed assets                               157,500
                TOTAL                                      180,700

      Note 14 (Subsequent events) details the completion of the purchase of part
of Wallitrade's net assets in 2005.

      Acquisition of Shares in Navigator Info Kft.

      The Company  acquired all of the issued shares of Navigator  Info Kft. for
consideration of THUF 280,000 in December 2004. As the acquisition was made from
an entity under  common  control (all of the  companies  were owned  directly or
indirectly by Wallis Rt. at the time of the acquisition in December  2004),  the
transactions  were  accounted in a manner similar to a pooling of interests (see
note 2).

      Operating Transactions

      The Company  provides IT outsourcing  services to related  parties.  Total
revenues  generated  from these  services  were THUF 60,900  (exclusive  of VAT)
during 2004.

      Related parties also provided the following services (figures exclusive of
VAT) to the Company in 2004:

      o     Office rental of THUF 13,195 (see note 11)
      o     Car rental of THUF 13,210 (see note 11)
      o     Cash pool services (see note 7)
      o     Management fees of THUF 16,485
      o     Other miscellaneous services from related parties of THUF 10,675



      The total amount of such services purchased by the Company was THUF 62,700
(exclusive of VAT) during 2004.

      The Company also  invoiced a related  party THUF 9,000  (exclusive of VAT)
during the year for services that it sub-contracted  from another related party.
This is reflected on a net basis in the financial statements.


On November 30,  2004,  the Company  obtained a  short-term  loan of EUR 328,398
(THUF 80,763 as of December  31, 2004) in order to finance a deposit  payable in
respect of a purchase of inventory to be sold to a customer under an outsourcing
agreement. The loan was repaid in February 2005.


Other current liabilities as of December 31, 2004 in THUF were as follows:

                                                 December 31, 2004
Wage related taxes                                          21,795
Wages                                                       11,335
Value added tax payable                                      9,643
Short-term portion of capital lease obligation               8,400
Dividend payable                                             7,955
Local tax payable                                            2,967
Other                                                          881
TOTAL OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES                             62,976


Accrued expenses as of December 31, 2004 in THUF were as follows:

Accrued trade payables                                      36,218
Office rent                                                  1,728
Audit                                                        4,200
Other                                                       10,108
TOTAL                                                       52,254




      Lease Agreements

      Capital lease - In 2003, the Company entered into three year capital lease
for computer  equipment.  The  following is a schedule of future  capital  lease
payments  (with  initial or  remaining  lease terms in excess of one year) as of
December 31, 2004 in THUF:

      Short term lease obligation                            8,400
      Long term lease obligation                             4,935
      TOTAL LEASE PAYMENTS                                  13,335

      The current portion of the capital lease  obligation is included in `Other
current liabilities' in the accompanying balance sheets.

      Operating Leases

      On  September  1, 2004,  the  Company  commenced a  non-cancelable  rental
contract  for its office  space for a period of 62 months with a related  party.
The monthly rental fee is THUF 2,672.

      The Company also has various car rental  agreements under operating leases
with a related party. The rental amounts include maintenance and servicing.

      Following are the Company's  commitments  under its  non-cancelable  lease
obligations, as of December 31, 2004 in THUF:

                                     Capital lease             Operating lease
      2005                                  10,071                      50,782
      2006                                   5,875                      49,718
      2007                                      --                      48,599
      2008                                      --                      44,979
      2009                                      --                      26,720
                                      ------------              --------------
      TOTAL                                 15,946                     220,798
                                      ------------              ==============
      Less amount representing interest     (2,611)
      NET MINIMUM LEASE PAYMENTS            13,335

      There are no restrictions on dividends imposed by lease contracts.



      Commitment Related to Advance Payment for Inventory

      As part of its IT  outsourcing  relationship  with a large  customer,  the
Company  concluded  an  agreement in 2004 whereby it agreed to procure IT assets
for resale to the customer. A deposit with the supplier for THUF 80,763 was made
in December  2004. The assets were delivered to the Company in February 2005 and
installed  by the Company at the  customer's  site in the same  month,  when the
remaining payment of THUF 193,200 was paid by the Company to the supplier.


      In 2003,  the Company was granted a  government  subsidy of THUF 16,800 in
connection  with a  government  related  project.  The Company used the funds to
subsidize  sub-contractor  costs  in  connection  with  the  establishment  of a
government portal. The Company has a commitment to maintain the portal until May
2007,  and the government has the right to demand the entire amount of the funds
(with  interest at twice the  Hungarian  National Bank rate) if the Company does
not fulfill its obligations until May 2007.


The  statutory  corporate  tax rate in Hungary was 16% as of December  31, 2004.
Neither  the  Company  nor its  subsidiaries  have  any tax net  operating  loss
carryforwards from prior years.

The  corporate  income taxes of THUF 4,807 arise from the fact that the reported
loss  before  income  taxes of THUF 30,795  includes  THUF 22,704 of fixed asset
write-offs  and  THUF  19,800  of  customer  list  amortization,  which  are not
deductible  under  Hungarian  taxation  rules,  and THUF 16,100 of provision for
doubtful accounts which are deductible when the receivables are written off.

The Company  recognized  a deferred tax  liability of THUF 47,451 in  connection
with the recognition of the customer  contract (note 6). The balance at December
31, 2004  represents  the deferred tax liability of THUF 43,423  relating to the
excess of carrying values of customer contracts over their respective tax bases.
The deferred tax liability will be recognised in the statements of operations as
the customer  contract is amortized over its remaining term until February 2009.
The Company has no other significant deferred tax assets or liabilities.


49% of the  consolidated  sales  revenue in 2004 is derived  from one  customer,
which was a former  owner of the Company.  78% of the 2004 annual sales  revenue
was generated  from the four most  significant  customers of the Company.  As of
December  31,  2004,  trade  receivables  of THUF  124,774 were due from Antenna
Hungaria,  the  former  owner of the  Company,  while  the other  three  largest
customers owed a total of THUF 62,093.




During the first quarter of 2005,  the Company  completed the purchase of a part
of Wallitrade's net assets (See note 7) by acquiring  receivables of THUF 33,122
and  assuming  liabilities  of THUF  65,625  which  related to the fixed  assets
purchased in 2004.

On April 6, 2005,  the Company  entered  into a long-term  loan  agreement  with
Commerzbank  Bank Rt (the  "Bank") for THUF  201,250,  with an interest  rate of
three month BUBOR +2.5%,  in order to finance the payment for the Wallitrade net
assets noted above.  The loan is repayable in 14 quarterly  instalments  of THUF
14,380  plus  quarterly  interest  starting on May 31,  2005.  The shares of the
Company  were  pledged as  collateral  for this loan,  as well as a general lien
established on all of the assets of the Company.

In addition to the  long-term  loan  agreement,  the Company  also  concluded an
overdraft   facility   with  the  Bank  for  THUF  130,000  on  July  20,  2005.
Additionally,  on September  1, 2005,  the Company  concluded a short-term  loan
facility  agreement with the Bank for THUF 30,000 to fund working  capital.  The
initial short-term loan facility expired on October 31, 2005 and was extended to
January 31, 2006 in October 2005.

In June 2005, Wallis Group sold its shares in Navigator to Marivaux  Investments
Limited and Graeton Holdings Limited.

On October 7, 2005,  Euroweb  International  Corp.  and one of its  subsidiaries
purchased  100%  of  the  outstanding   shares  of  common  stock  of  Navigator
Informatika Rt. from Marivaux  Investments  Limited and Graeton Holdings Limited
for USD 8.5  million  cash  and  441,566  shares  of  common  stock  of  Euroweb
International Corporation.


                        IN THOUSANDS OF HUNGARIAN FORINT

                                                                      As of
                                                                  September 30,
  Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                               --
    Trade accounts receivable, net                                     132,215
    Related party receivables                                           93,607
    Accrued revenue                                                     52,907
    Prepaid and other current assets                                    87,972
         Total current assets                                          366,701

    Customer contract, net                                             231,396
    Equipment and fixtures, net                                        229,178
    Total assets                                                       827,275
  Current liabilities:
    Trade accounts payable                                             133,379
    Related party payables                                              46,254
    Short-term portion of related party loan                            10,937
    Short term bank loan and overdraft                                 161,510
    Other current liabilities                                           71,473
    Accrued expenses                                                    76,710
    Deferred revenue                                                     8,396
       Total current liabilities                                       508,659

    Long term portion of bank loan                                     115,000
    Long-term portion of related party loan                             43,750
    Deferred taxes                                                      37,023
    Long term portion of capital lease obligation                        5,270
    Other loan obligations                                               8,367
        Total long term liabilities                                    209,410
          Total liabilities                                            718,069
Commitments and contingencies

   Shareholders' equity
   Common stock, HUF 10,000 par value  (12,500 shares                  125,000
   authorized, issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2005)
   Additional paid-in capital                                          240,000
   Accumulated deficit                                                (255,794)
      Total shareholders' equity                                       109,206
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                       827,275

              The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
                    unaudited condensed financial statements


                        IN THOUSANDS OF HUNGARIAN FORINT

                                                              NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                              2005          2004
                                                           ----------    ----------
Third party revenue                                           841,872       498,622
Related party revenue                                         241,309        12,956
                                                           ----------    ----------
TOTAL REVENUE                                               1,083,181       511,578

COST OF  REVENUE (exclusive of depreciation and               268,494        56,973
amortization shown separately below)

    Personnel expenses                                        170,857       172,352
   Consulting, advisory and professional fees                 236,289       159,913
   Other selling, general and administrative expenses
   (including HUF 106 million and HUF 21 million
   related party expenses in 2005 and 2004 respectively)
                                                              228,818        96,027
   Depreciation and amortization                               96,805        61,563
                                                           ----------    ----------
Total operating expenses                                      732,769       489,855

Income (loss) from operations                                  81,918       (35,250)

Interest income                                                 2,899         2,491
Interest expense                                              (18,015)       (9,278)
                                                           ----------    ----------
Total other expenses                                          (15,116)       (6,787)
                                                           ----------    ----------
Income (loss) before income taxes                              66,802       (42,037)

Income tax, deferred                                            6,399         1,238
Income tax, current                                           (28,132)       (2,944)
                                                           ----------    ----------
Net income taxes expense                                      (21,733)       (1,706)
                                                           ----------    ----------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                              45,069       (43,743)
                                                           ==========    ==========

             The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
                    unaudited condensed financial statements


                        IN THOUSANDS OF HUNGARIAN FORINT

                                                            NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                              SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                             2005        2004
                                                           --------    --------

Net cash provided by operating activities                   351,177      41,214

Cash flows from investing activities:
Payment for Wallitrade assets acquired                     (148,197)         --
Proceeds on sale of fixed assets                                 --       8,400
Purchase of property and equipment                          (59,705)    (15,977)
                                                           --------    --------
Net cash used in investing activities                      (207,902)     (7,577)

Cash flows from financing activities:
Payment for Navigator Info Kft. shares - deemed dividend   (280,000)         --
Net borrowings under overdraft facility                     104,010          --
Proceeds of long-term bank loan                             201,250          --
Repayment of long-term bank loan                            (28,750)         --
Repayment of short-term bank loan                           (80,763)         --
Repayment of related party loans - cash pool, net           (17,343)     47,207
Repayment of related party loan                             (40,787)    (36,883)
2004 & 2003 dividends paid, respectively                     (7,955)    (22,559)
Principal payments under capital lease obligations           (5,807)    (25,357)
                                                           --------    --------
Net cash used in financing activities                      (156,145)    (37,592)

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                       (12,870)     (3,955)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                 12,870      15,540
                                                           --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                         --      11,585
                                                           ========    ========

             The accompanying notes form an integral part of these
                    unaudited condensed financial statements



Navigator  Informatika Rt. ("Navigator") is a Hungarian  Corporation,  which was
owned until October 7, 2005 by Marivaux  Investments  Limited  ("Marivaux")  and
Graeton Holdings Limited  ("Graeton"),  which are both registered under the laws
of the Cyprus.  Marivaux  and Graeton  [were][are]  both  [indirectly]  owned by
Wallis  Rt.  Navigator  Informatika  Rt.,  and its  wholly  owned  subsidiaries,
Navigator Info Kft. and Navigator  Engineering  Kft., are engaged in information
technology  outsourcing,  applications  development and  information  technology
consulting services primarily in the Hungarian market.

The  accompanying  unaudited  condensed  financial  statements  of Navigator are
stated in  Hungarian  Forints  ("HUF")  (the  currency in Hungary) and have been
prepared  pursuant to the rules and  regulations  of the Securities and Exchange
Commission  regarding interim financial  information.  Accordingly,  they do not
include all of the information and footnotes  required by accounting  principles
generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America  for  complete  financial
statements. In the opinion of management, these financial statements include all
adjustments,  consisting  mainly of normal recurring  accruals,  necessary for a
fair presentation of the results for the interim periods presented.  Results for
the interim  periods are not  necessarily  indicative  of the results for a full
fiscal year. These unaudited  condensed  financial  statements should be read in
conjunction with Navigator's  audited financial  statements and notes thereto as
of and for the year ended December 31, 2004.

      On August 12, 2004, Wallis Rt.  indirectly  acquired 100% of the shares of
AM-IT Rt. (which was subsequently  renamed to Navigator) from an unrelated third
party. Pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 141,
Business  Combinations,  at this date,  the assets and  liabilities of Navigator
were recorded at their fair values and excess unallocated purchase consideration
recorded as goodwill.  The purchase price  adjustments  and goodwill were pushed
down to  Navigator  in  accordance  with  SAB  54.  "Push-down"  is a  basis  of
accounting  that reflects the parent  company's  cost in the separate  financial
statements  of a  purchased  subsidiary.  Accordingly,  as of August  12,  2004,
Navigator  stepped up the values of its  consolidated  assets and liabilities to
reflect the accounting basis of Wallis Rt. in Navigator's assets and liabilities
based on their estimated fair values.  The  consideration  has been allocated as

  Fair  value  of  Navigator  Informatika  Rt.'s  recorded  assets
  acquired and liabilities assumed:
    Cash                                                                28,327
    Net receivables                                                     86,067
    Other current assets                                                19,747
    Fixed assets                                                        64,992
    Payables and accruals                                              (41,283)
    Loans and leasing liability                                        (32,850)
  Total fair value of recorded assets acquired and
  liabilities assumed:                                                 125,000

    Total fair value of recorded assets acquired and
    liabilities assumed:                                               125,000
    Identified intangible - customer contract                          356,000
    Deferred tax related to indentified intangible                     (56,960)
    Excess of fair value of net assets over consideration              (59,040)
    Total consideration                                                365,000

      The excess of fair value of net assets over consideration was allocated on
a pro-rata basis to non-current  assets.  . The carrying value of the net assets
prior to the  above-described  step-up  was THUF  125,000.  The  increase in the
recorded values of those assets upon the step-up was THUF 240,000,  which amount
was recorded as additional paid-in capital.



On April 6, 2005,  the Company  entered  into a long-term  loan  agreement  with
Commerzbank  Bank Rt (the  "Bank") for THUF  201,250,  with an interest  rate of
three month BUBOR +2.5%.  The loan is repayable in 14 quarterly  instalments  of
THUF 14,375 plus quarterly  interest starting on May 31, 2005. The shares of the
Company  were  pledged as  collateral  for this loan,  as well as a general lien
established on all of the assets of the Company.

In addition to the long-term  loan  agreement,  the Company also entered into an
overdraft facility with the Bank for THUF 130,000 on July 20, 2005.

Additionally,  on September 1, 2005,  the Company  entered into a two-month loan
facility  agreement with the Bank for THUF 30,000 to fund working  capital.  The
Company did not draw down funds under this agreement until October 2005.


30% of the  consolidated  sales  revenue in the nine months ended  September 30,
2005 is derived from one customer,  which was a former owner of the Company. 80%
of the  consolidated  sales revenue in the nine months ended  September 30, 2005
was generated from the four most significant customers of the Company.



      In 2003,  the Company was granted a  government  subsidy of THUF 16,800 in
connection  with a  government  related  project.  The Company used the funds to
subsidize  sub-contractor  costs  in  connection  with  the  establishment  of a
government portal. The Company has a commitment to maintain the portal until May
2007,  and the government has the right to demand the entire amount of the funds
(with  interest at twice the  Hungarian  National Bank rate) if the Company does
not fulfill its obligations until May 2007.


In October  2005,  the short term loan  facility  agreement  of THUF  30,000 was
extended to January 31, 2006.

There were no other  material  events until the date of this report that are not
disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2004.


                                    EXHIBIT D



The accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements
(the "unaudited pro forma financial statements") give effect to:

      o     the  sale  of  100%  of  the   interest  of  Euroweb   International
            Corporation  ("Euroweb") in each of Euroweb Internet Szolgaltato Rt.
            ("Euroweb Hungary") and Euroweb Romania S.A. ("Euroweb Romania")

      o     the sale of 100% of Euroweb Slovakia a.s. ("Euroweb Slovakia"); and

      o     the acquisition of 100% of Navigator Informatika Rt. ("Navigator")

Sale of 100% of the interest of Euroweb in Euroweb Hungary and  Euroweb Romania

The unaudited pro forma financial  statements give effect to the sale of 100% of
the  Company's  interest in Euroweb  Hungary and  Euroweb  Romania.  The sale is
expected to be  completed  prior to June 30, 2006.  Euroweb  Hungary and Euroweb
Romania are together  expected to be sold for  approximately  $30,000,000  cash,
less  estimated  transaction  costs,  severances,  success  fees  and  estimated
guarantee provisions of approximately $1,700,000.

Euroweb International  Corporation ("Euroweb") believes that the sale of Euroweb
Hungary  and  Euroweb   Romania  meets  the  criteria  for   presentation  as  a
discontinued operation under the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No. 144,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  or Disposal of Long-Lived
Assets." The  unaudited  pro forma  financial  statements  reflect the pro forma
impact of the sale of Euroweb  Hungary  and  Euroweb  Romania  on the  financial
position and results of operations of Euroweb for all of the historical  periods
presented.  The estimated gain of $16,251,443 on the sale of Euroweb Hungary and
Euroweb   Romania  is  not  reflected  in  the  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed
consolidated  statements of operations  due to the  non-recurring  nature of the

Sale of 100% of Euroweb Slovakia

The unaudited pro forma financial  statements give effect to the sale of 100% of
Euroweb Slovakia.  The sale was completed on April 15, 2005 and Euroweb Slovakia
has already been reported in discontinued  operations in the historic  financial
statements  of Euroweb for the nine  months  ended  September  30, 2005 and 2004
included in  Euroweb's  Form 10-QSB for the quarter  ended  September  30, 2005.
Euroweb is not yet  required to prepare  financial  statements  for any historic
complete fiscal year that includes Euroweb Slovakia in discontinued  operations.
Therefore,  the unaudited pro forma financial  statements  reflect the pro forma
impact of the sale of Euroweb  Slovakia on the results of  operations of Euroweb
for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.


Acquisition of 100% of Navigator Informatika Rt. ("Navigator")

The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated  statements of operations for the
year ended  December 31, 2004 and the nine months ended  September  30, 2005 and
the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30,
2005 also give effect to the  acquisition  by Euroweb of 100% of Navigator.  Pro
forma effect is given to this  acquisition  only for the most recent fiscal year
presented in the unaudited pro forma  financial  statements  and the  subsequent
interim period.

Euroweb acquired  Navigator for approximately  $8,700,000 in cash  consideration
(including estimated direct transaction costs of $200,000) and 441,566 shares of
Euroweb  common  stock  with  a  fair  value  of   $1,752,134,   less  estimated
registration costs of $70,000.  The acquisition,  which was closed on October 7,
2005, will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.  Under this
method,  the  purchase  price has been  allocated  to the  assets  acquired  and
liabilities  assumed based on  preliminary  estimates.  The final purchase price
allocation will be calculated based on the transaction value and the fair values
of the  identifiable  assets and  liabilities of Navigator as of October 7, 2005
(the date of closing of the purchase). Euroweb expects to finalize these matters
in early  2006.  Therefore,  the  actual  amount of  goodwill,  as well as other
balance  sheet items,  could differ from the amounts  disclosed in the unaudited
pro forma financial statements and actual amounts disclosed in future statements
of operations of the Euroweb,  such as intangible asset  amortization and income
taxes, may differ from the corresponding  amounts disclosed in the unaudited pro
forma condensed consolidated statements of operations.

The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated balance sheet gives effect to the
disposition  of Euroweb  Hungary and  Euroweb  Romania  and the  acquisition  of
Navigator Rt. as if it occurred on September  30, 2005.  The unaudited pro forma
condensed consolidated  statements of operations give effect to the dispositions
of  Euroweb  Hungary,  Euroweb  Romania  and  Euroweb  Slovakia  as  though  the
dispositions  had been in effect for all periods  presented.  The  unaudited pro
forma  condensed  consolidated  statements  of  operations  for the  year  ended
December  31, 2004 and the nine months ended  September  30, 2005 give effect to
the acquisition of Navigator as if it occurred on January 1, 2004. The unaudited
pro forma  condensed  consolidated  statements of operations  for the year ended
December  31,  2003 and the nine  months  ended  September  30, 2004 do not give
effect to the acquisition of Navigator.

The pro forma  adjustments  described in the  accompanying  notes are based upon
available  information  and certain  assumptions  that  management  believes are
reasonable.  The  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed  consolidated  statements  of
operations are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily indicative
of  the  actual  results  of  operations   that  would  have  occurred  had  the
transactions  described  above  occurred  on the dates  indicated,  nor are they
necessarily  indicative  of future  operating  results.  The unaudited pro forma
financial  statements are only a summary and should be read in conjunction  with
the  historical  consolidated  financial  statements  and  related  notes of the
Euroweb,  in its Form 10-KSB for the year ended  December  31, 2004 and its Form
10-QSB for the nine month period ended  September 30, 2005,  and of Navigator in
the Current  Report on Form 8-K/A of Euroweb  filed with the SEC on December 20,

All pro forma amounts are presented in U.S. dollars,  the reporting  currency of

There were no material  business  transactions  between  Euroweb  and  Navigator
during the periods presented.


                                                      AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2005

                                               ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE
                                                 ENTITIES DISPOSED OF
                                            ------------------------------      ADJUSTMENTS                             EUROWEB PRO
                                               EUROWEB          EUROWEB         TO INCLUDE     PRO FORMA                   FORMA
                              EUROWEB          HUNGARY          ROMANIA          NAVIGATOR     ADJUSTMENTS     NOTES    CONSOLIDATED
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------    -----    -----------

                                (A)              (B)               (C)              (D)         (J) (K)
      Cash and cash
         equivalents          4,863,296      (3,192,859)          (390,525)             --       30,000,000        1     25,429,912
                                                                                                 (8,350,000)       2
                                                                                                  6,000,000        3
                                                                                                 (6,000,000)       4
                                                                                                  2,500,000        5
      Trade accounts
         receivable, net      4,501,859      (3,170,590)        (1,252,019)        636,996               --                 716,246
      Related party
         receivable                  --              --                 --         450,988               --                 450,988
      Unbilled receivable     1,221,809      (1,088,952)          (132,857)        254,900               --                 254,900
      Deferred tax assets        31,678              --                 --              --               --                  31,678
      Prepaid expenses and
         other current
         assets                 924,572        (386,459)          (477,915)        423,839               --                 484,037
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------             -----------

         ASSETS               11,543,214     (7,838,860)        (2,253,316)      1,766,723       24,150,000              27,367,761

      Property and equipment  6,642,425      (3,405,277)        (3,237,148)      1,114,839               --               1,114,839
      Intangibles- customer
         lists                1,283,455      (1,283,455)                --       1,104,153        2,331,351        6      3,435,504
      Goodwill                5,806,181      (5,240,181)          (566,000)             --        7,965,948        7      7,965,948
      Navigator -
         cost                   271,808              --                 --              --         (150,000)       8             --
                                                                                                   (121,808)       9
      Other assets              383,074        (383,074)                --              --               --                      --
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------             -----------
      TOTAL ASSETS           25,930,157     (18,150,847)        (6,056,464)      3,985,715       34,175,491              39,884,052
                             ==========     ===========       ============      ==========    =============             ===========

                   See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                      AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2005

                                               ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE
                                                 ENTITIES DISPOSED OF
                                            ------------------------------      ADJUSTMENTS                             EUROWEB PRO
                                               EUROWEB          EUROWEB         TO INCLUDE     PRO FORMA                   FORMA
                              EUROWEB          HUNGARY          ROMANIA          NAVIGATOR     ADJUSTMENTS     NOTES    CONSOLIDATED
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------    -----    -----------
                                 (A)             (B)               (C)              (D)          (J) (K)
Trade accounts payable        3,326,004      (1,688,345)        (1,596,219)        642,605               --                 684,045
Related party payable                --              --                 --         222,847               --                  222,847
Related party loan                   --              --                 --          52,693                                   52,693
Pantel loan payables            472,152        (472,152)                --              --               --                      --
Current portion of bank loan    279,437        (279,437)                --         778,136          687,499        3        778,136
                                                                                                   (687,499)       4
Notes payable                   175,554        (175,554)                --              --               --                      --
Other current liabilities       555,531        (365,132)          (139,567)        344,348               --                 395,180
Accrued expenses              3,112,036      (2,305,893)          (249,011)        369,580           78,192       10      2,774,904
                                                                                                     70,000       11
                                                                                                  1,700,000       12
Deferred IRU revenue             46,000              --            (46,000)             --               --                      --
Deferred other revenues         526,923        (375,144)          (151,779)         40,451               --                  40,451
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------             -----------
   TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES  8,493,637      (5,661,657)        (2,182,576)      2,450,660        1,848,192               4,948,256

Deferred tax liabilities         31,678         (31,678)                --         178,372          371,307       12        549,679
Deferred IRU revenue            871,035              --           (871,035)             --               --                      --
Related party loan                   --              --                 --         210,782               --                 210,782
Pantel loan payable             236,076        (236,076)                --              --               --                      --
Bank and loans                  439,352        (439,352)                --         554,057        5,312,501        3        554,057
                                                                                                 (5,312,501)       4
Other loans                          --              --                 --          40,312               --                  40,312
Lease obligations               123,319          (8,498)          (114,821)         25,390               --                  25,390

Common stock, $.001 par value     5,342              --                 --         602,236         (602,236)      13          5,784
                                                                                                        442       14
Additional paid-in capital   49,810,246              --                 --       1,156,292          525,400       14     51,491,938
Accumulated deficit         (34,193,589)    (11,858,985)        (2,689,572)     (1,232,386)       1,232,386       13    (17,942,146)
                                                                                                 30,800,000       15
Accumulated other
   comprehensive income         113,061          85,399           (198,460)             --               --                      --
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------             -----------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY   15,735,060     (11,773,586)        (2,888,032)        526,142       31,955,992              33,555,576
                             ----------     -----------       ------------      ----------    -------------             -----------
   STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY      25,930,157     (18,150,847)        (6,056,464)      3,985,715       34,175,491              39,884,052
                             ==========     ===========       ============      ==========    =============             ===========

                   See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.



                               ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE ENTITIES
                                         DISPOSED OF                 PRO FORMA    ADJUSTMENTS
                            -------------------------------------     RESULTS          TO                            EUROWEB
                              EUROWEB      EUROWEB     EUROWEB          AFTER       INCLUDE     PRO FORMA           PRO FORMA
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------  -----  -----------
                    (E)          (F)         (G)          (H)                        (I)           (J)
                28,111,786  (18,646,057)  (5,637,991)  (3,827,738)           --     3,796,210           --           3,796,210
  revenues       8,503,939     (504,928)  (7,999,011)          --            --       300,948           --             300,948
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
  REVENUES      36,615,725  (19,150,985) (13,637,002)  (3,827,738)           --     4,097,158           --           4,097,158

Third party
 cost of
 revenues       17,233,994   (7,131,537)  (8,728,520)  (1,373,937)           --       565,548           --             565,548
  party cost
  of revenues    6,198,505   (3,841,719)  (2,356,786)          --            --       124,860           --             124,860
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
 AMORTIZATION)  23,432,499  (10,973,256) (11,085,306)  (1,373,937)           --       690,408           --             690,408

 and related
 costs           4,182,977   (1,792,637)    (681,419)  (1,319,609)      389,312     1,151,045           --           1,540,357
 and directors
 fees            2,829,525   (1,926,142)    (352,825)    (141,296)      409,262       769,348           --           1,178,610
Other selling,
 general and
 expenses        4,237,848   (2,475,042)    (907,366)    (486,248)      369,192     1,101,067           --           1,470,259
 amortization    2,610,764   (1,796,394)    (626,564)    (185,758)        2,048       473,252    1,233,016     15    1,708,316
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
 OPERATIONS       (677,888)    (187,514)      16,478     (320,890)   (1,169,814)      (87,962)  (1,233,016)         (2,490,792)

 income            275,987      (95,539)     (24,437)     (32,857)      123,154        17,354           --             140,508
 expense          (493,659)     380,370       30,571        8,718       (74,000)     (108,124)          --            (182,124)
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
 EXPENSE          (217,672)     284,831        6,134      (24,139)       49,154       (90,770)          --             (41,616)

 expenses         (170,000)          --           --           --      (170,000)           --           --            (170,000)
Gain from
 sale of
 subsidiaries       28,751           --           --           --        28,751            --           --              28,751
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
 INCOME TAXES   (1,036,809)      97,317       22,612     (345,029)   (1,261,909)     (178,732)  (1,233,016)         (2,673,657)
 for income
 taxes -
 deferred               --           --           --           --            --        19,899      197,288     16      217,187
 for income
 - current         (62,367)          --       31,092       31,275            --       (23,754)          --             (23,754)
                ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------         -----------
 OPERATIONS     (1,099,176)      97,317       53,704     (313,754)   (1,261,909)     (182,587)  (1,035,728)         (2,480,224)
                ==========  ===========  ===========  ===========   ===========   ===========  ===========         ===========
 DILUTED             (0.22)                                               (0.23)                                         (0.45)

 OUTSTANDING     5,043,822                                            5,485,388                                      5,485,388

                        See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.


                                              THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2005

                                    ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE
                                       ENTITIES DISPOSED OF         PRO FORMA
                                   --------------------------        RESULTS        ADJUSTMENTS                         EUROWEB PRO
                                     EUROWEB       EUROWEB           AFTER          TO INCLUDE     PRO FORMA              FORMA
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------  -----   ------------
                       (E)              (F)          (G)               (I)            (J)
Third party
 revenues           30,622,486     (19,727,196)   (10,895,290)              --        4,299,653            --             4,299,653
Related party
 revenues            1,768,358        (203,044)    (1,565,314)              --        1,232,425            --             1,232,425
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
  TOTAL REVENUES    32,390,844     (19,930,240)   (12,460,604)              --        5,532,078            --             5,532,078

Third party cost
 of revenues        20,677,378     (11,771,101)    (8,906,277)              --        1,371,267            --             1,371,267
Related party
cost of revenues     1,164,692        (788,822)      (375,870)              --               --            --                    --
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
AND AMORTIZATION)   21,842,070     (12,559,923)    (9,282,147)              --        1,371,267            --             1,371,267

Compensation and
related costs        2,514,864        (891,922)      (806,067)         816,875          872,610            --             1,689,485
professional and
 directors fees      2,670,795      (2,194,657)      (230,228)         245,910        1,206,788            --             1,452,698
Collection of
 receivable           (265,630)             --        265,630               --               --                                  --
Other selling,
general and
 expenses            2,719,022      (1,893,765)      (571,928)         253,329        1,168,626            --             1,421,955
Depreciation and
amortization         2,649,330      (2,049,403)      (599,927)              --          494,408       861,603     15      1,356,011
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
 OPERATIONS            260,393        (340,570)    (1,235,937)      (1,316,114)         418,379      (861,603)           (1,759,338)

Interest income         23,871         (17,655)        (6,216)              --           14,806            --                14,806
Interest expense      (261,581)       (226,795)       (34,786)              --          (92,007)           --               (92,007)
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
  EXPENSE             (237,710)        209,140         28,570               --          (77,201)           --               (77,201)

Other revenue          170,000              --             --          170,000               --            --               170,000
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
INCOME TAXES           192,683        (131,430)    (1,207,367)      (1,146,114)         341,178      (861,603)           (1,666,539)
Provision for
 income taxes -
 deferred                   --              --             --               --           32,681       137,856     16        170,537
Provision for
 income taxes -
 current              (137,016)             --       (137,016)              --         (143,677)           --              (143,677)
                    ----------     -----------   ------------      -----------    -------------   -----------          ------------
OPERATIONS              55,667        (131,430)    (1,070,351)      (1,146,114)         230,182      (723,747)           (1,639,679)
                    ==========     ===========   ============      ===========    =============   ===========          ============
 AND DILUTED              0.01                          (0.20)                                                                (0.30)

 BASIC AND DILUTED   5,342,533                      5,342,533                                                             5,342,533

                        See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.



                                                              ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE
                                                                ENTITIES DISPOSED OF
                                                      ---------------------------------------    EUROWEB
                                                        EUROWEB        EUROWEB     EUROWEB       PRO FORM
                                           EUROWEB      HUNGARY        ROMANIA     SLOVAKIA    CONSOLIDATED
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
                                             (E)          (F)           (G)           (H)
Third party revenues                      16,376,349   (8,412,501)   (4,539,215)   (3,424,633)          --
Related party revenues                     5,740,709     (106,845)   (5,633,864)           --           --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
  TOTAL REVENUES                          22,117,058   (8,519,346)  (10,173,079)   (3,424,633)          --

       Third party cost of revenues        8,155,836   (1,313,443)   (5,417,488)   (1,424,905)          --
Related party cost of revenues             5,796,350   (3,160,812)   (2,635,538)           --           --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
    OF DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION)     13,952,186   (4,474,255)   (8,053,026)   (1,424,905)          --

Compensation and related costs             2,814,868   (1,110,410)     (601,785)   (1,006,673)      96,000
Consulting, professional and
  directors fees                           2,074,565   (1,230,002)     (262,987)     (153,325)     428,251
Other selling, general and
  administrative expenses                  2,458,429   (1,177,049)     (680,350)     (396,361)     204,669
Goodwill impairment                          887,957           --      (324,957)     (563,000)          --
Impairment of intangibles                    100,364           --      (100,364)           --           --

Depreciation and amortization              1,636,133     (841,098)     (466,853)     (328,182)          --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                      (1,807,444)     313,468       317,243       447,813     (728,920)

Interest income                              495,285      (82,012)       (3,934)      (18,990)     390,349
Interest expense                            (150,965)      93,132        24,333        28,269       (5,231)
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
  NET INTEREST EXPENSE                       344,320       11,120        20,399         9,279      385,118

Gain from sale of subsidiaries               109,621     (109,621)           --            --           --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES                  (1,353,503)     214,967       337,642       457,092     (343,802)
Provision for income taxes - deferred             --           --            --            --           --
Provision for income taxes - current         (61,590)          --        61,590            --           --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   -----------  -----------
LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS           (1,415,093)     214,967       399,232       457,092     (343,802)
                                         ===========  ===========   ===========   ===========  ===========

   PER SHARE, BASIC AND DILUTED                (0.30)                                                (0.07)

   OUTSTANDING                             4,665,332                                             4,665,332

            See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.


                         FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004

                                                       ADJUSTMENTS TO ELIMINATE
                                                         ENTITIES DISPOSED OF
                                                      -------------------------     EUROWEB
                                                        EUROWEB        EUROWEB     PRO FORM
                                           EUROWEB      HUNGARY        ROMANIA    CONSOLIDATED
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
                                             (E)          (F)            (G)
Third party revenues                      15,993,379  (12,313,811)   (3,679,568)            --
Related party revenues                     5,533,618     (121,018)   (5,412,600)            --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
  TOTAL REVENUES                          21,526,997  (12,434,829)   (9,092,168)            --

Third party cost of revenues              10,103,607   (4,404,957)   (5,698,650)            --
Related party cost of revenues             4,454,898   (2,724,505)   (1,730,393)            --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
     AMORTIZATION)                        14,558,505   (7,129,462)   (7,429,043)            --

Compensation and related costs             2,137,468   (1,293,974)     (581,273)       262,221
Consulting, professional and
   directors fees                          2,012,980   (1,413,765)      (83,256)       515,959
Other selling, general and
   administrative expenses                 2,350,118   (1,639,079)     (337,848)       373,191
Depreciation and amortization              1,314,925     (900,802)     (412,075)         2,048
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                        (846,999)     (57,747)     (248,673)    (1,153,419)

Interest income                              141,695      (71,639)      (21,063)        48,993
Interest expense                            (283,043)     260,942        22,101             --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
  NET INTEREST EXPENSE                      (141,348)     189,303         1,038         48,993

Gain from sale of subsidiaries                28,751      (28,751)           --             --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES                    (959,596)     102,805      (247,635)    (1,104,426)
Provision for income taxes - deferred             --           --            --             --
Provision for income taxes - current         (50,455)          --        50,455             --
                                         -----------  -----------   -----------   ------------
LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS           (1,010,051)     102,805      (197,180)    (1,104,426)
                                         ===========  ===========   ===========   ============
   PER SHARE, BASIC AND DILUTED                (0.20)                                    (0.22)

   OUTSTANDING                             4,948,753                                 4,948,753

     See accompanying notes to the unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements.



(A)   Reflects  the  historical  consolidated  balance  sheet of  Euroweb  as of
      September 30, 2005, included in the Form 10-QSB of Euroweb for the quarter
      ended September 30, 2005.

(B)   Eliminates the historical  assets and  liabilities of Euroweb Hungary from
      the consolidated balance sheet of Euroweb as of September 30, 2005.

(C)   Eliminates the historical  assets and  liabilities of Euroweb Romania from
      the consolidated balance sheet of Euroweb as of September 30, 2005.

(D)   Reflects the  historical  assets and  liabilities  included in the balance
      sheet of  Navigator as of  September  30,  2005,  which is included in the
      Current  Report on Form 8-K/A of Euroweb,  filed with SEC on December  20,

(E)   Reflects the consolidated statements of operations of Euroweb for the nine
      month  periods  ended  September  30,  2005 and 2004  included in the Form
      10-QSB of Euroweb for the  quarter  ended  September  30, 2005 and for the
      years ended  December 31, 2004 and 2003  included in the Annual  Report on
      Form 10-KSB of Euroweb for the year ended December 31, 2004.

(F)   Eliminates  the  historical  operations of Euroweb  Hungary for the period

(G)   Eliminates  the  historical  operations of Euroweb  Romania for the period

(H)   Eliminates  the historical  operations of Euroweb  Slovakia for the period

(I)   Reflects the  statements  of  operations  of Navigator for the nine months
      ended September 30, 2005 and for the year ended December 31, 2004 included
      in the Current Report on Form 8-K/A of Euroweb, filed with SEC on December
      20, 2005.

(J)   Pro forma  adjustments to record the acquisition of Navigator as if it had
      occurred  on  January 1, 2004 for  purposes  of  presenting  the pro forma
      statements of operations:

(K)   Pro forma  adjustments  related to the sales of Euroweb  Hungary,  Euroweb
      Romania and Euroweb  Slovakia and the purchase of Navigator,  on the basis
      described  in the  introduction  to these  unaudited  pro forma  financial

      1)    Represents the cash proceeds of  $30,000,000  received upon the sale
            of Euroweb Hungary and Euroweb Romania.

      2)    Represents  the  $8,350,000  cash element of the purchase price paid
            upon closing of the purchase of Navigator Rt.

      3)    Represents the $6,000,000  loan obtained by Euroweb Hungary under an
            agreement entered into with Commerzbank Hungary Rt.  ("Commerzbank")
            on  September  27,  2005 to  part-finance  the cash  element  of the
            purchase  price of  Navigator.  The loan bears  interest at Budapest
            interbank   offered  rate  ("BUBOR")  plus  2.5%  and  is  repayable
            beginning  with  instalments  of $166,493 on March 31, 2006 and June
            30, 2006, followed by quarterly  repayments of $354,513 through June
            30, 2010.

      4)    Reflects the early  repayment  of the  $6,000,000  Commerzbank  loan
            described  in 3),  above,  at the  date of  closing  of the  sale of
            Euroweb  Hungary and Euroweb  Romania as those entities are required
            under the terms of the sale to be free of debt.

      5)    Reflects the repayment of $2,500,000  intercompany loan from Euroweb
            Hungary to Euroweb  International at the date of closing  originated
            from the Navigator acquisition

      6)    Represents  the  increase  in  fair  value  of a  customer  contract
            historically   recognised  by  Navigator  and  the   recognition  of
            additional  customer contracts as intangible assets upon acquisition
            of  Navigator  by  Euroweb.  The total  amount  assigned to customer
            contracts  in  the   preliminary   purchase   price   allocation  is
            $3,435,504, which is being amortized over the remaining terms of the
            contracts, ranging from one to four years.

      7)    Reflects the excess of estimated  purchase  price over the estimated
            fair value of net assets acquired as goodwill,  which was calculated
            as set forth below:


          The estimated purchase price has been calculated as follows:


      Cash paid upon  closing  of the  purchase                       8,350,000
      Cash deposit  paid  prior to closing  of the  purchase            150,000
      Share-based  consideration (441,566 shares of common stock
      of Euroweb at a share price of $ 3.968)                         1,752,134
      Direct purchase costs accrued at September 30, 2005               121,808
      Estimated additional direct purchase costs                         78,192
      Estimated total purchase consideration (a)                     10,452,134

      Following closing of the purchase of Navigator Rt., Euroweb will determine
      the fair value of the net tangible assets and the identifiable  intangible
      assets  acquired and allocate the  estimated  purchase  price based on the
      purchase  method of accounting.  This  unaudited pro forma  information is
      based  upon  management's  estimates,  which are  based,  in part,  on the
      preliminary  results  of an  independent  valuation,  and  is  subject  to
      material  changes  upon  receipt  of a final  valuation.  The  preliminary
      estimated purchase price is allocated as follows:

                                                          USD           USD
                                                      -----------   -----------
      Book value of net assets assumed                                  526,142
      Fair value adjustments
               Customer contracts (note 13)             2,331,351
               Deferred tax (note 14)                    (371,307)
      Total fair value adjustments                                    1,960,044
      Fair value of net assets acquired (b)                           2,486,186
      Estimated goodwill (a) - (b)                                    7,965,948

      8)    Represents the $150,000 cash element of the purchase price paid as a
            deposit prior to closing of the purchase of Navigator Rt.

      9)    Represents  direct costs of the purchase of Navigator  Rt.  incurred
            prior to September 30, 2005.

      10)   Represents  estimated  additional  direct  costs of the  purchase of
            Navigator Rt.

      11)   Represents the amount of the subsequent  registration of the 441,566
            shares of common stock of Euroweb issued as  part-consideration  for
            Navigator.  The present  value of such costs is  estimated to be not
            materially different from the amount estimated to be paid.

      12)   Represents  the deferred tax  liability of $549,679  relating to the
            excess  of  carrying   values  of  customer   contracts  over  their
            respective tax bases.  The deferred tax liability will be recognised
            in the  statements  of  operations  as the  customer  contracts  are
            amortized over their remaining terms.

      13)   Reflects  the  elimination  of  Navigator's   shareholders'   equity
            accounts from the pro forma consolidated Euroweb shareholders equity
            upon consummation of the purchase of all Navigator shares.


      14)   Represents  the element of the purchase  price  payable in shares of
            common stock of Euroweb, less estimated  registration costs computed
            based on  441,566  shares  and a share  price of  $3.968,  being the
            weighted average of opening and closing prices for a period from two
            days before to two days after July 26, 2005, the  announcement  date
            of the purchase of Navigator by Euroweb.

      15)   Adjustment  to reflect the  estimated  pro forma gain on the sale of
            Euroweb  Hungary  and  Euroweb   Romania,   after  estimated  direct
            transaction  costs,  success  fees,   severances  and  provision  on
            estimated  warranty  claims of  $1,700,000  to be paid or payable in
            connection  with  the sale and net of the  estimated  tax  liability
            (expected to be zero).  Because the estimated pro forma gain assumes
            the sale was  consummated  on September 30, 2005,  the estimated pro
            forma gain will  ultimately  differ  from the actual  gain that will
            occur at the closing date of sale.

      16)   Represents the increase to  amortization  charges as a result of the
            increased estimated fair value of identified customer contracts over
            their estimated useful lives of one to four years.

      17)   Represents the  amortization of the deferred tax liability  relating
            to the excess of carrying  values of customer  contracts  over their
            respective tax bases

            No  adjustments  have been made to reflect  any income tax effect of
            the  pro  forma   adjustments  since  Euroweb  has  significant  net
            operating loss carryforwards and, therefore, does not expect to have
            taxable income in the foreseeable future.
