Washington, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

                Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14 (c)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                           Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Information Statement        [ ] Confidential,  for  Use of the
                                                  Commission  Only (as permitted
                                                  by Rule 14c-5 (d)(2))

[ ]  Definitive Information Statement

                           CHINA PHARMA HOLDINGS, INC.
                  (Name of Registrant As Specified In Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:

                           CHINA PHARMA HOLDINGS, INC.
                         2nd Floor, No. 17, Jinpan Road
                         Haikou, Hainan Province, China

June 25, 2008

Dear Stockholder:

The  accompanying  Information  Statement  is being  furnished to the holders of
shares of the common stock of China Pharma  Holdings,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  a
Delaware  corporation.  The Board of Directors  (the "Board") is not  soliciting
your proxy and you are  requested  not to send us a proxy.  The  purpose of this
Information  Statement is to notify you of actions  already  approved by written
consent of a majority of the voting stockholders and the Board.

     (1)  To elect the following  individuals as directors to serve for the term

                  G. Michael Bennett
                  Yingwen Zhang
                  Baowen Dong

     (2)  To authorize the  Company's  Board of Directors to amend our Bylaws in
          substantially the form attached as Exhibit A hereto.

The enclosed  Information  Statement is being mailed on or about July 7, 2008 to
stockholders  of record as of the close of business on February 1, 2008. You are
urged to read the enclosed Information Statement in its entirety.

                          For the Board of Directors of
                          CHINA PHARMA HOLDINGS, INC.

                          By:  /s/ Zhilin Li
                          Zhilin Li
                          President and Chief Executive Officer


                        REQUESTED NOT TO SEND US A PROXY

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                           CHINA PHARMA HOLDINGS, INC.
                         2nd Floor, No. 17, Jinpan Road
                         Haikou, Hainan Province, China
                        Phone: 0086-898-66811730 (China)

                                  June 25, 2008

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

This  Information  Statement  has been filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  and is being  furnished,  pursuant to Section 14C of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  to the holders of the
common  stock  (the  "Shareholders"),  par value  $.001 per share  (the  "Common
Stock"), of China Pharma Holdings, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (the "Company"),
to notify such Stockholders of the following:

On or about February 1, 2008 the Company  received written consents in lieu of a
meeting  of  Stockholders  from  holders  of  23,091,466   shares   representing
approximately  61.94% of the 37,278,938  total issued and outstanding  shares of
voting  stock of the  Company  (the  "Majority  Stockholders")  (1) to elect the
following three individuals as independent  members of the Board of Directors of
the Company: G. Michael Bennett,  Yingwen Zhang and Baowen Dong and (2) to amend
our Bylaws in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A hereto.

On February 1, 2008, pursuant to Delaware General Corporation Law ("DGCL"),  the
Board of Directors of the Company approved the above-mentioned  actions, subject
to Stockholder approval. According to DGCL, a majority of the outstanding shares
of voting  capital stock  entitled to vote on the matter is required in order to
amend the Company's  Bylaws.  The Majority  Stockholders  approved the action by
written consent in lieu of a meeting on February 1, 2008, in accordance with the
DGCL.  Accordingly,  your consent is not required and is not being  solicited in
connection with the approval of the action.

In order to  eliminate  the costs and  management  time  involved  in  holding a
special meeting, and in order to ratify the appointments as early as possible in
order to accomplish  the purposes of the Company,  the Board of Directors of the
Company decided to utilize the written  consent of the Majority  Stockholders of
the Company.


The entire cost of furnishing  this  Information  Statement will be borne by the
Company.  The Company  will  request  brokerage  houses,  nominees,  custodians,
fiduciaries and other like parties to forward this Information  Statement to the
beneficial  owners of the common stock held of record by them and will reimburse
such persons for their reasonable charges and expenses in connection  therewith.
The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on February 1, 2008,  as
the record date (the "Record Date") for the  determination  of Stockholders  who
are entitled to receive this Information Statement.

Each share of our common  stock  entitles  its holder to one vote on each matter
submitted to the  stockholders.  However,  because the  stockholders  holding at
least a majority of the voting rights of all outstanding shares of capital stock
as of the  Record  Date  have  voted  in  favor  of  the  foregoing  actions  by
resolution; and having sufficient voting power to approve such proposals through
their  ownership of the capital  stock,  no other  consents will be solicited in
connection with this Information Statement.

You are being provided with this Information  Statement  pursuant to Section 14C
of the Exchange Act and  Regulation  14C and  Schedule 14C  thereunder,  and, in
accordance  therewith,  the forgoing  action will not become  ratified  until at
least 20 calendar days after the mailing of this Information Statement.


This  Information  Statement  is being  mailed  on or about  July 7, 2008 to all
Stockholders of record as of the Record Date.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

The  Company is  subject to the  informational  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and in  accordance
therewith files reports, proxy statements and other information including annual
and quarterly  reports on Form 10-KSB and 10-QSB (the "1934 Act  Filings")  with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission").  Reports and other
information  filed by the  Company  can be  inspected  and  copied at the public
reference  facilities  maintained  at  the  Commission  at 100 F  Street,  N.E.,
Washington,  DC 20549.  Copies of such  material  can be obtained  upon  written
request  addressed to the Commission,  Public Reference  Section,  100 F Street,
N.E.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. The Commission  maintains a
web site on the Internet  (http://www.sec.gov)  that contains reports, proxy and
information  statements  and  other  information  regarding  issuers  that  file
electronically  with the  Commission  through  the  Electronic  Data  Gathering,
Analysis and Retrieval System ("EDGAR").

The  following  documents  as  filed  with the  Commission  by the  Company  are
incorporated herein by reference:

     1.   Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter ended March 31, 2008;

     2.   Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2007.

All of these documents which are being incorporated by reference into this 14C.

                          OUTSTANDING VOTING SECURITIES

As of the date of the Consent by the  Majority  Stockholders,  February 1, 2008,
the Company had 37,278,938  shares of common stock issued and outstanding.  Each
share of outstanding  common stock is entitled to one vote on matters  submitted
for Stockholder approval.

On February 1, 2008, the holders of 23,091,466 shares representing approximately
64.91% of the 37,278,938  shares of common stock then  outstanding  executed and
delivered  to the  Company a written  consent  approving  the  actions set forth
herein.  Since the action has been  approved by the  Majority  Stockholders,  no
proxies are being solicited with this Information Statement.

The  DGCL  provides  in  substance   that  unless  the  Company's   articles  of
incorporation provides otherwise, stockholders may take action without a meeting
of  stockholders  and without  prior notice if a consent or consents in writing,
setting forth the action so taken, is signed by the holders of outstanding stock
having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be necessary to take
such  action at a meeting  at which all shares  entitled  to vote  thereon  were


The following table sets forth the number and percentage of shares of our common
stock  owned as of  February 1, 2008 by all persons (i) known to us who own more
than 5% of the outstanding number of such shares,  (ii) by all of our directors,
and (iii) by all  officers  and  directors  of us as a group.  Unless  otherwise
indicated,  each of the  stockholders  has sole voting and investment power with
respect to the shares beneficially owned.

Title of Class   Name and Address of   Amount and Nature of
                 Beneficial Owner      Beneficial Owner      Percent of Class(1)

Common Stock     Zhilin Li             10,000,000                 26.82%
Common Stock     Heung Mei Tsui        10,812,651                 29%
Common Stock     Jian Yang              2,278,815                 6.12%

Officers, Directors and Five (5)       23,091,466                 61.94%


Percent Shareholders as a Group

 (1) The percent of class is based on  37,278,938  shares of common stock issued
and outstanding as of February 1, 2008.

                         DISSENTER'S RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

The  Stockholders  have no right  under  the DGCL,  the  Company's  articles  of
incorporation  consistent  with  above  or  Bylaws  to  dissent  from any of the
provisions adopted as set forth herein.

Election Of Directors

We have elected three (3)  independent  members to our Board of  Directors.  The
Board and majority shareholders have approved the following three directors:  G.
Michael  Bennett,  Yingwne Zhang and Baowen Dong. Each of the board members also
serve on the audit company for the company.  If any nominees decline to serve or
become  unavailable for any reason, or if any vacancy occurs before the election
(although the Company knows of no reason that this would occur), the proxies may
be voted  for  such  substitute  nominees  as the  Company  may  designate.  The
following  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  each new director of the

G. Michael Bennett

G. Michael  Bennett  graduated from Michigan State  University and University of
Michigan.  He currently  is a DBA  candidate  in  Corporate  Governance  at City
University of Hong Kong. He acted as CFO and Board Member in National Automobile
Club from 1983 to 1986.  After that, he worked as an accounting,  tax, and audit
professor in California State University from 1986 to1989,  and as an accounting
and audit  professor in Chapman  University  from 1989 to 1993. He served as the
CFO and Board  Member in  Argonaut  Computers  from 1993  to1998 in  Southern of
California.  During 1998-2000,  he was a basic law, accounting and tax professor
in University of Hawaii and accounting,  tax and audit professor in Chaminade of
Honolulu.  He acted as a partner of ProCFO  Company  based in  California  which
provided contract CFO service for firms during 2000-2004.  He was also a partner
of Nexis Investment Consulting Corporation based in Beijing during 2004-2007.

Yingwen Zhang

Yingwen  Zhang  graduated  from  Department  of  Chemical  Engineering,  Tianjin
University in 1967. He worked as the CEO of SINOPEC  SICHUAN  VINYLON WORKS from
1983 to 1988 and worked as the  director of Sichuan  Foreign  Trade and Economic
Cooperation  Bureau (The Bureau of Commerce of Sichuan  Province) from December,
1988 to April 2000.  Since then,  he has acted as the  Economic  and  Commercial
Counselor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia.
Mr.  Zhang  currently  is the  member  of the  9th  Chinese  People's  Political
Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Baowen Dong

Baowen Dong graduated from Xian University of Science and Technology in 1966. He
is the  professor,  researcher,  director of the staff room,  and the department
head in  Sichuan  University  since  1974.  He is also an  expert  member of the
Sichuan University Teaching Evaluation Council since August 2001.


None of the foregoing  Directors or Executive Officers has, during the past five

     (a)  Had any bankruptcy  petition filed by or against any business of which
          such person was a general  partner or executive  officer either at the
          time of the bankruptcy or within two years prior to that time;

     (b)  Been  convicted  in a  criminal  proceeding  or  subject  to a pending
          criminal proceeding; or

     (c)  Been  subject to any order,  judgment,  or  decree,  not  subsequently
          reversed,   suspended   or   vacated,   of  any  court  of   competent
          jurisdiction,   permanently   or   temporarily   enjoining,   barring,
          suspending  or  otherwise  limiting  his  involvement  in any  type of
          business, securities or banking activities.


Amendment to the Bylaws

The Board of  Directors of the Company  believes  that the  stockholders  of the
Company will benefit from the Company  amending and  restating its Bylaws as set
forth on Exhibit A to reflect the proper name and  corporate  governance  of the

                         EFFECTIVE DATE OF RATIFICATION

Pursuant to Rule 14c-2 under the Exchange Act, the effective  date of the action
stated herein,  shall not occur until a date at least twenty (20) days after the
date on which this  Information  Statement has been mailed to the  Stockholders.
The Company anticipates that the actions contemplated hereby will be ratified on
or about the close of business on July 27, 2008.

                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                        By: /s/ Zhilin Li
                        Zhilin Li, Chairman



                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                           CHINA PHARMA HOLDINGS, INC.


          1.1. Registered Office. The registered office of the corporation shall
be established and maintained at 1209 Orange Street,  Corporation  Trust Center,
Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware 19801.

         1.2. Principal Office. The principal office of the Corporation shall be
located at the  principal  place of business of such other place as the Board of
Directors  ("Board" and each a "Director")  may designate.  The  Corporation may
have such other  offices as the Board may  designate  or as the  business of the
Corporation may require.


         2.1.  Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting of the  stockholders to elect
Directors  and  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
meeting  shall  be held on a date not more  than 180 days  after  the end of the
Corporation's fiscal year, such date and time to be determined by the Board.

         2.2.  Special  Meetings.  Special  meetings of the  stockholders may be
called at any time by the President or a majority of the Board.

         2.3. Date,  Time and Place of Meeting.  Except as otherwise  provide in
these Bylaws,  all meetings of  stockholders,  including  those held pursuant to
demand  by  stockholders,  shall be held on such date and at such time and place
designated by or at the direction of the Board.

         2.4. Notice of Meeting.  Written notice stating the place, day and hour
of the meeting  and, in the case of a special  meeting,  the purpose or purposes
for which the  meeting is called  shall be given by or at the  direction  of the
Board,  the  Chairman  of the Board,  the  President  or the  Secretary  to each
stockholder entitled to notice of or to vote at the meeting not less than 10 nor
more than 60 days before the meeting,  except that notice of a meeting to act on
an  amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  a plan of merger or share
exchange, the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially
all of the Corporation's  assets other than in the regular course of business or
the dissolution of the Corporation  shall be given not less than 20 or more than
60 days before such meeting.  If an annual or special  stockholders'  meeting is
adjourned to a different date, time or place, no notice of the new date, time or
place is required if they are announced at the meeting before adjournment.  If a
new record  date for the  adjourned  meeting is or must be fixed,  notice of the
adjourned meeting must be given to stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote
as of the new record date.

         Such  notice may be  transmitted  by mail,  private  carrier,  personal
delivery,  telegraph,  teletype or  communications  equipment  that  transmits a
facsimile of the notice. If those forms of written notice are impractical in the
view of the Board,  the Chairman of the Board,  the President or the  Secretary,


written notice may be transmitted by an  advertisement in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area of the Corporation's principal office. If such notice is
mailed,  it shall be deemed effective when deposited in the official  government
mail, first-class postage prepaid, properly addressed to the stockholder at such
stockholder's  address  as it  appears in the  Corporation's  current  record of
stockholders.  Notice given in any other manner shall be deemed  effective  when
dispatched  to the  stockholder's  address,  telephone  number  or other  number
appearing on the records of the Corporation.  Any notice given by publication as
herein provided shall be deemed effective five days after first publication.

         2.5.  Waiver of Notice.  Whenever any notice is required to be given by
an  stockholder  under  the  provisions  of these  Bylaws,  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or the Delaware  General  Corporation  Law ("DGCL"),  a waiver of
notice in writing,  signed by the person or persons  entitled to such notice and
delivered to the  Corporation,  whether before or after the date and time of the
meeting or before or after the action to be taken by consent is effective, shall
be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.  Further, notice of the time,
place and purpose of any meeting will be deemed to be waived by any  stockholder
by attendance in person or by proxy, unless such stockholder at the beginning of
the  meeting  objects to holding  the  meeting or  transacting  business  at the

         2.6.  Fixing  of  Record  Date for  Determining  Stockholders.  For the
purpose of determining  stockholders entitled (a) to notice of or to vote at any
meeting of  stockholders  or any  adjournment  thereof,  (b) to demand a special
meeting,  or (c) to  receive  payment  of any  dividend,  or in  order to make a
determination of stockholders for any other purpose,  the Board may fix a future
date as the record  date for any such  determination.  Such record date shall be
not more than 60 days,  and,  in case of a  meeting  of  stockholders,  not less
than10 days,  prior to the date on which the  particular  action  requiring such
determination  is to be taken. If no record date is fixed for the  determination
of  stockholders  entitled  to notice of or to vote a meeting,  the record  date
shall be the day  immediately  preceding the date on which notice of the meeting
is  first  given  to  stockholders.  Such a  determination  shall  apply  to any
adjournment  of the meeting  unless the Board fixes a new record date,  which it
shall do if the meeting is adjourned to a date more than 120 days after the date
fixed for the original  meeting.  If no record date is set for the determination
of  stockholders   entitled  to  receive  payment  of  any  stock,  dividend  or
distribution  (other  than  one  involving  a  purchase,   redemption  or  other
acquisition of the Corporation's  shares), the record date shall be the date the
Board authorizes the stock dividend or distribution.  The Corporation  shall not
close its stock  transfer  books for any purpose  while any shares are listed on
any stock exchange.

         2.7.  Advance  Notice of  Business  at Annual  Meetings.  At any annual
meeting of the stockholders, only such business shall be conducted as shall have
been  properly  brought  before the meeting.  To be brought  properly  before an
annual  meeting,  business must be either (1) specified in the notice of meeting
(or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction of the President or the
Board, (2) otherwise  properly brought before the meeting by or at the direction
of the Board,  or (3) properly  brought before the meeting by a stockholder.  In
addition  to any other  applicable  requirements,  for  business  to be  brought
properly before an annual meeting by a stockholder,  the  stockholder  must have
given  timely  notice  thereof  in  writing to the  Secretary.  To be timely,  a
stockholder's  notice  must  be  delivered  to or  mailed  and  received  at the
principal  executive  offices of the corporation by the close of business on the
Advance Notice Date (as defined below).  A stockholder's  notice shall set forth
as to each matter the  stockholder  proposes to bring before the annual  meeting
(1) a brief  description of the business desired to be brought before the annual


meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the annual meeting,  (2)
the name and record address of the stockholder proposing such business,  (3) the
class and number of shares of the corporation that are beneficially owned by the
stockholder and (4) any material interest of the stockholder in such business.

         For the purposes of these  Bylaws,  the "Advance  Notice Date" shall be
one of the following:

         (a) in the case of an annual  meeting only, the date 75 days before the
anniversary date of the prior year's meeting, if (i) there was an annual meeting
in the prior year and (ii) the date of the current  year's annual meeting is not
more  than 30 days  before  or after the  anniversary  date of the prior  year's
annual meeting; or

         (b) if clause (a) does not apply, the date 45 days prior to the date of
the  current  year's  annual  meeting or a special  meeting if at least 60 days'
notice or prior  public  disclosure  of the date of the  current  year's  annual
meeting or the special meeting is given or made; or

         (c) if neither  clause (a) nor  clause  (b)  applies,  the date 15 days
after the day on which notice of the date of the current  year's annual  meeting
or the special meeting was mailed or public disclosure was made.

         Notwithstanding  anything in these Bylaws to the contrary,  no business
shall  be  conducted  at the  annual  meeting  except  in  accordance  with  the
procedures  set forth in this Section 2.7,  provided,  however,  that nothing in
this Section 2.7 shall be deemed to preclude  discussion by any  stockholder  of
any business  properly brought before the annual meeting in accordance with said

         The  Chairman  of an  annual  meeting  shall,  if  the  facts  warrant,
determine  and declare to the meeting that  business  was not  properly  brought
before the  meeting  in  accordance  with the  foregoing  procedure,  and if the
chairman should so determine,  he or she shall so declare to the meeting and any
such business not properly brought before the meeting shall not be transacted.

         2.8. Voting List. The officer who has charge of the stock ledger of the
corporation  shall  prepare and make or have made, at least 10 days before every
meeting of stockholders, a complete list of the stockholders entitled to vote at
the meeting,  arranged in  alphabetical  order,  and showing the address of each
stockholder and the number of shares registered in the name of each stockholder.
Nothing  contained  in this section  shall  require the  corporation  to include
electronic mail addresses or other electronic contact information on such list.

          Such list shall be open to the  examination of any stockholder for any
purpose  germane  to the  meeting  for a period of at least 10 days prior to the
meeting: (i) on a reasonably  accessible  electronic network,  provided that the
information  required to gain access to such list is provided with the notice of
the meeting,  or (ii) during ordinary  business hours, at the principal place of
business of the  corporation.  In the event that the  corporation  determines to
make the list  available on an  electronic  network,  the  corporation  may take
reasonable   steps  to  ensure  that  such  information  is  available  only  to
stockholders of the corporation.  If the meeting is to be held at a place,  then
the list shall be produced and kept at the time and place of the meeting  during
the whole time thereof and may be inspected by any  stockholder  who is present.
If the meeting is to be held solely by means of remote  communication,  then the
list shall also be open to the examination of any  stockholder  during the whole
time of the  meeting on a  reasonably  accessible  electronic  network,  and the


information  required to access  such list shall be provided  with the notice of
the  meeting.  The stock  ledger  shall be the only  evidence  as to who are the
stockholders  entitled  by this  section to examine the stock  ledger,  the list
required by this section or the books and records of the  corporation or to vote
in person or by proxy at any meeting of stockholders.

         2.9. Quorum.  Except with respect to any greater requirement  contained
in the Certificate of Incorporation or the DGCL, one-third of the votes entitled
to be  cast  on a  matter  by  the  holders  of  shares  that,  pursuant  to the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  or the DGCL, are entitled to vote and be counted
collectively  upon  such  matter,  represented  in  person  or by  proxy,  shall
constitute  a quorum of such shares at a meeting of  stockholders.  If less than
the required  number of such votes are  represented at a meeting,  a majority of
the votes so represented may adjourn the meeting from time to time. Any business
may be transacted at a reconvened meeting that might have been transacted at the
meeting as originally  called,  provided a quorum is present or  represented  at
such  meeting.  Once a share is  represented  for any purpose at a meeting other
than  solely to object to holding  the meeting or  transacting  business,  it is
deemed  present for quorum  purposes  for the  remainder  of the meeting and any
adjournment  (unless  a new  record  date is or  must  be set for the  adjourned
meeting),  notwithstanding  the withdrawal of enough  stockholders to leave less
than a quorum.

         2.10.  Manner Of  Acting.  If a quorum is  present,  action on a matter
other than the  election  of  Directors  shall be  approved if the votes cast in
favor of the action by the shares  entitled to vote and be counted  collectively
upon such  matter  exceed  the votes  cast  against  such  action by the  shares
entitled to vote and be counted collectively thereon,  unless the Certificate of
Incorporation  or the DGCL  requires  a  greater  number of  affirmative  votes.
Whenever the DGCL permits a Corporation's Bylaws to specify that a lesser number
of shares than would otherwise be required shall suffice to approve an action by
stockholders,  these Bylaws hereby specify that the number of shares required to
approve such an action shall be such lesser number.

         2.11.  Proxies.  A stockholder may vote by proxy executed in writing by
the stockholder or by his or her  attorney-in-fact or agent. Such proxy shall be
effective when received by the Secretary or other officer or agent authorized to
tabulate  votes.  A proxy  shall  become  invalid 3 years  after the date of its
execution,  unless  otherwise  provided in the proxy.  A proxy with respect to a
specified  meeting  shall entitle its holder to vote at any  reconvened  meeting
following  adjournment  of such  meeting  but shall not be valid after the final

         2.12.  Voting  Shares.   Except  as  provided  in  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  each outstanding share entitled to vote with respect to a matter
submitted to a meeting of  stockholders  shall be entitled to one vote upon such

         2.13. Voting for Directors.

                  2.13.1.  Except as otherwise  required by law, directors shall
be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at a meeting of  stockholders by the
holders of shares entitled to vote in the election.

                  2.13.2. Whenever any corporate action, other than the election
of directors, is to be taken by vote of the stockholders at a meeting, it shall,
except as otherwise  required by law or the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  be
authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereat, in person or by proxy.


         2.14.  Conduct  of  Meeting.  Meetings  of the  stockholders  shall  be
presided  over by one of the  following  officers in the order  specified and if
present and acting: the Chairman of the Board, the President,  or if none of the
foregoing  is in office and  present and acting,  a chairman  designated  by the
Board  or,  in the  absence  of  such  designation,  a  chairman  chosen  by the
stockholders at the meeting. The Secretary of the Corporation, if present, shall
act as  secretary  of every  meeting,  but if the  Secretary  is not present the
chairman of the meeting shall appoint a secretary of the meeting.

         The Board may adopt such  rules,  regulations  and  procedures  for the
conduct of the meeting of stockholders as it shall deem  appropriate.  Except to
the extent inconsistent with such rules and regulations as adopted by the Board,
the chairman of the meeting shall have the right and authority to prescribe such
rules, regulations and procedures and to do all such acts as, in the judgment of
such  chairman,  are  appropriate  for the proper  conduct of the meeting.  Such
rules, regulations or procedures,  whether adopted by the Board or prescribed by
the  chairman  of  the  meeting,  may  include,  without  limitation,   (i)  the
establishment of an agenda or order of business for the meeting,  (ii) rules and
procedures for maintaining order at the meeting and the safety of those present,
(iii)   limitations  on  attendance  at  or  participation  in  the  meeting  to
stockholders of record of the Corporation, their duly authorized and constituted
proxies or such other  persons as the chairman of the meeting  shall  determine,
(iv)  restrictions  on  entry  to the  meeting  after  the  time  fixed  for the
commencement  thereof,  and (v) limitations on the time allotted to questions or
comments by  participants.  Unless and to the extent  determined by the Board or
the chairman of the meeting,  meetings of stockholders  shall not be required to
be held in accordance with the rules of parliamentary procedure.

         2.15. Action Without A Meeting.  Whenever  stockholders are required or
permitted  to take any action at a meeting or by vote,  such action may be taken
without a  meeting,  without  prior  notice  and  without a vote,  by consent in
writing setting forth the action so taken,  signed by the holders of outstanding
shares having not less than the minimum  number of votes that would be necessary
to  authorize  or take such action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled to
vote  thereon  were  present  and  voted.  Prompt  notice  of the  taking of the
corporate action without a meeting by less than unanimous  written consent shall
be given to those stockholders who have not consented in writing.

         2.16. Inspectors of Election.

                  2.16.1.  The Chairman of any meeting of the  stockholders  may
appoint one or more Inspectors of Election ("Inspectors").  Any Inspector may be
removed, and a new Inspector or Inspectors appointed, by the Board at any time.

                  2.16.2.  The  Inspectors  need  not  be  stockholders  of  the
Corporation,  and any director or officer of the Corporation may be an Inspector
on any  question  other than a vote for or against his  election to any position
with  the  Corporation  or on any  other  matter  in  which  he may be  directly

                  2.16.3.  Any  Inspector  so appointed to act at any meeting of
the stockholders, before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, shall
take and sign an oath  faithfully  to execute  the duties of  Inspector  at such
meeting  with  strict  impartiality,  and  according  to the  best of his or her


                  2.16.4. The Inspectors shall determine the number of shares of
stock  outstanding and the voting power of each, the shares of stock represented
at the meeting,  the existence of a quorum,  the validity and effect of proxies,
hear and determine all challenges and questions  arising in connection  with the
right to vote,  decide  upon the  qualifications  of voters,  accept,  count and
tabulate all votes and ballots (if any),  declare the results of such vote,  and
do such acts as are proper to conduct the election or vote with  fairness to all
stockholders entitled to vote thereat.

                  2.16.5.  Unless waived by vote of the stockholders pursuant to
these  Bylaws,  the  Inspectors  shall deliver to the secretary of the meeting a
certificate  stating the number of shares of stock  issued and  outstanding  and
entitled  to vote  thereon  and the number of shares  voted for and  against the
question,  respectively, as well as any challenge, question or matter determined
by him or them at such meeting.


         3.1.  General  Powers.  All  corporate  powers shall be exercised by or
under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the Corporation shall be
managed under the direction of, the Board,  except as may be otherwise  provided
in these Bylaws, the Certificate of Incorporation or the DGCL.

         3.2.  Number and  Tenure.  The Board shall be composed of not less than
one nor more  than nine  Directors.  At each  annual  meeting  of  stockholders,
directors  shall be elected to serve until the next annual  meeting or until his
or her  resignation  or removal.  At each  meeting of the  stockholders  for the
election of directors at which a quorum is present,  the persons  receiving  the
greatest  number of votes,  up to the number of directors to be elected,  of the
stockholders present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote thereon shall be
the directors;  provided, however, that for purposes of such vote no stockholder
shall be allowed to cumulate his votes.  Election of directors  may be conducted
in any manner approved at such meeting.

         3.3. Annual and Regular Meetings. An annual Board meeting shall be held
without notice  immediately after and at the same place as the annual meeting of
stockholders. By resolution the Board, or any committee designated by the Board,
may specify the time and place for holding regular meetings without notice other
than such resolution.

         3.4. Special  Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board or any committee
designated  by the Board may be called by or at the  request of the  Chairman of
the  Board,  the  President,  the  Secretary  or, in the case of  special  Board
meetings,  any  one-third or more of the Directors in office and, in the case of
any special  meeting of any committee  designated by the Board, by its Chairman.
The person or persons  authorized to call special meetings may fix any place for
holding any special Board or committee meeting called by them.

         3.5. Meetings by Communications Equipment.  Members of the Board or any
committee  designated by the Board may participate in a meeting of such Board or
committee  by,  or  conduct  the  meeting  through  the use  of,  any  means  of
communication by which all Directors  participating in the meeting can hear each
other during the meeting.  Participation by such means shall constitute presence
in person at a meeting.

         3.6. Notice Of Special Meetings. Notice of a special Board or committee
meeting  stating  the  place,  day and hour of the  meeting  shall be given to a
Director in writing or orally.  Neither the business to be transacted at nor the


purpose of any special  meeting need be specified in the notice of such meeting.
It shall be deemed  sufficient  notice to a director  to send  notice by mail at
least  five days  before  the  meeting,  or by fax at least two days  before the

         3.7. Waiver of Notice.

                  3.7.1. In Writing. Whenever any notice is required to be given
to any  Director  under the  provisions  of these  Bylaws,  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation or the DGCL, a waiver thereof in writing,  signed by the person or
persons entitled to such notice and delivered to the Corporation, whether before
or after the date and time of the  meeting,  shall be deemed  equivalent  to the
giving of such notice.  Neither the business to be transacted at nor the purpose
of any regular or special  meeting of the Board or any  committee  designated by
the Board need be specified in the waiver of notice of such meeting.

                  3.7.2.   By   Attendance.   A  Director's   attendance  at  or
participation  in a Board or  committee  meeting  shall  constitute  a waiver of
notice of such meeting,  unless the Director at the beginning of the meeting, or
promptly upon his or her arrival,  objects to holding the meeting or transacting
business at such  meeting and does not  thereafter  vote for or assent to action
taken at the meeting.

         3.8. Quorum.

                  3.8.1.  A majority of the number of  Directors  fixed by or in
the  manner  provided  in  these  Bylaws  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the
transaction  of  business at any Board  meeting,  except that when the number of
Directors constituting the whole Board shall be an even number, one-half of that
number  shall  constitute  a quorum.  If less than a majority  are  present at a
meeting,  a majority of the Directors  present may adjourn the meeting from time
to time without further notice.

                  3.8.2.  A majority of the number of  Directors  composing  any
committee of the Board,  as  established  and fixed by  resolution of the Board,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of such
committee  but, if less than a majority are present at a meeting,  a majority of
such  Directors  present  may adjourn the  committee  meeting  from time to time
without further notice.

         3.9.  Manner of Acting.  If a quorum is present when the vote is taken,
the act of the majority of the Directors present at a Board or committee meeting
shall be the act of the Board or such  committee,  unless  the vote of a greater
number is required by these Bylaws,  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or the

         3.10.  Presumption  of Assent.  A Director  of the  Corporation  who is
present at a Board or  committee  meeting at which any action is taken  shall be
deemed to have  assented to the action taken unless (a) the Director  objects at
the  beginning of the  meeting,  or promptly  upon the  Director's  arrival,  to
holding  the  meeting or  transacting  any  business  at such  meeting,  (b) the
Director's dissent or abstention from the action taken is entered in the minutes
of the meeting,  or (c) the Director  delivers  written notice of the Director's
dissent  or  abstention  to the  presiding  officer  of the  meeting  before its
adjournment or to the Corporation  within a reasonable time after adjournment of
the meeting.  The right of dissent or  abstention is not available to a Director
who votes in favor of the action taken.


         3.11. Action by Board or Committees Without a Meeting.  Any action that
could be taken at a meeting  of the  Board or of any  committee  created  by the
Board may be taken  without a meeting if one or more  written  consents  setting
forth  the  action  so taken  are  signed  by each of the  Directors  or by each
committee member either before or after the action is taken and delivered to the
Corporation.  Action taken by written consent of Directors  without a meeting is
effective when the last Director signs the consent, unless the consent specifies
a later effective date. Any such written consent shall be inserted in the minute
book as if it were the minutes of a Board or a committee meeting.

         3.12.  Resignation.  Any  Director  may  resign  from the  Board or any
committee  of the  Board  at any  time  by  delivering  either  oral  tender  of
resignation at any meeting of the Board or any  committee,  or written notice to
the Chairman of the Board,  the President,  the Secretary or the Board. Any such
resignation is effective upon delivery  thereof unless the notice of resignation
specifies a later effective date and, unless otherwise  specified  therein,  the
acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

         3.13.  Removal.  At a meeting of stockholders called expressly for that
purpose,  one or more members of the Board,  including the entire Board,  may be
removed with or without cause (unless the  Certificate of  Incorporation  permit
removal  for cause  only) by the  holders  of the shares  entitled  to elect the
Director  or  Directors  whose  removal is sought if the number of votes cast to
remove the Director exceeds the number of votes cast not to remove the Director.

         3.14. Vacancies.  If a vacancy occurs on the Board, including a vacancy
resulting  from an increase in the number of  Directors,  the Board may fill the
vacancy,  or, if the Directors in office  constitute  fewer than a quorum of the
Board,  they may fill the vacancy by the  affirmative  vote of a majority of all
the Directors in office.  The  stockholders may fill a vacancy only if there are
no Directors in office.  A Director  elected to fill a vacancy  shall serve only
until the next election of Directors by the stockholders.

         3.15. Executive and Other Committees.

                  3.15.1.  Creation  Of  Committees.  The Board,  by  resolution
adopted by the  greater of a majority  of the  Directors  then in office and the
number of Directors required to take action in accordance with these Bylaws, may
create standing or temporary committees,  including an Executive Committee,  and
appoint  members from its own number and invest such committees with such powers
as it may see fit, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Board,
the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  these  Bylaws  and  applicable  law.  Each
committee must have two or more members,  who shall serve at the pleasure of the

                  3.15.2. Authority of Committees. Each Committee shall have and
may  exercise  all the  authority  of the Board to the  extent  provided  in the
resolution of the Board  creating the committee and any  subsequent  resolutions
adopted in like manner,  except that no such committee  shall have the authority
to:  (1)  authorize  or approve a  distribution  except  according  to a general
formula  or method  prescribed  by the  Board,  (2)  approve  or to  propose  to
stockholders  actions  or  proposals  required  by the  DGCL to be  approved  by
stockholders,  (3) fill  vacancies on the Board or any  committee  thereof,  (4)
amend the  Certificate of  Incorporation  pursuant to DGCL, (5) adopt,  amend or
repeal Bylaws, (6) approve a plan of merger not requiring  stockholder approval,
or (7) authorize or approve the issuance or sale of contract for sale of shares,


or determine the designation and relative rights, preferences and limitations of
a class or series of shares except that the Board may authorize a committee or a
senior executive officer of the Corporation to do so within limits  specifically
prescribed by the Board.

                  3.15.3. Minutes of Meetings. All committees shall keep regular
minutes of their  meetings and shall cause them to be recorded in books kept for
that purpose.

                  3.15.4.  Removal.  The  Board  may  remove  any  member of any
committee  elected or  appointed by it but only by the  affirmative  vote of the
greater of a majority of  Directors  then in office and the number of  Directors
required to take action in accordance with these Bylaws.

         3.16.  Compensation.  By  Board  resolution,  Directors  and  committee
members may be paid either  expenses,  if any,  of  attendance  at each Board or
committee  meeting,  or a fixed sum for  attendance  at each Board or  committee
meeting,  or a stated salary as Director or a committee member, or a combination
of the  foregoing.  No such  payment  shall  preclude  any Director or committee
member  from  serving  the  Corporation  in any  other  capacity  and  receiving
compensation therefore.

         3.17. Qualification of Directors. A director need not be a stockholder,
a citizen of the United States or a resident of the State of Delaware.

         3.18. Interest of Director in a Transaction.

                  3.18.1. No contract or transaction between the Corporation and
one or more of its  directors or officers,  or between the  Corporation  and any
other corporation,  partnership,  association or other organization in which one
or more of its  directors  or officers  are  directors  or  officers,  or have a
financial interest,  shall be void or voidable solely for this reason, or solely
because the director or officer is present at or  participates in the meeting of
the Board or committee thereof which authorized the contract or transaction,  or
solely because his or their votes are counted for such purpose, if:

                  (a) The material facts as to his  relationship or interest and
as to the  contract or  transaction  are  disclosed or are known to the Board of
Directors  or the  committee,  and  the  Board  or  committee,  in  good  faith,
authorizes the contract or transaction by the affirmative  vote of a majority of
the disinterested  directors,  even though the  disinterested  directors be less
than as quorum; or

                  (b) The material facts as to his  relationship or interest and
as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are known to the stockholders
entitled to vote  thereon,  and the  contract  or  transaction  is  specifically
approved, in good faith, by vote of the stockholders; or

                  (c) The contract or transaction is fair as to the  Corporation
as of  the  time  it is  authorized,  approved  or  ratified,  by the  Board  of
Directors, a committee thereof, or the stockholders.

                  3.18.2.  Common or  interested  directors  may be  counted  in
determining  the  presence of a quorum at a meeting of the Board of Directors or
of a committee which authorized the contract or transaction.



         4.1.  Appointment  and Term. The officers of the  Corporation  shall be
those officers  appointed from time to time by the Board or by any other officer
empowered  to do so. The Board  shall have sole power and  authority  to appoint
executive officers.  As used herein, the term "executive officer" shall mean the
President,  the chief financial officer and any other officer  designated by the
Board as an executive officer. The Board or the President may appoint such other
officers to hold office for such period,  have such  authority  and perform such
duties as may be  prescribed.  The Board may  delegate to any other  officer the
power to appoint any  subordinate  officers  and to prescribe  their  respective
terms of office,  authority  and duties.  Any two or more offices may be held by
the same person.  Unless an officer dies,  resigns or is removed from office, he
or she shall hold office until his or her successor is appointed.

         4.2.  Resignation.  Any  officer  may resign at any time by  delivering
written  notice to the  Corporation.  Any such  resignation  is  effective  upon
delivery,  unless the notice of resignation  specifies a later  effective  date,
and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be
necessary to make it effective.

         4.3. Removal. Any officer may be removed by the Board at any time, with
or without  cause.  An officer or  assistant  officer,  if  appointed by another
officer,  may be removed  at any time,  with or without  cause,  by any  officer
authorized to appoint such officer or assistant officer.

         4.4.  Contract  Rights of Officers.  The appointment of an officer does
not itself create contract rights.

         4.5.  Chairman of the Board.  If  appointed,  the Chairman of the Board
shall  perform  such duties as shall be assigned to him or her by the Board from
time to time,  and shall  preside  over  meetings of the Board and  stockholders
unless  another  officer is appointed or  designated by the Board of Chairman of
such meetings.

         4.6. Chief Executive Officer and President. The Chief Executive Officer
and  President of the  Corporation  shall have the general  powers and duties of
supervision and management usually vested in that position of a corporation. The
Chief  Executive  Officer and  President  shall  preside at all  meetings of the
stockholders  if present  thereat,  and in the  absence or  non-election  of the
Chairman of the Board of  Directors,  at all meetings of the Board of Directors,
and shall have general supervision, direction and control of the business of the
corporation.  Except as the Board of Directors  shall  authorize  the  execution
thereof in some other manner,  the Chief  Executive  Officer and President shall
execute bonds,  mortgages and other contracts in behalf of the corporation,  and
shall cause the seal to be affixed to any  instrument  requiring  it and when so
affixed the seal shall be  attested  by the  signature  of the  Secretary  or an
Assistant Secretary.

        4.7.  Chief  Operating  Officer.  In the event of the death of the Chief
Executive  Officer or his or her inability to act, the Chief  Operating  Officer
hall perform the duties of the Chief Executive Officer, except as may be limited
by  resolution  of the  Board,  with all the  powers  of and  subject  to all he
restrictions upon the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Operating Officer shall
perform  such other  duties as from time to time may be  assigned to them by the
Chief Executive Officer or by or at the direction of the Board.


         4.8.  Secretary.  If appointed,  the Secretary shall be responsible for
preparation  of  minutes  of  the  meetings  of  the  Board  and   stockholders,
maintenance of the Corporation  records and stock registers,  and authentication
of the Corporation's  records,  and shall in general perform all duties incident
to the office of  Secretary  and such  other  duties as from time to time may be
assigned to him or her by the  President or by or at the direction of the Board.
In the absence of the Secretary,  an Assistant  Secretary may perform the duties
of the Secretary.

         4.9.  Treasurer.  If  appointed,  the  Treasurer  shall have charge and
custody of and be responsible  for all funds and securities of the  Corporation,
receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Corporation from any
source whatsoever, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the Corporation in
banks,  trust  companies or other  depositories  selected in accordance with the
provisions of these Bylaws,  and in general  perform all the duties  incident to
the  office  of  Treasurer  and such  other  duties  as from time to time may be
assigned to him or her by the  President or by or at the direction of the Board.
In the absence of the Treasurer,  an Assistant  Treasurer may perform the duties
of the Treasurer.

         4.10.  Salaries.  The salaries of the officers shall be fixed from time
to time by the Board or by any person or persons to whom the Board has delegated
such  authority.  No officer shall be prevented  from  receiving  such salary by
reason of the fact that he or she is also a Director of the Corporation.


         5.1.  Issuance of Shares.  No shares of the Corporation shall be issued
unless authorized by the Board, or by a committee designated by the Board to the
extent such committee is empowered to do so.

         5.2. Certificates for Shares.  Certificates  representing shares of the
Corporation shall be signed,  either manually or in facsimile,  by the President
or any Vice  President and by the  Treasurer or any  Assistant  Treasurer or the
Secretary or any  Assistant  Secretary  and shall  include on their face written
notice of any restrictions  that may be imposed on the  transferability  of such
shares.   All  certificates   shall  be  consecutively   numbered  or  otherwise

         Notwithstanding  the foregoing  provisions  regarding  certificates for
stock,  the Board may provide by resolution or  resolutions  that some or all of
any or all classes or series of the Corporation's  stock be uncertificated.  Any
such  resolution  shall not apply to shares  represented by a certificate  until
such  certificate is surrendered  to the  Corporation  (or the transfer agent or
registrar, as the case may be).

         5.3.  Stock  Records.  The stock  transfer  books  shall be kept at the
principal  office  at the  Corporation  or at the  office  of the  Corporation's
transfer   agent  or  registrar.   The  name  and  address  of  each  person  to
whom]certificates  for shares are issued,  together with the class and number of
shares represented by each such certificate and the date of issue thereof, shall
be entered on the stock transfer books of the  Corporation.  The person in whose
name  shares  stand on the  books of the  Corporation  shall  be  deemed  by the
Corporation to be the owner thereof for all purposes.

         5.4. Transfer of Shares of Stock. Subject to the restrictions,  if any,
stated  or  noted  on  the  stock  certificates,  transfers  of  shares  of  the
Corporation  shall be made only on the stock transfer  books of the  Corporation
pursuant to  authorization  or document of transfer made by the holder of record


thereof or by his or her legal representative, who shall furnish proper evidence
of authority to transfer, or by his or her attorney-in-fact  authorized by power
of attorney duly executed and filed with the Secretary of the  Corporation.  All
certificates  surrendered to the  Corporation for transfer shall be canceled and
no new  certificate  shall be issued  until the former  certificates  for a like
number of shares shall have been surrendered and canceled. Uncertificated shares
of stock may be transferred in accordance with such rules and regulations as the
Chairman of the Board,  the President,  or any Vice President,  the Treasurer or
the Secretary of the Corporation may deem expedient concerning such transfer.

         5.5. Lost or Destroyed  Certificates.  In the case of a lost, destroyed
or damaged  certificate,  a new  certificate (or  uncertificated  shares) may be
issued in its place  upon such terms and  indemnity  to the  Corporation  as the
Board may prescribe.


         6.1.  Action by Others.  The Corporation (1) shall indemnify any person
who was or is a party or is  threatened  to be made a party  to any  threatened,
pending or  completed  action,  suit or  proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,
administrative or investigative  (other than an action by or in the right of the
Corporation)  by reason of the fact  that he or she is or was a  Director  or an
officer of the Corporation  and (2) except as otherwise  required by Section 6.3
of this Article, may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened
to be made a party to any  threatened,  pending  or  completed  action,  suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than
an action by or in the right of the  Corporation)  by reason of the fact that he
or she is or was an employee or agent of the  Corporation,  or is or was serving
at the request of the Corporation as a Director,  officer, employee, agent of or
participant in another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, trust or other
enterprise,  against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments,  fines and
amounts actually and reasonably  incurred by such person in connection with such
action,  suit or  proceeding if he or she acted in good faith and in a manner he
or she reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
Corporation,  and with  respect to any  criminal  action or  proceeding,  had no
reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.  The termination of
any action, suit or proceeding by judgment,  order, settlement,  conviction,  or
upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a
presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which such
person reasonably] believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
Corporation,  and,  with  respect  to any  criminal  action or  proceeding,  had
reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful.

         6.2.  Actions by or in the Right of the  Corporation.  The  Corporation
shall  indemnify  any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a
party to any threatened,  pending or completed action or suit by or in the right
of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact that
he or she is or was a Director,  officer,  employee or agent of the Corporation,
or is or was serving at the request of the  Corporation as a Director,  officer,
employee,  agent of or participant in another  corporation,  partnership,  joint
venture,  trust or other enterprise against expenses (including attorneys' fees)
actually and reasonably  incurred by such person in connection  with the defense
or  settlement  of such action or suit if he or she acted in good faith and in a
manner  he or she  reasonably  believed  to be in or  not  opposed  to the  best
interests of the Corporation and except that no indemnification shall be made in
respect of any claim,  issue or matter as to which such  person  shall have been
adjudged to be liable for gross  negligence or misconduct in the  performance of
his or her  duty to the  Corporation  unless  and  only to the  extent  that the


Delaware Court of Chancery or the court in which such action or suit was brought
shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but
in view of all  the  circumstances  of the  case,  such  person  is  fairly  and
reasonably  entitled to indemnity for such expenses  which the Delaware Court of
Chancery or such other court shall deem proper.

         6.3. Successful Defense. To the extent that it is determined by a final
judicial determination that a person who is or was a Director, officer, employee
or agent of the  Corporation  has been  successful on the merits or otherwise in
defense of any action,  suit or proceeding referred to in Section 6.1 or Section
6.2 of this Article,  or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein,  such
person shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorneys' fees)actually
and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection therewith.

         6.4. Specific  Authorization.  Any indemnification under Section 6.1 or
Section 6.2 of this  Article  (unless  ordered by a court)  shall be made by the
Corporation  only as authorized in the specific case upon a  determination  that
indemnification  of the  Director,  officer,  employee or agent is proper in the
circumstances because such person has met the applicable standard of conduct set
forth in said Sections 6.1 and 6.2. Such determination  shall be made (1) by the
Board  by a  majority  vote of a quorum  consisting  of  Directors  who were not
parties  to such  action,  suit or  proceeding,  or (2) if such a quorum  is not
obtainable,  or,  even if  obtainable  a quorum of  disinterested  Directors  so
directs,  by  independent  legal  counsel  in a written  opinion,  or (3) by the

         6.5. Advance of Expenses.  Expenses incurred by any person who may have
a right of  indemnification  under this Article in defending a civil or criminal
action,  suit or  proceeding  may be paid by the  Corporation  in advance of the
final disposition of such action,  suit or proceeding as authorized by the Board
in the  specific  case upon  receipt  of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of the
Director, officer, employee or agent to repay such amount if it shall ultimately
be  finally  judicially  determined  that  he  or  she  is  not  entitled  to be
indemnified by the Corporation pursuant to this Article.

         6.6. Right of Indemnity Not Exclusive.  The indemnification provided by
this  Article  shall not be deemed  exclusive of any other rights to which those
seeking  indemnification  may be entitled  under any bylaw,  agreement,  vote of
stockholders or disinterested  Directors or otherwise,  both as to action in his
or her official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such
office,  and shall  continue  as to a person  who has  ceased to be a  Director,
officer,  employee  or agent  and  shall  inure  to the  benefit  of the  heirs,
executors and administrators of such a person.

         6.7. Insurance.  The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance on
behalf of any person who is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the
Corporation,  or is or was  serving  at the  request  of  the  Corporation  as a
Director,  officer,  employee or agent of or participant in another corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture,  trust or other  enterprise  against any liability
asserted against him or her and incurred by him or her in any such capacity,  or
arising  out of such  person's  status as such,  whether or not the  Corporation
would have the power to indemnify  him or her against such  liability  under the
provisions of this Article, Section 145 of the DGCL or otherwise.


         6.8.  Invalidity of Any  Provisions of This Article.  The invalidity or
unenforceability  of any provision of this Article shall not affect the validity
or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Article.


         These Bylaws may be altered,  amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be
adopted  by the Board,  except  that the Board may not repeal or amend any Bylaw
that the  stockholders  have expressly  provided,  in amending or repealing such
Bylaw,  may not be amended or repealed by the Board.  The  stockholders may also
alter, amend and repeal these Bylaws or adopt new Bylaws. All Bylaws made by the
Board may be amended, repealed, altered or modified by the stockholders.


         8.1. Fiscal Year.  Except as otherwise  designated from time to time by
the Board , the fiscal year of the  Corporation  shall begin on the first day of
January and end on the last day of December.

         8.2.  Corporate Seal. The corporate seal shall be in such form as shall
be approved by the Board.  The Secretary shall be the custodian of the seal, and
a  duplicate  seal may be kept and  used by any  other  officer  the  Board  may

         8.3.  Certificate of  Incorporation.  All references in these Bylaws to
the Certificate of Incorporation  shall be deemed to refer to the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Corporation, as in effect from time to time.

         8.4.  Execution of  Instruments.  The President and the Secretary shall
have power to execute and  deliver on behalf and in the name of the  Corporation
any  instrument  requiring  the  signature  of an  officer  of the  Corporation,
including deeds, contracts,  mortgages, bonds, notes, debentures, checks, drafts
and other orders for the payment of money. In addition, the Board, the President
and the  Secretary  may  expressly  delegate such powers to any other officer or
agent of the Corporation.

         8.5.  Voting of Securities.  The President and the Secretary,  and each
other person authorized by the Board,  each acting singly,  may waive notice of,
and  act  as,  or  appoint   any   person  or  persons  to  act  as,   proxy  or
attorney-in-fact for this Corporation (with or without power of substitution) at
any  meeting  of  stockholders  or  owners  of  other  interests  of  any  other
corporation  or  organization  the  securities  of  which  may be  held  by this
Corporation.  In  addition,  the  Board,  the  President  or the  Secretary  may
expressly delegate such powers to any other officer or agent of the Corporation.

         8.6.  Evidence  of  Authority.  A  certificate  by the  Secretary  or a
temporary  secretary as to any action taken by the  stockholders,  directors,  a
committee or any officer or representative  of the Corporation  shall, as to all
persons who rely on the  certificate  in good faith,  be conclusive  evidence of
that action.

         8.7.  Transactions with Interested  Parties. No contract or transaction
between the Corporation and one or more of the directors or officers, or between
the Corporation  and any other  corporation,  partnership,  association or other


organization  in which one or more of the directors or officers are directors or
officers or have a financial interest, shall be void or voidable solely for that
reason or solely  because the director or officer is present at or  participates
in the  meeting of the Board or a  committee  of the Board that  authorizes  the
contract  or  transaction  or solely  because  the vote of any such  director is
counted for such purpose, if:

                  (a) The material facts as to the  relationship or interest and
as to the  contract or  transaction  are  disclosed or are known to the Board or
such committee, and the Board or committee in good faith authorizes the contract
or  transaction  by the  affirmative  votes of a majority  of the  disinterested
directors, even though the disinterested directors be less than a quorum; or

                  (b) The material facts as to the  relationship or interest and
as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are known to the stockholders
entitled to vote  thereon,  and the  contract  or  transaction  is  specifically
approved in good faith by vote of the stockholders; or

                  (c) The contract or transaction is fair to the  Corporation as
of the time it is authorized,  approved or ratified by the Board, a committee of
the Board or the stockholders.

         Common or  interested  directors  may be  counted  in  determining  the
presence of a quorum at a meeting of the Board or of a committee that authorizes
the contract or transaction.

         8.8. Books and Records.  The books and records of the Corporation shall
be kept at such places  within or without the State of Delaware as the Board may
from time to time determine.


                            CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY

                  I, the undersigned, do hereby certify:

                  1. That I am the duly  elected and acting  secretary  of China
Pharma Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation; and

                  2. That the foregoing Amended and Restated Bylaws,  comprising
fifteen (15) pages, constitute the Bylaws of said corporation as duly adopted by
the board of directors of said corporation by a Unanimous  Written Consent dated
as of February 1, 2008.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto  subscribed my name and
affixed the seal of said corporation this 1st day of February 2008.

                                                         /s/ JianYang
                                                         Jian Yang, Secretary
